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TheOwlOnMyPorch t1_iwz2cvt wrote

I'm sorry, a pump in his scrotum? I'm imagining the little pump they used to have in the tongue of certain sneakers, but wouldn't that hurt??


ireallydontcare52 t1_iwz9002 wrote

That's more or less exactly what I am imagining. Or like a priming bulb for a boat motor lol. I imagine it wouldn't hurt too much, depends on how hard you have to squeeze to get it to work.

Do you think if he sits down the wrong way it'd be an instant erection?


AromaticIce9 t1_ix1whrv wrote

You can pinch your scrotum skin pretty hard without it hurting. Just use the pad of your finger and not your fingernail lol


DeltaJesus t1_ix0pklm wrote

Yeah it's what they do for trans guys too, one nut inflates the other deflates. It's not painful because you're just squeezing the sack really, it's the nuts themselves that are fragile.


Double_Belt2331 t1_ix195lu wrote

Same prostheses are used for erectile disfunction. This tech has been available & widely used since the early 80s. The company that first developed it went public & had an entire schematic in their prospectus. At 24, all I could imagine was all the 60yo (male) brokers having a heart attack as they read the very invasive depictive description of how it all worked.

(Why does Reddit not recognize the word depictive?)