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mallerark t1_iz1dq0m wrote

This brings me back to my childhood where I would sit in front of the fan as a little kid making myself sound like a robot with the sound reflected back at me.


cykovisuals t1_iz206k2 wrote



Xyspade OP t1_iz20twc wrote


cykovisuals t1_iz25pxa wrote

Yeah, I know. It’s a Tommy Boy reference.


Xyspade OP t1_iz3jn0f wrote


e: Okay, OKAY, sorry I haven't seen everything. But at least I know about it now and it's better late than never, right?


dudeilovethisshit t1_iz285jp wrote

“Transformers: More Than Meets The Eeeeeeye” was my fav into-the-fan line.


DasBlueEyedDevil t1_iz2bayy wrote

Came here to post the same. It's the first fan I ever did a Darth Vader voice with


FIJIWaterGuy t1_iz4lnwk wrote

Yes we had one of those when I was a kid! I'm sure my mom threw it away at some point because it looked "old".


Xyspade OP t1_iz14pni wrote

In case anyone is going to suggest to throw these out and buy a new one because they're inefficient: both of these fans use PSC motors which is the same type of motor used in today's oscillating table fans.

The blue one draws 0.24 A/30.1 W on low and 0.37 A/46.1 W on high, and the amber one draws 0.23 A/28.5 W on low and 0.34 A/42.3 W on high. I have a modern Midea-made 12" fan I bought in 2018, it draws 0.19 A/23.9 W on low and 0.22 A/27.4 W on high. The new Midea may draw slightly less power, but the Laskos push more air on low than the Midea pushes on high, making the Laskos the winner in efficiency.

So these Lasko fans will continue to keep me cool every summer :)


Watchyousuffer t1_iz18n4i wrote

I have the brown one, they definitely move some major air. I was picking up an old GE Twin Automatic and the guy said since I like old fans he would throw in the lasko for $10. great deal, that was probably 5 years ago. every spring and summer it I run it pretty much nonstop during the day. the pair looks great, always liked the blue ones.


Xyspade OP t1_iz21e2y wrote

Gotta love when that happens! I got the blue one from an older gentleman at a flea market who had two other fans on the table, and he kept trying to talk me into the other ones but they just weren't really to my liking and I don't have much storage space.


septienes t1_iz1g1j2 wrote

I bought a Lasko in 2020 from Walmart and it crapped out on me. Nice to know they made long lasting fans.


breezywood t1_iz1qhj2 wrote

“They don’t make ‘em like they used to”


StandartUser6745 t1_izpizic wrote

They used to untill some visionary came up with "built to landfill" concept.


samaramatisse t1_iz1yjbc wrote

I recently bought some black lasko box fans to replace the three unsightly white ones I've had for 20 years since college. Unless you put your hand directly in front of the center of the airflow, you couldn't feel anything. Best I can describe is if the entire length of the blades weren't involved in moving the air, only the center-most parts did. I've since bought tower fans for two areas of the house but they don't hold up to how much air the old laskos moved.


Xyspade OP t1_iz21uk3 wrote

That's on purpose. The tip of the "petal" blades have almost no material to them, let alone pitch. This is because the motors don't have enough power to drive the blade if it were to move air across the entire area. The Lasko 20" box fans are essentially 12 or 14 inch fans.


darthkrash t1_iz1l62q wrote

OMG, I grew up with the brown one! Nostalgia...


withbellson t1_iz35ajr wrote

On the left is our house, on the right is Grandma’s house.


arbitrary-fan t1_iz1yjfm wrote

I can totally hear the 'click-chunk' sound when pressing the buttons in my head.


Xyspade OP t1_iz22xe9 wrote

They still make push-button fans, when's the last time you used one? lol


DarthTwader t1_iz2m6fd wrote

The color progression of the buttons is still so choice!


