Submitted by tdbair000 t3_yjen2u in GetMotivated
Jackamalio626 t1_iuo7drp wrote
No wonder everything stagnated and fell apart thanks to the Boomers.
Jackamalio626 t1_iuo7ixq wrote
"those millions of people who would benefit from this should suffer because it doesn't benefit ME specifically."
-an asshole
YellowBabylonianSub t1_iuoi6pa wrote
I like this better than instead of what really happened, when the boomers chopped down all the trees and blamed younger generations for not planting enough
voicebread t1_iuojcu8 wrote
The sentiment is nice but r/terriblefacebookmemes
close_thelid_grillme t1_iuol4ah wrote
To these people constantly whining in the comments, why do you even come here?
thetitanitehunk t1_iuopaju wrote
Imagine if, instead of focusing on getting the highest score, most money, all the awards we as a species dedicate our efforts into making this world a utopia for everyone including ourselves.
If we could preserve our genetic material, nearly indefinitely, then it wouldn't matter how long it takes to reach utopia as we can bring everyone back when we achieve it.
Then people would care about the world they leave and the impact they had on other people, especially their family because who's responsible for keeping your personal genetic legacy going?
Edit grammar
brownierisker t1_iuoqthw wrote
They'd be the little kid, and cut down the tree as soon as they got too big to use the swing
Jaybo4000 t1_iuoto0y wrote
What's terrible about it?
voicebread t1_iuou4h7 wrote
the illustration style, using comic sans, and the quality of the image itself. also the fact that the added text bubbles don’t add anything to the sentiment of the original quote
Edit: lmao apparently nobody here understands that sub. this meme screams boomer but okay
Jaybo4000 t1_iuou933 wrote
Maybe, but there isn't actually anything wrong with it.
Anomalous6 t1_iuovq8n wrote
They are motivated to post negativity, anakin.
TheBelgianDuck t1_iuow4oi wrote
True. Also r/CapitalismSux because all for short term gains. Including destroying profitable but not enough companies.
[deleted] t1_iuowdvt wrote
Ian_Favreau t1_iuoyfyr wrote
The third panel is his dad in a huge tree house in an even bigger tree
[deleted] t1_iuozqit wrote
The_Nomadic_Nerd t1_iup41o1 wrote
I wish Boomers understood this….
nize426 t1_iup90kr wrote
US currency is made of cotton and linen.
ltzerge t1_iup91uz wrote
"The environment? Eh, by the time the ice caps melt I'll be long dead. I don't give a fuck"
-My Uncle to me when I learned about global warming in school and asked him about it
sonofthenation t1_iupbx5i wrote
My daughter and I collect acorns. We spread them in areas where there aren’t any oak trees.
swim-bike-run t1_iupgfsr wrote
The best time to plant a tree is 50 years ago. The next best time is now.
LuisTechnology t1_iupgqxf wrote
Facts! This should be in every door lol 😂
No-Way-1195 t1_iupl0iq wrote
Everything reminds me of Hamilton.
BIGBIRD1176 t1_iupotix wrote
We need to pull apart the lie of the self-funded retirees, and the financially self reliant because these people think they are doing the right thing by not being a burden on the rest of us by depending on pensions but...
If companies you invest in are underpaying workers to increase the share given to shareholders, you are not self funded you are taking hard earned money from the working class
If the labour is exported overseas you are not self funded your share is paid by taking money that should be going to people doing what is often slave labour
If a company is destroying the planet and paying 30% dividends in a world where 10% is considered great, well you didn't earn 30% the earth is paying the other 20% with things other than money
Our strong dollar values depend on the economic dominance of other nations, that can't happen without excessive investment. Yet this is the source of all our problems, they are society based problems and therefore can only be solved as a society, this idea that I earn this because is bullshit, we are a team, every single one of us. Just because someone is unemployed today, it doesn't mean they are worthless, they may work 40 years over their lifetime. You can't focus on what someone is doing today without considering their lifetime contribution
And while we're replacing the existing system we should stop dominating our friends and allies, and we should want every nation to become our friends and allies
ThisismyLOLsmurf t1_iupqf4r wrote
ThisismyLOLsmurf t1_iupqixf wrote
Yea. Where Dat Boi. Always gives me the biggest ha
Bdriver808 t1_iupxb04 wrote
Instead we get Mitch Mcconnell.
Bluedogpinkcat t1_iupxcg1 wrote
Fucking boomers.
Chromattix t1_iuq0xs8 wrote
They left us plenty of lawns though for the kids we can't afford to not play on because the property now belongs to some overseas investor.
