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moosestuf t1_iu44kza wrote

I’ll take “things that couldn’t be less surprising” for 100…


MonicaRising t1_iu45bn7 wrote

While it's not particularly surprising, if you read the article, the data used is not exactly the most scientific or exhaustive method. Web search terms are not the most scientific way to go about determining this. For instance, the same person can search the term many many times, several different ways, on several different days, repeatedly over the course of time until they either find what they are looking for or seek professional help, skewing this methodology


ZestyItalian2 t1_iu460w3 wrote

This is hilarious nonsense.

The ranking is based off of frequency of internet searches of the terms “stress” “anxiety” and “depression”.

All this indicates is that people in Connecticut are taking care of their mental health and are self-aware enough to recognize signs of various types of psychological strain. If anything, this makes us less likely to be stressed and more likely to be happy and actualized.

How do they get away with publishing this shit?


shaunben17 t1_iu480ao wrote

If based on searches…Think of the other things some of those southern states are looking up. “Can I marry my cousin?”


HarryMcDowell t1_iu492ko wrote

Based on internet searches for the subject. Could be we're less stressed because our people are proactively investigating, or searching for ways to reduce it in others because we're so goddamn conscientious.


"Study" is too strong a word for what this was.


SuckaMc-69 t1_iu4bnob wrote

Don’t need anyone to do a study to tell me that….


Ornery-Confusion-920 t1_iu4c806 wrote

Did anyone hear they are limiting the amount of heating oil you can buy at one time ?


poboy212 t1_iu4drek wrote

Lol this is beyond stupid


Swimming_Area6016 t1_iu4e4g6 wrote

It is stressful trying to be politically correct all of the time and constantly being offended, and forcing it on others.


kppeterc15 t1_iu4e5mo wrote

The study was also conducted by a luxury rehab clinic in Thailand, which the news article (and I imagine hundreds of others) links to. It's less a study than an exercise in link building for SEO.


RudeNarwhal8 t1_iu4ftzq wrote

It's the GOP's, Eversource's, Trump's, "Anti-Vaxxers'", Climate Change, Lack of NHL Team, Traffic, Slow Left Lane Travelers, Lack of retail weed fault...

Did I miss anything ?

Edit: /s


Glissy02 t1_iu4h163 wrote

I am living this every day.


LazyUpvote88 t1_iu4hplh wrote

Right because off-roading fucks up the land. People go to the forest to enjoy nature and peace and quiet. Off roading and ORVs etc., fuck that up. When I’m in the woods and the ORVs come thru it’s usually a bunch of mouth breathing fat slobs who litter their shit everywhere. Stay home and beat your wife instead.

Sorry that was rude. I shouldn’t say this but if you look hard enough there are lots of forest roads in the middle of nowhere CT that you could have a good time at, probably without getting in trouble. But I’m still gonna thumb my nose at you if you fuck up my nature bath.


Knineteen t1_iu4lwj3 wrote

Look who’s running the state. I’d be worried too.


deaddabrain t1_iu4qcjq wrote

Hartford claim to fame is the “Insurance Capital of the World” what do you expect?


Big-Pond t1_iu4tysr wrote

Don’t click the link. Click bait for a bs “study”

Here’s the summary;

“The study, conducted by addiction specialists at Diamond Rehab Thailand, analyzed Google Trends data for a selection of stress-relief terms to see which states were more stressed-out compared to others.

Connecticut took the No. 1 spot as residents searched for “psychological stress” the most. Additionally, the state had the highest score for searching the term “stress,” as well as high rankings for “depression” and “anxiety.”

The state scored 85 out of 100 on average for the searches of each term, the study found — a stark difference from Wyoming, which ranked 69 on average.”


GoPikachuGo1 t1_iu4w12f wrote

I'm extremely happy between May and October.

And I'm extremely depressed between November and April.

Retirees who snowbird to Florida for the winter are doing it right.


