IrresistableCode t1_iuk9t2f wrote
Depends on the context of it and who I am with. I have called out sincerely misogynistic comments before even if it is with a person I like, but if it is clearly a joke then I ignore it.
Can-ta-loupe t1_iuk9vd0 wrote
Get violent immediately. I must protect the honor of m’lady.
[deleted] OP t1_iuk9xyw wrote
donnyganger t1_iuka19y wrote
Same thing I do when I hear them everyday, ignore them and laugh when they say it to the wrong person and it backfires.
IrresistableCode t1_iuka5bn wrote
No you didn't. Hell, the top two comments there are basically the same as what I gave.
Why bold-face lie like that when I can go and easily disprove you?
BakuTheMooneater t1_iukaaga wrote
The question was, what WOULD you do. Perhaps it's good you don't police speech since you seem to not understand it that well anyway.
Long-Arm-5201 t1_iukai0s wrote
BTW I asked the same question but with women and misandrist comments
BakuTheMooneater t1_iukajrv wrote
It depends on the context. If I'm at some bar with a bunch of chodes, I won't say anything but I'd probably just leave since it would be "their turf" for people like that. If I'm ordering food somewhere or at a store I'd say something. But I'm also the type of person that speaks up when someone is being rude or raising their voice at service people.
My_Balls_In_Your_Ass t1_iukak2k wrote
The answer is implied - nothing.
Why? Because I don't police speech.
Jesus Christ... People like you are so confident, yet so incredibly stupid.
BakuTheMooneater t1_iukamrw wrote
Very good point.
toby1jabroni t1_iukanw7 wrote
It will depend on context, like most things. There’s no one answer to this.
[deleted] OP t1_iukaoqk wrote
Long-Arm-5201 t1_iukaq0r wrote
Daym ur right
Throwableshock t1_iukaqbf wrote
Lying is distasteful
undeadexile752 t1_iukaqev wrote
I would let it go because there is this thing called free speech and its better to not entertain foolish people. People must have lower I.Q's these days because its pretty apparent that any attention is still attention and thats what shitty people seek. Its been a staple in media that even bad publicity is still publicity. You tell someone something bad about another and often times they won't stray away but instead try to find out for themselves. Look at how much media attention Ozzy Osbourne got over the claims of him biting the head off a bat.
Throwableshock t1_iukat7b wrote
0 iq comment
i_steal_napkins t1_iukauub wrote
Meh, nothing.
If it was my homeboy though? I’d sort it out with him, but any other guy? That’s his problem and if he’s doing that toward a woman? Well, that’s her problem.
I believe in her ability to handle the situation. I’ll only help a woman if a fella gets physical with her because it’s a clear mismatch. Outside of those specific parameters, that’s it.
chasinbirdies t1_iukavyw wrote
Why would I care about someone else’s views. They can say whatever they like.
Chocolatepersonname t1_iukb342 wrote
Nothing, Unless you know the context of the situation, MYOB.
DC_MEDO_still_lost t1_iukb7a4 wrote
I think the problem is that a lot of men either don't even hear it when it happens, or give the person the benefit of the doubt on intent.
Most of the guys I know would never believe they'd tolerate blatant misogyny. However, experience has shown me out on my own dealing with it, and struggling to convince them of what was going on.
Tyrone90000 t1_iukb9lc wrote
He answered it.
crankenfranken t1_iukba7b wrote
I automatically assume the person who said it is a dick. Then I upbraid myself for misandry and assume they are an asshole instead.
EvenSpoonier t1_iukbcli wrote
That depends to a certain extent on the context, but I do generally try to at least cringe.
Formal_Living_6432 t1_iukbd7b wrote
Tyrone90000 t1_iukbffq wrote
Probably nothing unless it was directed towards my wife or daughters.
BakuTheMooneater t1_iukbjwb wrote
Speaking up to hate speech isn't about control or taking anyone's freedom of speech away. It's about calling it out because of the societal damage it causes. Freedom of speech does not mean freedom from the consequences of what you said. Also, therapists don't work the way you are describing they do.
Perhaps you should take some 101 classes at your local community college so you can learn all of this information in an effective manner.
Bekmetova t1_iukbqhf wrote
If it's a man that said the comment you should laugh too loud and awkwardly to get everyone's attention. Make eye contact with the commenter and hold it while you rip a mean fart. Now go back to what you were doing but every so often turn and waft butt air at them to keep them unsettled. This is a dominance game.
Now if it's a woman who made the comment you should do the exact same thing. You aren't sexist. You treat everyone equally.
[deleted] OP t1_iukbrzi wrote
007JustinSane t1_iukby0y wrote
Is it a funny comment? Probably laugh..if its funny
tonnzfunz t1_iuk9r7c wrote
upvote it?