Xyspade OP t1_iz2wzp2 wrote

Some fans are still made with the gradient I believe. That's like my favorite part.


nounclejesse t1_iz3cmkz wrote

I got a blue one for my 11th birthday. Im 56 now and it's 6 feet to my left, still quiet, still great


Xyspade OP t1_iz3h7tv wrote

That's awesome. I did not exist when these were sold but I plan to keep these until I'm your age and beyond.


vegetaman t1_iz1uwdh wrote

My grandparents had a pair of the blues. Oh man this takes me back


Xyspade OP t1_iz22r78 wrote

That's sad, I hope they cheered up!


KarmaPharmacy t1_iz1c2op wrote

I’ve owned two or three lasko space heaters and they are still incredibly reliable to this day.


Xyspade OP t1_iz21ih6 wrote

Lasko is not what they used to be but they still have some solid products for sale.


MrsBeauregardless t1_iz3fxv3 wrote

I remember when the blue ones came out. I thought they were the coolest!


[deleted] t1_iz1nbux wrote

Had the amber one. You are so right about how they look and work. Thanks for sharing


Talkurt t1_iz1nxr1 wrote

I grew up with the blue one in my parents bathroom. Nice hot of nostalgia thank you.


CatsNSquirrels t1_iz2n4ih wrote

Oh me gee that blue one was my childhood fan! Hadn’t thought about it in decades.


3pxp t1_iz3522l wrote

I just got rid of one of those blue ones. It lasted 40 years.


Lyshire t1_iz3fd20 wrote

I’m watching Dumb and Dumber and the scene of the fundraiser with the blue and orange tuxedos was on. Too perfect!


notseagullpidgeon t1_iz3pdnm wrote

I had one of each colour!

I was a big fan of those fans.


sundog5631 t1_iz3pka9 wrote

I got one of the blue ones at goodwill for $8. They had a second and I’m still kicking myself for not getting both. Amazing fans!


Kairenne t1_iz4wz8v wrote

That’s where I have found mine. When I spot them I scoop them up so fast!


sundog5631 t1_iz5vwra wrote

You didn’t happen to find it at a goodwill in LA did you?


crackeddryice t1_iz1srgl wrote

My dad worked graveyard and ran a fan in his bedroom during the day to help mask the noise while he slept.

He had an old GE fan like this when I was very young, I remember it clearly, for some reason even though it was 50 years ago.

I guess at some point it gave up, because I remember later he had one like OPs, and I'm pretty sure he still had it when he died a few years ago.


Xyspade OP t1_iz22m4m wrote

Those GEs are solid too, can't go wrong with those.


Blue387 t1_iz1y9y4 wrote

Were these made in the USA?


Xyspade OP t1_iz2004n wrote

I'm not sure, I know Sanyo made a lot of the parts for these, if not the whole fan (Sanyo being a Japanese company). There exists a Sanyo model that is essentially the same thing. The Japanese fans were also top-notch in quality at the time, especially Sanyo, Panasonic and KDK.


thnk_more t1_iz1zasa wrote

Toured a foundry a couple years ago. They had these fans all over the shop running constantly. Foundries are hellish environments with lots of dust and these things just kept going and going.


Xyspade OP t1_iz232t4 wrote

I've seen these in old stores and antique malls, totally neglected. They can't be stopped.


throwawayshirt t1_iz25eun wrote

They make brown ones?!?


Xyspade OP t1_iz284sz wrote

Well, it's more amber. Amber like the color of your energy. Whoa-oh.


robofish_911 t1_iz2cx1z wrote

I have the blue one! I love it. Got it from my grandfather.. He also gave me This Fan and This Heater

there is something about the 50-70's and the quality of construction of everyday items..


Xyspade OP t1_iz2j6q0 wrote

You paid for that kind of quality though, those were expensive and would've been a major purchase. These Laskos were among the first to be affordable to the masses, and yet they were still made with enough quality to run for decades.