X_LCH_X t1_iu4wcds wrote

Yeah because it’s expensive to live here


LazyUpvote88 t1_iu50mlb wrote

Well freedoms can conflict sometimes, no? I want to be free to be outside in a quiet natural environment, but Joe Schmo wants the freedom to run his truck all over the place because that’s what “men” do I guess.


giant_toad42 t1_iu591ac wrote

Self actualization. Do you know what that is?

Let's step into psychological theory, namely, Maslow's hierarchy of needs. We have basic needs, security needs, some higher level needs.. then, there's this:

Self Actualization.

This isn't boardroom talk. This is mental health talk.

What is it?

It's the top tier of needs. Namely, the stuff that makes us feel awesome. Dreamed of owning a Tesla for the longest, but you don't need it - your brand new Tesla is self actualization. That dream vacation. The veblen handbag. Designer Jewelry. Gourmet dinners. Etc.

How much of the above do you enjoy frequently? How much of the above do I enjoy frequently. How do we feel in that space, are we truly content.

Without actualization, we feel less than whole. Incomplete, and we constantly stress over what we are lacking in our lives.

In short.

More of us are miserable and don't achieve our dreams.


Embarrassed_Union_96 t1_iu598xt wrote

If you knew what Maslow’s is you’d know it’s not something psychologists rely on 100% because it isn’t accurate enough to help address people’s needs.

I actually do research on addressing this issue with Maslow’s.

Also there’s a cultural disconnection between fulfilling needs and actualizing to experience transcendence. Such disconnects manifest in you belief that people are actualizing under the circumstances described in the other comment.

EDIT) You’re also describing actualization from a materialistic perspective——extrinsic motivations. Which isn’t accurate for all people. This is why I’m saying it’s board room talk. Executives often see people in this light. It’s a cultural projection symptomatic of a disconnect with humanity’s complex motivational nature. It’s short sighted.


IndicationOver t1_iu5enku wrote

According to this subreddit CT is the best state


giant_toad42 t1_iu5fblh wrote

I literally defined maslow's and "if you knew what it is" .. I know exactly what it is, and I described exactly what it is. It's a tool to judge how different needs are met and how they relate to an individual's personal situation. EG: A marketing tool based on psychological impact. I wonder what I do. You yourself also said in your "response" that "they don't use it 100%". But, it's used. Why? Becuase it's a holistic picture and a component of the whole picture. Who said it's the whole thing? Not me, but you. Why? In your head - I'm some narrow-minded non thinking person who you feel you are superior to. Who you feel you have more knowledge than - and you have this need to prove to me that you know more than I do. Do you? Maybe. I don't know. But do you honestly think that a single post on a public forum is the full extent of my knoweldge? What type of arrogancy is that to approach another person with that type of thinking?


Money doesn't make you happy but it's easier to be happy with money.

I have a feeling that the people in our state who struggle to find affordable housing, struggle to pay their eversource bills, get screwed by comcast, get screwed by high food costs, worry about how their kids will survive ... etc etc etc etc - will really give one flying shit about your transcendent medetation bullshit that is "self actualization" in your books.

Reality is simple. In your academic mind, you're making it far more complicated than it actually is.

Are you a sociologist or related somehow to sociology? Because you're ... really out of touch with reality - and it screams pseudoscience.

Just like psychology .. where "talk" helps "heal". An entire "profession" that could be replaced completely with parents or friends. Pseudoscience.


Embarrassed_Union_96 t1_iu5g1kv wrote

You can’t tout your support of Maslow’s and then turn your back on it at the same time expecting to win with your assertion just because it’s not working out for you when you need it to.

Completed Maslow’s includes transcendence. My work doesn’t support the transcendence in his style. Which is what you said. The meditative stuff. My work is practical and more focused on the bill paying to survive perspective.

Happy to share more. Just let me know.


wrinklyweenus t1_iu5q1dv wrote

Because CT has an educated and self-aware populace that understands the fundamentals of self-care and psychological treatment.

