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RededHaid t1_jcq0a6j wrote

Agreed. How did the van get beneath the art installation in the first place?!


Pvrb80 t1_jcq7fe7 wrote

The trash can. LOOK AT THE TRASH CAN!!!


Appropriate_Rip_3102 t1_jcrwqw2 wrote

I completely missed that there was even one trash can in the picture LOL. I had to go back and look.


space-lander t1_jcr2e42 wrote

Connecticut ladders and scaffolds


Ok-Collection-7253 t1_jcr68d1 wrote

Yes. All of them lol. Also I now have that damn song in my head.


space-lander t1_jcrmuuv wrote

Oh sorry. Here maybe this will help “800-588-2300 Empiiiiiire”


Ok-Collection-7253 t1_jcrn0vi wrote

Nooo. Ok ok. You made me do it..

1877 Cars for kids!


space-lander t1_jcrn7ix wrote

That don’t scare me because “I love my Middletown Toyota”


Ok-Collection-7253 t1_jcro6e3 wrote

Come to Kloter Faaaarrmmss


space-lander t1_jcroezl wrote

Alright I didn’t want to do this but “Oh oh oh O’Reillyyyyyy…auto parts owww”


BMP353 t1_jcrkuv4 wrote

Hah! The girl who sings that really really loves ladders and scaffolds.


elementarydeardata t1_jcrxfjt wrote

God will protect him as a member of the Church of Ladder Day Saints.


JHolm915 t1_jcq0wxl wrote

He's been driving like that for years. I typically see him every day. It's definitely a risk, but he always keeps it in a straight line and the ladders seem secure and don't sway or move.


Squidworth89 t1_jcr9ssd wrote

Wonder what his gas mileage is. 2 mpg?


hessianhorse t1_jctdxra wrote

They’re aluminum ladders. It’s not as much weight as it looks.


Squidworth89 t1_jctekoa wrote

It’s more the profile.

The more wind resistance a vehicle has it decreases mileage. If you’ve ever driven a boxier vehicle at times you definitely feel it.


hessianhorse t1_jcten6u wrote

It’s already a box. The ladders don’t make it much boxier.


Turkyparty t1_jcsfdvg wrote

Ive also been behind him a few times. he doesnt speed or drive ridiculous. Calculated risk.


GunnieGraves t1_jcqai1y wrote

::Reads roof rack warning:: “those weight limits are really more like guidelines”


Squidworth89 t1_jcr9p7d wrote

They’ve got like three roof racks on there.


Pancrat t1_jcracxb wrote

Alright we’re gonna need a nerd in here to do the math on that


octo2195 t1_jcqlpi8 wrote

Six roof racks attached to the rain channel. At least three straps holding the ladders onto the roof racks. Looks better than when I was in construction years ago and that would have been tied down with one strap. Nothing seems wrong to me. Looks like the trash barrels have a strap and are stuffed into the pump jacks. Surprisingly, the tail/brake lights are both working, too.


psyco-the-rapist t1_jcrlbzo wrote

As somebody who has had about three quarters of this size load on his van with three racks I tend to agree with you. It's those side windows( passenger van)that have me thinking. Do they make the body weaker or stronger?


Historical_Ice6993 t1_jcruptg wrote

I also work construction and don’t see a problem. at least the break is at the top pushing the weight down


FJCruisin t1_jcqeboj wrote

The things we do to avoid pulling a trailer on the parkway...


mongolnlloyd t1_jcrlg8a wrote

Don’t worry. They tied them down real good - it ain’t goin’ nowhere


No-Basis6115 t1_jctnyxo wrote

Guys its fine, he slapped it after strapping it and said "that's not going anywhere"


[deleted] t1_jcqcsls wrote

It's all good until he makes a sudden lane change and rolls.


TreaclePerfect4328 t1_jcr322o wrote

Meth and Roofing go well together


WhittlingDan t1_jcr7uo6 wrote

Is their a lot of Meth in CT now? I'm in my 40's but when I was younger I bartended and never saw or heard of it up here. Cocaine or weed were the two big things in a bar and the start of the opiate epidemic.


TreaclePerfect4328 t1_jcr81yt wrote

I'm same age. No. Meth isn't east coast yet. That's why I used it for joke. Fentanyl may hit too close to home. It's tough trying new material online lol


WhittlingDan t1_jcrhy9w wrote

I've actually heard that meth is finally hitting New England and the the dealers in the cities are really pushing it. Its basically a whole new drug with a whole, new, market. I don't know how true it is but it surprises me that we haven't really seen it up here yet especially since the cartels started producing so much of it. Im a recovering alcoholic and been go rehab a couple times, they were big places and out of roughly 300 people only one person was there for meth.


[deleted] t1_jcr6a1q wrote

This is talent I’m impressed actually


ExcellentPresent3 t1_jcrzkmr wrote

I don’t know what it is, but lately I’ve seen sooooo many unsafe vehicles like this lately in CT. Like more in the last 6 months than the last 15 years combined


jfm111162 t1_jctdvpn wrote

Safe no , impressive yes


Devonai t1_jcpwm8a wrote

If they drive in a straight line, they'll be fine.


Acceptable_Band_9400 t1_jcrhco5 wrote

I'd have to know his speed, lol. Looks organized but a curve (not even sharp) could be a little scary!


wanderingMoose t1_jcrhyjb wrote

2 dozen short but effective workers are inside.


Judd0112 t1_jcsazys wrote

Never a cop around when u need em. Although if it was almost quitting time not sure the police would want to open this can of worms right before your supposed to be you home. Imaging what u can’t see. If they have no refused for others Saftey with this.


MyHeadbeDirty t1_jcsfo8s wrote

How did you get a picture of my mom’s van?


FlameThrower18 t1_jct9owa wrote

It looks like a secure load, though, depending on the height, it's probably legal.


SpiderMuse t1_jcyzpyr wrote

I have so many questions...

Does this person need to lug all this equipment with him? If so, what if he only needs to access some of the equipment...does he have to off load everything to get what he wants? If he doesn't need to lug all this equipment, why not keep it at the warehouse?


Gurthbrookes69 t1_jcr5xcq wrote

Were the hazards on? That's important info. If they were on, totally good to go! /s


Payment-Main t1_jcqrz2o wrote

Look unsafe and even more fake


Spadmo OP t1_jcqvii8 wrote

I took the photo, definitely not fake. Rt 25N. in Trumbull at 7am on 3/17.


BMP353 t1_jcrkz1z wrote

The word “looks” looks really fake in your post