NOSTR0M0 t1_iz2pcz7 wrote

I had that blue one up until about 2010, mine finally got to the point that I had to turn it on and give the blade a nudge to start spinning. It was such a good fan though.


Xyspade OP t1_iz2x1ld wrote

Aw, probably just needed oil. Had a good run though.


NOSTR0M0 t1_iz2x9xx wrote

I hoped that my parents saved it after I left for the military but they left it behind when they sold the property. They did save my alarm clock though that I've had my entire life though. An ancient digital Panasonic alarm clock.


CCrabtree t1_iz30hns wrote

My Grandma had both of these in her house. In fact, she may still have them. Many a hot summer my cousin's and I sat in front of them and made funny voices.


Dry-Estimate-6545 t1_iz3dh0g wrote

I still have one of these. The blades are gray. I’m looking at it right now. It’s only hot three months of the year here but we’ve used it three months, for decades


Xyspade OP t1_iz3hf91 wrote

I forgot about the gray one. Is yours Lasko or Galaxy?


Dry-Estimate-6545 t1_iz7laha wrote

I tried to find a name on it, it just says 12” oscillating fan. Now that I look at it closer it doesn’t look exactly like yours- the center is just a large chrome disc.


Xyspade OP t1_iz89ery wrote

Maybe it's one of those brandless Taiwanese fans. It might have a make on the bottom label. I wouldn't call tose BIFL because they can get bearing issues but they have good performance.


ezmobee_work t1_iz3frxz wrote

We had the same pair, blue and tan. But ours had rattley plastic cages instead of metal. They were decidedly NOT quiet. I sure loved pushing those buttons as a kid though.


Xyspade OP t1_iz3gsdz wrote

Might yours have been the Lakewood 1200 and 1200A? Those were indeed much louder and not nearly as efficient, and nowadays the 1200A's plastic is breaking down. Lakewood made some great box fans but not so much table fans.


Jellybean1424 t1_iz3hd2g wrote

I had the one on the right in my childhood room. I remember having it from early childhood all the way through at least junior high.


craftbier t1_iz3ni64 wrote

These look great - loving the colours, the gradient buttons, and the Lasko font


Xyspade OP t1_iz3nspo wrote

Precisely everything I like about them. I specifically got the Lasko branded ones instead of the Galaxy ones for that reason, even though the Lasko ones are harder to find.


Altinova t1_iz3o08x wrote

Yep. Those are classics for sure.


Kairenne t1_iz3pwix wrote

And they are easy to clean! I can’t say this enough.


Xyspade OP t1_iz3ql20 wrote

Well, that's the one caveat: they're kind of not anymore. The plastic clips that hold the guards on have gotten brittle with age, and they'll break if you don't use a specific removal technique. Also the blade can get stuck on there and could shatter if you're not careful removing it too.

Both unintentional age-related issues that wouldn't have affected them back in their day though, and once you get the blade off the first time you can prevent it from happening again.


BeatLaboratory t1_iz3t370 wrote

I grew up with the brown one in my room. It’s probably still there.


FabFabiola2021 t1_iz3ukur wrote

I had the brown one since 1987 and then my cat three years ago jumped on a the table where it was sitting knocking it to the floor breaking the cage and one of the wings. I was sooo bummed!


Xyspade OP t1_iz4dp4i wrote

You may have had it since 1987, but your cat had it ever since you gave it to your cat the day you got him, along with anything else you own. Haha, F for your loss.


thebrose69 t1_iz3wx7n wrote

I have the gray one that used to be my moms. I’m not sure how old is it but it’s at least 15+ years, being I’m 31 now and I remember using it for band camp in high school


Xyspade OP t1_iz4dbjw wrote

The gray one would have been early, possibly mid 90s, then they redesigned it entirely and started switching over to plastic guards and whatnot. Yours is still just as good.


thebrose69 t1_iz4wr1f wrote

Yeah for sure it is. I’ll use it until it’s dead. The plastic is a super yellow now and the off buttons spring is broken, as well as missing the centerpiece but still works like a charm. I love how quiet it is


truthtruthlie t1_iz3x9bp wrote

I have the blue, but the buttons don't really hold anymore. You'll pry it out of my cold dead hands though.