I now live in suburban DC and this place has more stress by orders of magnitude than Connecticut. Not for me--I'm a nobody--but yesterday I was driving through the city at 11pm and I saw some young guy in a suit--undoubtedly an attorney or staffer--emerging from the office to get on his scooter. Everyone here is super Type-A, and it's not healthy.

The same probably applies to Silicon Valley and Manhattan.

Connecticut is a cake-walk.


wrinklyweenus t1_iu5qk7j wrote

90 minutes to Boston. Two hours to NYC. One of the best regional theatre scenes in the country. Toad's Place is a nationally famous venue for music. Real Artways in Hartford. The Atheneum is an astonishingly good museum for a city the size of Hartford. Weed is legal. Northampton is 40 minutes away.

What is is that you want to do that you can't do?


[deleted] t1_iu5rmaw wrote

When it's against CT then everything is bullshit. Typical democrat way to ignore things.


WonderChopstix t1_iu5rogv wrote

Looks like a bogus study and honestly not reading it .. BUT... I have read other similar studies and one of the main driving factors is that compared to other states we have the worst commuting time. Between how far people travel (like Milford to NY or Middletown to Danbury) for thier jobs ... and then add our horrible traffic and accident rate.

I know this improved for some with WFH but not all


wrinklyweenus t1_iu5swm7 wrote

I still don't understand what you want to do that you can't do in Connecticut.

I actually do find Connecticut a little slow--I moved away--but looking back on my time there, I realize that I simply didn't take proper advantage of the opportunities I had.

If I moved back, I'd be at Real Artways everyone weekend, buy season subscriptions to the Hartford Stage, find some weed-and-music buddies and my life would be full.


Antique-Regret6162 t1_iu648j2 wrote

I'm glad connecticut is a "cake walk" to you, hats off my guy. As a single guy here, paying 1250 a month for rent on top of all of the increasing bills, I'm working a 60 hour week 7 days a week majority of the time. And I'm doing all of that just to be able to make bills and keep a roof over my head. I save MAYBE $1-150 a week.

If something unexpected comes up with my car or at the house (which they have recently) well there goes pretty much all of my savings! Life is just so swell over here


Pig_Pen_g2 t1_iu69yd1 wrote

Let them all think that CT, MA, and VT are the most stressed states… it’s sucks here in New England, STAY AWAY


Waramaug t1_iu6ll7s wrote

It’s the damn traffic


Whaddaulookinat t1_iu6xyy5 wrote

That's one of those "not needed laws here" like of you go to a park and see a sign urging you not to engage in amateur zoological husbandry... You know something happened that required that law


Irish_Blond_1964 t1_iu724n9 wrote

No shit. NY and Massholes on the roads. Rhode Island is your neighbor. What the fuck!?!


numitoke t1_iu75lki wrote

You couldn't tell by the posts on this boohoohoohoo subreddit? Typical CT mindset, we need a study for that!


captkeith t1_iu7n69g wrote

What bullshit. Why would people be more stressed in ct then NY or Texas ? Vermont? Come on. That story is hogwash.


Determined_Cucumber t1_iu7xon9 wrote

How much are you guys paying EverSource. Lots of comments in the entirety of this subreddit here are acting like they’re paying $400 a month on them.

My excuse is that I quite literally just moved here, so I don’t understand the sentiment.


Impossible_Watch7154 t1_iu8aj81 wrote

From a luxury home operation in Thailand? Take this with a grain of salt.


Prudent-Ball2698 t1_iu8koij wrote

I blame Ned Lamont. If we had a governor who cared about the state instead of leeching it dry we'd be in a better position


[deleted] t1_iub03i7 wrote

The cities are in rough shape, don’t remember them being this bad , Waterbury is getting bad , crime, drugs, homeless, sad situation


[deleted] t1_iub06w4 wrote

I blame liberals and I was born and raised Democratic
