Dimondom t1_jda7gns wrote
Ya, so ceilings don't leak my dude.
Him251 OP t1_jda7hja wrote
It was fixed but not by me. The ceiling was a stretch of my skills enough. I'm a mechanic not a contractor. But it came out really well. The roof above this addition just needed to be re-shingled.
DieDae t1_jda7kl1 wrote
Holy shit. Such a revelation. I am astounded.
DieDae t1_jda84vs wrote
Hey, everyone has their own skillset. Drop ceiling wouldn't have been my choice but it turned out nice
And the important thing is, it looks better than what was there regardless of who says otherwise.
MadSciTech t1_jda8u7y wrote
No insulation at all? Man where i live i would have jammed every inch with R30 and/or spray on foam. Either you're wealthy enough to afford to pay for a lot of wasted AC or you live somewhere much more temperate.
Brainchild110 t1_jda9jwk wrote
Of all the options in the world, you went for a titty lamp? Really? A titty lamp.
As an Electrician, I'm disappointed in you. All these lovely, modern, flat led panels available these days and you ignore them for a titty lamp. Humbug!
Dimondom t1_jdaab81 wrote
I was agreeing with your ask my man, no need to get big feelings
KRed75 t1_jdabii0 wrote
I would have removed those joists and left the rafters exposed.
ronimal t1_jdac2st wrote
There’s a window right there so it must be getting some insolation
Him251 OP t1_jdadzri wrote
That was the light that was in the ceiling previously. It worked fine and I didn't want to replace it lol.
Him251 OP t1_jdae8bk wrote
The room is an add on to the house. There isn't anything above the room. There is a small electric heater for that room and that's it. Doesn't get a lot of use other than laundry.
cyber1kenobi t1_jdaftee wrote
Funny story about a titty lamp just like that, the heat / cool cycle loosened it up and it crash down and missed my buddy’s head by about a foot.
PurkleDerk t1_jdag687 wrote
The point still stands
[deleted] t1_jdah5zr wrote
letsgoridingyall t1_jdah6oz wrote
I like the lamp and support the reuse of a perfectly functioning light.
takeoff_power_set t1_jdahdhe wrote
do you really like the lamp? or are you just saying it because you saw it?
letsgoridingyall t1_jdahkgx wrote
I didn’t stutter. 😎
bbleilo t1_jdakcbb wrote
When you wrote "previously leaking", does that mean that there was source of leak above ceiling which is now fixed? Cuz I can't imagine ceiling leaking on it's own
rumblylumbly t1_jdap6vs wrote
We recently spent the last year and a half renovating our home. It took forever because we decided to strip the walls / ceilings and reinsulate every inch of the house.
It’s made such a ginormous difference.
When we first bought the house we tried to remove the wall paper and even with all the heating on we’d still be cold.
I’m now lying in bed, uncovered with our radiator on the lowest setting and feel absolutely comfy temperature wise.
I’m really glad we went the extra mile and added in more insulation everywhere and redid the ceilings / walls.
MangoRainbows t1_jdaqig6 wrote
It looks really cool right before the ceiling was installed. Out of curiosity, is there a reason why a ceiling has to be installed or could one leave it open so those wood beams are showing? I've never owned a home so I don't know anything.
[deleted] t1_jdaqo53 wrote
yashdes t1_jdb0hma wrote
You had me in the second half, not gonna lie.
NotSayinItWasAliens t1_jdb3x6i wrote
I killed a guy with a trident.
thoiboi t1_jdb5q2i wrote
GusAndLeo t1_jdb7r48 wrote
Huge improvement. It looks nice!
FORDOWNER96 t1_jdbj3v0 wrote
Man I wish I had that crap in mine. Mine was built using 2x4 and drywall. Would be easier to take out then mine. I also have the original high ceilings above my drop ceilings. Holes everywhere of course. .
myplacedk t1_jdbsq97 wrote
As a house owner, the nice flat led panels are SO much more expensive, at least where I live. No thanks.
Although I use flatter ones without nipples, just big enough to fit a standard light bulb or two.
Even when using two ZigBee bulbs, it's still way cheaper than the flat panels.
