Recent comments in /f/Connecticut

G1itch_d t1_jeh15in wrote

As others have said, New Haven reigns supreme. In particular, Modern is my choice.

That being said there are plenty of contenders. I grew up on Wooster St so Sally's and Pepe's will always hold a place in my heart but Modern, and honestly Bar, are the kings. Little Rendezvous in Meriden and Hometown in Wallingford are solid if you're in the area. Joey's in Hartford is great. It really just comes down to your preference but I've never once been recommended a pizza joint in Willimantic. I'll have to check em out.


Munglape t1_jegxo3t wrote

Willington is very good. They're all Greek style, so they are more directly comparable. Tony's is better for traditional type pizza and the "special" is so good. Pleasant takes risks and had some really stand-out stuff. The Ding-a-ling is my favorite pizza from anywhere. Honorable mention to The Flaribbean, The Hang- Over, and The Big Willy.