
yellandtell t1_jdzxx22 wrote

I recommend creating a budget and factor in a buffer of $250/month to cover expenses higher than you projected.

Food, electricity, and water are very expensive in the Seattle area. If you can find an apartment that includes utilities, that may help stabilize your budget. Transportation and gas are also expensive here.

Congrats on the job! Hopefully this is the start of increased earnings for you. Good luck!


yellandtell t1_iwf5xww wrote

Racist or not, it's a fact. White people in Europe don't want guns, not do most white people in cities. It's these rednecks who are slowing down any meaning legislation. And use stupid logic like well the bad guys will find guns or guns don't pull the trigger people do. Or it's actually really hard to get a gun.

I could go down the street RN and have a gun by the end of the week. I could probably find a subreddit and have a fun by tomorrow tbh.

Saying it's hard to get a gun in America is quite silly and such responses can only be met with "you are a redneck." Because only a red neck would say such non sense.


yellandtell t1_iwdg64a wrote

Poor parents can be great parents.

Rich parents can be poor parents.

The two are certainly mutually exclusive. But if we keep making excuses for poor parenting and blaming the system, then we have a real issue. As an immigrant born to parents much much much poorer than the average American I can attest to it.


yellandtell t1_iwaraeu wrote

Not sure we can legislate mental health out of existence, but we can certainly stop people from bringing guns to school by adopting stronger gun control laws.

I am agreeing that we should ban people from bringing guns to schools, I'm just providing a more plausible solution than banning mental health. But I do agree we need more mental health treatment. Maybe instead of bailing out airlines, farming, and banks we bail out everyone that needs mental healthcare. Better yet, since we printing trillions of dollars to help banks and the economy, we could print $50B to provide mental healthcare to veterans and teenagers. Just simple solutions that I think most can agree on.

Edited some bad typos...


yellandtell t1_iwaoe1r wrote

It's the right do we stop guns from coming to school?

Limit access to do we limit access to guns?

Puts laws in place that make it harder to buy do we put laws in place?

Don't vote democrat or Republican because they have failed to address it.

In summary, we can't stop school shootings until we demand more from those who we elect to represent us, but the parties in power have failed to address it. Time for real change, not just slogans.


yellandtell OP t1_ir6hln1 wrote

Parts of the trail looked like I5 and the majority of hikers had little to no etiquette regarding passing and right of way. We avoided much of it on the way up going clockwise, but there are serious bottle necks on the way up going counter clockwise.