Excludos t1_jdbucrq wrote
I fail to see the connection
Excludos t1_jdbujdt wrote
You absolutely can, it's just a bit more work. It would help to make it look a lot less like an office
jennifer3333 t1_jdcfbo2 wrote
But you can get a 2 pack for under 20 bucks!!
diyjunkiehq t1_jdcihn9 wrote
pretty good job, very handyman!
ronimal t1_jdcm381 wrote
The comment I replied to misspelled insulation. They wrote insolation, which means exposure to the suns rays. Then they edited their comment to correct their spelling mistake.
ronimal t1_jdcm5y3 wrote
The comment I replied to misspelled insulation. They wrote insolation, which means exposure to the suns rays. Then they edited their comment to correct their spelling mistake.
Madeanaccountforyou4 t1_jdcma42 wrote
From where? I've seen deals like that on Amazon that aren't UL certified so when your house burns down you're likely screwed once your insurance notices that was the cause.
Excludos t1_jdco5vi wrote
Ok, that went right over my head
Tobacco_Bhaji t1_jdcpfi3 wrote
Man that shit is a deal breaker. Drop ceilings are ugly AF.
If you weren't going to insulate, why even put a ceiling in?
bingwhip t1_jdd9qkg wrote
Build an office addon to my house last year. I LOVE my flat panel LEDs so much
AlfonzL t1_jddhlbr wrote
As far as I know, it's not legal anywhere to make a drop ceiling into THE ceiling, you still need drywall covering the framing.
Klaatu162 t1_jddkuwt wrote
A dropped ceiling would not be my choice. I hate them except in commercial offices. None the less, as a limited DIYer, you did a respectable job, and it looks much better than your old ceiling. But you missed a great and important opportunity to insulate to r36 before you hung the ceiling, but the beauty is you can still do it. I don't know what climate zone you're in, but if it gets cold in winter, insulate. Insulation gives you the fastest return for your $ on lower heating and cooling bills.
Throwawaychica t1_jddlhgc wrote
Lovely office space
Him251 OP t1_jddmsif wrote
Anyone still seeing this, yes I didn't insulate it. Yes it's a titty lamp. Yes it's only a drop ceiling. I know all of this. This is my first and last post to this subreddit. DIY usually means it's not gonna be perfect. I'm open to suggestions but criticism on an amature just seems fucking like you have nothing better to do. I plan to insulate but the titty lamp is staying.
analinspector2000 t1_jddr29b wrote
SosaSM t1_jddrfmb wrote
Relax man, don't crack over a titty lamp.
Fleabagx35 t1_jdebigo wrote
Nothing wrong with a tig ol bittie lamp!
pineappleshnapps t1_jdecxi2 wrote
Don’t trip, they just wanna say titty lamp.
Tight_Man t1_jdehbiy wrote
Yeah I'd rather stare at trusses than a drop ceiling every day of the week. I do too, we're currently in the depths of a huge remodel. But mine has r38 insulation batts stapled between them because I'm not a fool who loves to waste electricity.
Jciesla t1_jdeo146 wrote
Do you have a source for this information? Not to be argumentative but I've literally never heard that nor ever seen drop ceiling covering drywall.
schmag t1_jdf0p7m wrote
And if it's a basement, doesn't soy d like this is.
But a ceiling can help quite a bit with the noise of people walking above. Insulation too, but....
AlfonzL t1_jdfdth7 wrote
Look at your local building codes, in the majority of areas, insulation is required in the attic space, plus fire code does not permit things like wood ceilings without a drywall backer.
It's not really a drop ceiling if it's the only ceiling, is it?
Jciesla t1_jdfe02g wrote
Of course it is... It's a ceiling that's dropped down from the joists... But nonetheless semantics aren't law.
AlfonzL t1_jdfz15c wrote
Look at your local building codes before questioning me, I know full well that in my area that vapor barrier and a minimum of R40 insulation is a code requirement. As well, a ceiling that prohibits flame spread is also a requirement. It doesn't have to be drywall, but something has to be there, regardless of the finished product. Drywall is the least expensive product, hence why it is used in 99.9% of applications.
jennifer3333 t1_jdj24y5 wrote
menards or home depot
Shadrach_Jones t1_jdlbgsh wrote
I have those lamps in my house; i like them. That "electrician" is an asshole
Is that an old military trailer outside?
Shadrach_Jones t1_jdlbmcm wrote
Crosspost to r/homeimprovement
They're more chill over there
Nice job on the ceiling
Him251 OP t1_jdp1rva wrote
Behind my house was an old business building. It was like doctors offices and I think a barber shop and some apartments. Anyway, someone bought it and have been renovating it for the past few years and that's there's.
DieDae t1_jda76ey wrote
Did you fix the leak?