Xyspade OP t1_iz4cr60 wrote

Unusual, but that can be fixed!


TTheuns t1_iz401fm wrote

I have some old blue fans, they have the exact same base and blades, but a different cage, logo and center design element. I believe they were KDKs. And you're not lying when you say they're powerful. The 'desk sized' one of my pair easily outperforms standing fans meant for entire rooms. I can't run the bigger one above setting one without getting cold or having stuff blow off my desk.

Funny since even the gradient on the buttons matches.

I'll dig them up for some pictures.


Xyspade OP t1_iz4brfu wrote

Would love to see, also put them on r/fans!


Reverse_Speedforce t1_iz47cyl wrote

We use these two all the time! The exact same ones, one blue and one brown one. They don’t look as new as yours but damn if they don’t work like brand new, best fans I’ve ever used!


Xyspade OP t1_iz4coio wrote

They are one of the best fans ever made alongside some Japanese fans of the time, they last forever.


orbit33 t1_iz4fr64 wrote

Had these growing up. My big sister had the blue and I was so jealous lol. Great fans! We had no AC and I survived childhood because of them.

My naturally curly hair…not so much.


Xyspade OP t1_iz604dr wrote

Oh hi Frieda, I didn't know you had a big sister!


pirten t1_iz4hus9 wrote



Xyspade OP t1_iz6075y wrote

That sub is too kinky for me, but posted anyway.


dounuts97 t1_iz4pi80 wrote

These look like the National (Panasonic) fans that my grandmother has. Similar body style and grille pattern too


these2boots2 t1_iz4sq1u wrote

We had the brown one. I remember it being very stable and quiet for a plastic fan. Also remember the buttons being very solid.

It must have been trashed when my parents moved after I graduated HS.


Xyspade OP t1_iz60i5c wrote

Should've brought it with you. Tsk tsk.


hikerone t1_iz4tbcm wrote

I love these fans. They are amazing and last forever


return_the_urn t1_iz7ffkm wrote

Reminds me of the Sanyo sleepmaker, same vintage and style, still works perfect after 40 or 50 years


Xyspade OP t1_iz7i8j7 wrote

These are very related to Sanyo fans, they use some of the same parts.


_circa84 t1_iz8bfdo wrote

Wow, more of these exist still? My parents have these and still use them. We had the blue one growing up and my dad acquired the brown when my grandma moved to a seniors complex.


Xyspade OP t1_iz8c0xm wrote

Bruh, they're all over the eBay! One of the most common vintage fans in existence. They're not BIFL for nothing, they lasted and people kept them!


Due_Dirt_8067 t1_izbba7a wrote

I remember those were beasts! They held up to so much abuse


Xyspade OP t1_izc3q3p wrote

It's kind of refreshing to see ones in this kind of outstanding condition considering what so many went through (and still are going through lol).


Kairenne t1_iz4tkv1 wrote

I didn’t think of them breaking due to age. I started out using wire bread ties. Then I discovered zip ties. Pointy sharp scissors get them off for me.


Xyspade OP t1_iz60pgo wrote

Yeah zip ties are the ideal replacement.


GratefulPhD t1_izgxp2r wrote

I remember these fans!!! My parents had the blue one & my grandparents had the amber one. I’ve lost both of my parents in the past 5 years … thank you for the lovely memory. ♥️


CEME_SMART t1_izn38n6 wrote

This reminds me of my grandmother who always made delicious cakes and cookies for me in my childhood. It is so unforgettable and I haven't eaten the cakes for 10 years since I am busy with my work.


