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Usedtoknowsomeone46 OP t1_ixkrt2j wrote

This might sound harsh but I don't think boomers should be on the road. They grew up in the time of lead gasoline and that's really starting to show as they're aging and getting dementia.


1234nameuser t1_ixkt5kp wrote

What a dumbass, trying to drive straight from FL to CT at 71. Didn't say anything about his speed or if had a 2nd driver.

Scary shit at 4am in the morning.


Prestigious_Bobcat29 t1_ixlp5vh wrote

Everyone should have to retake the driving test when they renew their license. Blanket statementing a 20 year spanning generation is dumb, but I agree that there are absolutely plenty of people on the road that shouldn’t be.

The other side of this coin is we need to make society less utterly dependent on the automobile to function, as Im sure someone’s going to (not wrongfully) immediately reply to me freaking out about how they’d be able to hold a job without a car


Specialist-Lion-8135 t1_ixlrhro wrote

All this going on about his age - Connecticut has very confusing markers, sometimes seated right next to each other. The new round about in New Haven is a nightmare of signs and ramps.


Prestigious_Bobcat29 t1_ixlt17r wrote

Absolutely agreed. It’s a really tough fight too because there’s a lot of self perpetuation. I work in CT in transportation planning, and for example right now we’re working on a lot of studies for southeastern CT. DOT really wants to spend 4.5B to widen 95. If you suggest that similar resources are invested in transit you’re called some combination of insane, naive, and delusional. “Everybody drives, so that’s where the money goes” as if we don’t get what we build for.

4.5 B could get us an electrified shore line east with much more frequent service and extensions to to both Westerly and Norwich via the casino, plus a massive increase in SEAT and Estuary Transit (the regional bus services) routes and frequencies.

For the same price we can widen 95, the extra capacity of which will be filled by 2040 - “loosening our belt to cure our obesity”


PTSDforMe t1_ixm079h wrote

Had someone come at me the wrong way on route 9 once. Fucking terrifying


ITeachMunchkins t1_ixm1fdf wrote

This seems to be happening much more often lately. I’m not sure the reason, but I definitely don’t remember this happening anywhere near as often in the past. Be careful out there!


mrskohlrabi t1_ixm82am wrote

It really depends on the boomer. My dad is still very sharp but my step father has lost his license twice and should never get it back. What does seem consistent however, is an inability to accept and plan for aging amongst the boomers and it’s going to fuck us all.


Prestigious-Tie2049 t1_ixmclkl wrote

We should just take all the old people and move them somewhere else.

I mean, they don’t really contribute anything to society.


Specialist-Lion-8135 t1_ixmedbi wrote

That isn’t what I mean. I’ve driven across the country in an RV and Connecticut seems a Gordian knot of highways along the coastline. I’ve never had an accident myself. I know my limits and respect them.

Night driving is another issue with some people. People driving too fast or too slow. Blocking the passing lane. Ridiculously bright headlights. People texting while driving. This selfish guy driving hundreds of miles without a break. Bad driving is endemic in Connecticut.

People constantly use ageism to punish people with blanket laws. Look at the GOP starting up with raising voting ages. It works both ways. Someday you might be defending your right for autonomy against something you cannot alter. Don’t punish everyone for an irresponsible person’s foolish decision. You may not agree with my opinion but I’m not trying to humiliate anyone with it.


imangryignoreme t1_ixmglyd wrote

Retaking the driving test is a good idea as long as the implementation doesn’t mean long waiting periods to get an appointment or a bunch of additional fees.

Difficulty scheduling + fees really disproportionately and unfairly impacts lower income people.


daybeers t1_ixmk86r wrote

Ya there's still one run each direction on weekdays that's bustituted.

The I-95 expansion is bullshit; I hope residents stand up for that because they already destroyed enough wetlands when it was originally built.

Do you work for the DOT/a COG or in the private sector?


awebr t1_ixmlv31 wrote

The worst part is, although they're doing some new studies now, an older study from a few years ago regarding 95 from New Haven to the RI line explicity referenced induced demand and how a third lane in each direction would attract more drivers. But then the consultant said that they still recommend adding that lane anyways because it could handle the increased traffic demand. Gotta love traffic engineers!


QueenOfQuok t1_ixmv82f wrote

"Just be careful, dear, there's a news report about some nutcase driving the wrong way on the highway."

"One nutcase? There are hundreds of them!"


Jawaka99 t1_ixmx7d1 wrote

I find it amazing he apparently got from Florida to Torrington. I mean if he was non stop wouldn't that have meant he drove from the Rt 8 / 95 connector in Bridgeport all the way to Torrington in the wrong lane.


maybe_little_pinch t1_ixnfajc wrote

My uncle, who I would say is no less with it in his early 70s than he was when he was younger, ripped up his truck when he fell asleep at the wheel driving from NC to CT. He hit some of those metal poles along the side of the road that I guess are there for that purpose?

People really need to be really fucking careful. Driving long hours, especially this time of year when you have less sunlight, is extremely hazardous.


jpetrone t1_ixnj1jr wrote

Couldn't have asked for a better outcome.