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FeFiFoShizzle t1_j3eqzks wrote

I'm bad mouthing you because you are pretending I said things I didnt and bad mouthing a vaccine because there are other problems in the world.

You are acting like you are in a Pepsi commercial lmao.

"Let's all hold hands and stop Monsanto instead of giving bees vaccines" - you

Edit: and ya the percent of the bee population that's in farms doesn't fucking matter because THEY AREN'T VACCINATING WILD BEES. Are you really gonna keep talking about wild bees? Why?

This vaccine is to keep FARMED bees populations up. End of story. Wild bees have nothing at all to do with this. Stop thinking about them in relation to this because it's not relevant.


coughdrop1989 t1_j3es5n6 wrote

Okay and how many bees are in farms. How are we to know if the population goes up with out numbers? You got numbers? Forget the wild bees. Fuck them. How many bees are in farms. How many? So we can keep track of their incline or decline of population. When they say 40% have died. Is that 40% of 1,000,000 or 40% of 5,000? Big difference.


FeFiFoShizzle t1_j3et9su wrote

152 million. 2.8 million colonies. Just in the US.

Pretty embarrassing for you.


coughdrop1989 t1_j3evy5x wrote

In farms? You got the source.


FeFiFoShizzle t1_j3ezxh7 wrote

You could just google it lol. What do you think I'm lying? Thats you who lies about stuff not me.

It's not like you will read this anyway you will just lie about reading it like you did with the other article. I doubt you can understand either this or the other article I posted anyway at this point.