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MaoWasaLoser t1_j6jhhz1 wrote

Is 75% of being a conservative just not knowing how to read?

The temporary cuts on the gas tax are expiring. They were temporary.


m4Fnearhartford t1_j6k70g0 wrote

I think OP meant they were temporary for voting purposes and now that elections are over of course they are coming back. It was strategic. If it mattered enough maybe he could have just cut them? Maybe not but it would be nice the roads are all fd up anyway tax or no tax


theskyissooblue t1_j6igqto wrote

So Lamont is now responsible for your gas prices?


etchx t1_j6ihvxm wrote

To be fair, the governor did impose a gas tax holiday for the past 9 months


AdHistorical7107 t1_j6mkz4n wrote

It seems no matter what the issue, it's all lamonts fault. Rising egg prices? Blame the democrats. You have diarrhea, blame the democrats. A bird shit on your car? Yep, all Ned's fault....

These folks call democrats sheep, but they are worse when it comes to following whatever Trump, DeSantis or any GOP politician tells them....


Prmetme t1_j6ic7h6 wrote

the gas tax is being added back...its not all of the price rise but its part.


speedyg54 t1_j6igola wrote

it's all of it. they're phasing it in a nickel a month and it'll stop in May


Prmetme t1_j6ihgrm wrote

citgo on the turnpike went from like 2.83 to 3.34 in two isn't all gas tax....unless citgo just said fuckit and went full


Spooky2000 t1_j6jcwxy wrote

Gas prices are rising everywhere, not just CT. Am in Florida at the moment and they went up like $.25 overnight.


weemee t1_j6i98kp wrote

November, December, January


Objective-Class-4552 t1_j6k6sa5 wrote

Ever check out r/conspiracy, that's a better sub for posts like this.


ZWash300 t1_j6kt6ec wrote

They suspended the tax and are bringing it back incrementally. It was bipartisan.


Ruca705 t1_j6jxv6z wrote

Gas prices fluctuate. Why is this always a hot topic?


WestRiverTraveler t1_j6jww1w wrote

Right. Big Oil, with its massive connections to the GOP, colluded with Democrats to help them keep the Senate and have a weak majority in the House. Got it. Makes sense.


Toroceratops t1_j6leyof wrote

Why do people think the government of Connecticut is determining gas prices? Our average for regular gas is $3.36 according to AAA. Texas has the cheapest regular gas in the country at $3.13.

If you want to bitch, bitch to the oil companies, OPEC, and the idiots who want to stop the transition away from fossil fuels.


SepticYawn OP t1_j6ne35q wrote

Never said Connecticut government controls gas prices. Also never stated which party was at fault. You can’t tell me politicians don’t got their hands in the pockets of big oil.


Toroceratops t1_j6nh6k3 wrote

Sorry, was replying more to some of the respondents than to you.


DogemuchFuture t1_j6kfakj wrote

Because these morons keep believing the other morons and vote for them.


DarkLamont t1_j6iie2s wrote

Good...People need to start being priced outta here again


zgrizz t1_j6icjuo wrote

Surprise surprise.

Look at all the people that will jump to defend their stupid votes now.


G3Saint t1_j6idp4x wrote

No surprise. it was well known before the election.


WellSeasonedUsername t1_j6j4v5k wrote

And you… voted for this anyways? Knowing this?


G3Saint t1_j6j7nqc wrote

I'm not sure what you mean, both candidates supported restoration of the gas tax


SneakySnake897 t1_j6ie5yv wrote

Defend what votes? Are you implying that if I voted for republicans the gas/economy would be in better shape?


Knineteen t1_j6inu9z wrote

Maybe vote someone other than red or blue?

Amazing how this sub uses reds as blame for their continuing to vote for blue idiots.


SneakySnake897 t1_j6ipmas wrote

We have a two party system. When it’s time for me to vote, I sit down and look at how each party will affect the things I care about.

It’s actually pretty simple from my perspective. I don’t care what the parties are called: After all, republicans used to be a very different 170ish years ago. I vote for the party that makes my life better and aligns with my morals 🤷🏾

I really don’t care what they are called or their color. Voting for a third party does not move me closer to my goals for our country/state. Voting Democrat does. It’s not a loyalty issue, it’s a practicality issue.

If you want to argue about a third party system, you go do you. I’m well aware of the faults of our current situation.


WellSeasonedUsername t1_j6j7lom wrote

The same people who say “It’s a two party system” constantly say they want to “break the two party system” but continue to participate in the two party system, thus, not breaking the two party system. If you voted for this, take responsibility. Don’t blame the other party (that isn’t even running the show right now)

Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results is the definition of insanity.


Knineteen t1_j6jbb6p wrote

So, your goal is to be taxed up the wazoo? For the rest of us mere mortals who aren’t millionaires, we need a better solution.


SneakySnake897 t1_j6jca3y wrote

Agreed, which is why I support the party that is better for the average American. And no, my goal is not to be taxed up the wazoo, i just understand how society works.


Knineteen t1_j6km789 wrote

OK, Richie Rich. The rest of us will scrape to get by.


SneakySnake897 t1_j6kmhk7 wrote

Not wealthy - my wife and I are teachers. Don’t even know what your point is tbh. Gl!


Knineteen t1_j6kmt5x wrote

Makes perfect sense now! The NEA only supports blue candidates. You’re not for society, you’re for yourself!


SneakySnake897 t1_j6kn3o6 wrote

Yes, that’s what progressives are all about: me me me. 😂.

Edit: And NEA leaning left surprises you? The right is in an all out war against education and is one small step from jailing teachers just like Nazi germany. It’s not exactly shocking our biggest union supports the party that isn’t using us as a pawn to distract their dumb voters.


Knineteen t1_j6knoon wrote

Gotta vote the blues in to make sure your union remains strong and your pension is funded.

And you wanted to pretend your voting habits were altruistic in nature. Sneaky snake, indeed!


SneakySnake897 t1_j6knv9z wrote

Nobody being sneaky about it. Of course public school teachers want a strong union and funded pensions. It’s sad and telling you view this as a gotcha.

At no point did I say my voting was altruistic. I literally said I vote for what’s best for me and mine as part of my voting strategy. As does everyone else.


Knineteen t1_j6kozqi wrote

Bloated pensions, outdated tenure, union protection.

Please tell me all about the Nazis when your union exists solely for your own financial benefit; education has nothing to do with it.


SneakySnake897 t1_j6kp58j wrote

Yes yes teachers bad, education bad, vote red!!!!!!!! You have no idea what NEA does or why - you just lookin silly.


Knineteen t1_j6krt35 wrote

It’s always about the education so long as the teachers get their end, right?

Worst teacher in town gets paid the same as the best. Keep voting blues!


SneakySnake897 t1_j6ks1gh wrote

Yes, we care both about education and getting paid. Again, this is surprising to you? And yes, public teacher pay scale is based on experience. We have a severe teacher shortage, so you’re welcome to join up if you think it’s so well paid and easy.

And I will, thanks! What else am I gonna do? Vote for the fascists?


Knineteen t1_j6ksbsb wrote

> And yes, public teacher pay scale is based on experience.

Exactly! It’s based purely on tenured experience and not on performance.


SneakySnake897 t1_j6ksi8e wrote

Super cool story. Since you have literally no idea what you are talking about, I’m gonna say bye Felicia.


Knineteen t1_j6kstfv wrote

Keep debating the person and not their view. I’m sorry my talking points are hitting too close to home for your liking.