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Usedtoknowsomeone46 t1_ixazc0v wrote

Santa isn't real. Don't start your kid's life off by a lie. Teach them to trust you. Teach them that magic doesn't exist and neither does religion. Teach them truth.


_343_Guilty_Spark__ t1_ixb7s3u wrote

Never understood wanting to put up Xmas stuff so early. How is reducing the specialness of this time of year enjoyable?


VenomInfusion t1_ixbq4cb wrote

I swear I read the title as “Satan’s House”. Now I know it’s time to go to bed, almost 1:20AM.


otskaz t1_ixcjcv0 wrote

It sure as hell looks better than all of the political signs that deface our communities during the entirety of autumn.

Also, it's Thanksgiving week. A lot of people start decorating this weekend anyways.


_343_Guilty_Spark__ t1_ixd0fs8 wrote

Ah ok I see. The house painted in Christmas colors, with a wreath hanging above it, being posted about during the holiday season, and with a big sign on the side that says “Santa’s Hours” and “Have you been naughty or nice?” has nothing to do with Christmas.

Thanks, I wouldn’t have known I was wrong otherwise :)


updownsidewayz t1_ixd0i0r wrote

partially joking, year is 2022, you're hardly allowed to say christmas anymore without mentioning other holidays or you have to say "end of year holidays" and why are you getting downvoted lol yah xmas sh*t gets put out earlier every year, it's a meme at this point


theycallmepeeps t1_ixd5yu4 wrote

That’s adorable! Can you go in it and do they use it for anything or is it just for show?