ThirdeYe1337 t1_j1t6vkh wrote

I have a blue Galaxy almost identical to yours on the left that still works flawlessly. Found it on the curb for free a few years ago. All it needed was a cleaning. Love that fan!


regaphysics t1_iz1a6v3 wrote

lol they perform as good as they look? I hope that was sarcasm because oooof


KarmaPharmacy t1_iz1ccfr wrote

Some of us love the 80’s & 70’s aesthetic. Why? Because we get it, while you’ve completely failed to.

That button Gradient? It’s sexy AF.


regaphysics t1_iz1dvn1 wrote



KarmaPharmacy t1_iz1eudh wrote

Chill with that 13 year old edge princess opinion. You’ll never learn about actual good design principals that way. Especially if you’re obsessed with the most popular thing right now. That’s not creativity or skill, it’s just copying your peers.

Major props to OP for buying used as opposed to new! Especially in keeping these pieces in pristine condition with tons of use! It’s not easy.


Xyspade OP t1_iz24oqz wrote

Thanks! I always buy used wherever possible: it's cheaper, environmentally conscious, protests today's corporate greed and unethical factory conditions, and the product is almost always better quality. Plus I thoroughly enjoy repairing and bringing something back to its former glory for a new life.


KarmaPharmacy t1_iz292ha wrote

You have a talent for it! Are the buttons OG? They look immaculate!


Xyspade OP t1_iz2bndx wrote

They are. It was dirty when I got it, but the dirt actually can help to protect the plastic from wear so it cleans up beautifully. The guard was shiny though, which I looked for because that's harder to fix.


regaphysics t1_iz1gevi wrote

Oh the design principles! Yes, because 70s design was particularly good.


KarmaPharmacy t1_iz1hx0q wrote

After peeping your profile, I see that you love Patagonia. Did you know that earth tones came out of 70’s design? That’s pretty much all they sell.

Here’s a vogue piece on 70’s interior design. Give it a look and you’ll see huge themes in what’s popular right now. Keep in mind that these themes are gaining traction in NYC and it’ll take a while for the middle of America to catch up. H&M home, crate and barrel, CB2, Anthropologie Home, are all showcasing a play on this era right now.


regaphysics t1_iz1isb0 wrote

Yeah they definitely never used earth tones before the 70s….

In any event, on trend means little to nothing to me. Whatever floats your boat, I still think it’s ugly af.


Chowbasa t1_iz1de4v wrote

They look brand new and these type of fans worked amazingly well, we had probably 5 of them when I was a child.


Xyspade OP t1_iz1ox3q wrote

Everyone has different taste but a lot of people would call this design old-fashioned or outdated before calling it flat-out hideous. What kind of fan do you like the design of?


regaphysics t1_iz1rnhm wrote

If I had to get a fan like this (generally I have ceiling fans or box fans), I’d get an old Emerson / lectric or Hunter metal I suppose. Not very safe though.


Xyspade OP t1_iz23gdl wrote

The Emersons are sexy for sure, but hella expensive. These were affordable for the average consumer back then and that hasn't changed today, you can find one after a few trips to the flea market for <$10 because not many people are interested in fans from this era.


HorrorPotato t1_iz35ymd wrote

>you can find one after a few trips to the flea market for <$10 because not many people are interested in fans from this era.

I'm extremely envious of people who can actually find legitimate vintage things at their flea markets.... Mine is majority counterfeit items, cheap mass-produced crap bought from Alibaba, and skincare/haircare products of dubious origins...


Xyspade OP t1_iz3hw9f wrote

There's plenty of those around here as well; the good ones are a bit of a hike, anywhere from 30-90 minutes one way. I also have some luck at a particular bi-annual rummage sale held by a charity organization, also 45 minutes away.


regaphysics t1_iz275un wrote

Not disputing whether they’re good value fans, just laughing at your phrasing in the OP since I don’t find them to be good looking ;)


Xyspade OP t1_iz291l4 wrote

Oh yeah I know, just worth considering that not everyone can just get an Emerson like they can one of these. I'd love to find an affordable Emerson someday.