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BrutallyRational t1_ixv5drq wrote

New Haven may be a good option for you. Lots of great restaurants and cultural events, and you get a great mix of people (not just young families and retirees). Stamford is also a great city, but since you can work from anywhere and don’t need to pay a premium to be less than one hour from NYC, your money will go farther in the New Haven area. Metro-North will still get you to NYC from New Haven in under two hours when you want to visit.


jay_sugman t1_ixv9jek wrote

I think New Haven and suburbs is the answer.


RedditZhangHao t1_ixvrocv wrote

Narrow target: Augerville neighborhood along Whitney Ave, N of Skiff St up to Rt 15 in North Haven: Whitney Avenue, I91 and Rt 15 convenience to New Haven; near Canal bike trail; abuts higher tax Spring Glen and Centerville (without higher Hamden taxes); access to museums, cultural and sports (Yale and Quinnipiac), non-chain restaurants, pubs, coffee shops, Sleeping Giant State Park, etc.


CatsNSquirrels OP t1_ixzb2ms wrote

This is extremely helpful. Thank you!


RedditZhangHao t1_ixzi0oz wrote

Exact profile used by agent who marketed uncle’s house sold to couple closely matching your interests, age bracket, etc. They also liked they could hop on bus to New Haven and also to Sleeping Giant State Park for hiking. Good luck.


mrnyeah t1_ixwmxam wrote

Fellow new haven resident here. It’s a great spot to live. As a homeowner, expect to get killed in property taxes. So much land is owned by Yale (hospital and university) so essentially they pay zero property taxes and homeowners have to pick up the tab. I live in a 2 family home. Property taxes are almost $19K a year.


lizardRD t1_ixxg9uo wrote

How big is the house?! I thought mine were crazy in Fairfield, we pay 11k for 2300 square feet. The biggest houses in greenfield hill are 16k+


mrnyeah t1_ixywogj wrote

4,258 sq ft 2 family home.


lizardRD t1_ixyzlzm wrote

Wow! If it makes you feel any better I looked up in Fairfield some of the biggest houses property taxes. There is a 4 million dollar house up for sale now that’s property taxes are 69k/year!


curbthemeplays t1_ixxr5if wrote

If one is worried about property tax, live in Milford or Branford.


Dawbs89 t1_ixwmvbv wrote

Branford, all the perks of living near New Haven without having to actually live there.