Chromattix t1_iuq10ic wrote
"I had a shit run growing up so why should these people get any better"
blucivic1 t1_iuq1j42 wrote
They'll keep voting for their own self interest instead of the generation behind them. Effectively killing any potential future growth.
Chromattix t1_iuq1rrn wrote
It's a pretty decent metaphor isn't it?
Greatest generation: Planted trees because they knew what it was like to grow up without any and wanted better for their kids.
Boomers: Cut the matured trees down for wood to heat their huge homes. Didn't plant new ones because they'd damage the pool they put in their place to one-up the neighbours.
Millennials: Inherits no trees because their parents wanted a sun-bathed yard mostly full of nothing instead so now they have to plant their own.
Gen Z: Learn from all this.
Jackamalio626 t1_iuq2o5w wrote
Oh they didnt have a shit run. They lucked out; their WWII vet post-GD parents worked extra hard to make sure they never ever wanted for anything. The boomers lucked out being born in the most prosperous and easygoing era in our country's history, but still love to pretend they worked against great adversity.
borophyllShmorophyll t1_iuq585m wrote
I’m here for you blucivic1 ! You are on the money. America hit some weird stagnation point. The system has spread and festered to the point that immediate success for the individuals or the haves is better than long term growth and prosperity for the whole.
[deleted] t1_iuq5hmo wrote
ConfusedSpaceMonkey t1_iuq71fg wrote
Updoot for not including GenX. No, it’s fine. We’re used to it.
[deleted] t1_iuq7cm7 wrote
Bucket1982 t1_iuq9n5h wrote
Elon planted the tree for us. Let freedom ring.
Bucket1982 t1_iuq9sr3 wrote
Imagine thinking the generations after boomers will be better?
Darian_Kimberly t1_iuqan30 wrote
Dad got tall af
snowaxe_83 t1_iuqapml wrote
I doubt any currency notes are printed on Paper, Cotton is the standard, except maybe in Japan, they use a different plant.
Unhappy-Exchange-486 t1_iuqc5ld wrote
A young man sees an old monk planting date seeds in his garden, next to his small hut.
For those of you that don't know, a date palm can take almost 15-20 years before it begins to produce fruit.
The young man is curious, so he approaches the monk and asks "Why are you planting date palms in your garden, when you know that you will never reap its fruits?"
The monk looks at the boy, smiles and says: "Son.... Why don't you mind your own business. It's my garden, I'll plant whatever the fuck I want."
What---------------- t1_iuqcwtn wrote
Gen X is chilling with Van Halen while Boomers and Millennials beat the shit out of each other.
lucky_day_ted t1_iuqe167 wrote
So... wait are you saying cutting taxes for the rich using borrowed money our grandchildren have to pay back is a bad thing?
FerretKitty667 t1_iuqfj9i wrote
It's actually a bit scary when you think about it. I mean it makes sense, you work for the better of younger generations, the thing is that the desire of living in that world and realization that you might not live long enough to be able to enjoy that world... It makes you a bit uneasy.
GoinMyWay t1_iuqhwyk wrote
Your uncle taught you a valuable lesson on the motivations and reality of almost everyone, don't squander that.
[deleted] t1_iuqkvzv wrote
HellsMalice t1_iuqlktx wrote
Shh you're hurting his forced narrative
[deleted] t1_iuqlnug wrote
[deleted] t1_iuqng4b wrote
borophyllShmorophyll t1_iuqo77s wrote
Man/woman! You gotta have hope. We’re all we’ve got. What’s the point of not having hope? This is our one shot, our only shot. For all we know, we could be the only, or at least the first, sentient species/culture.
ReptileBat t1_iuqpymf wrote
I wish I understood all the boomer hate in this post?
Crazyhamsterfeet t1_iuqqecs wrote
I wish most politicians understood/want to do this. 😞
SpaceHawk98W t1_iuqxgrh wrote
And then they're countries with dictators plotting to rule the world in their own order
arduheltgalen t1_iuqyiwt wrote
I thought the guy in the bottom frame had a chainsaw in his hand at first. Would be pretty funny.
NexusPatriot t1_iuqz9g9 wrote
I don’t wanna sound like I’m deflecting and pointing fingers, but as a the oldest of Gen Z following the Millennials, the world the Baby Boomers and Gen X have left for us is nothing less than a shit show.
The world our parents made… the self-aggrandizing desperation and desolation of social responsibility is irrevocably irresponsible. I understand they grew up in a world dominated by rising post-modern idealism, but following the decisive western victories in World War II and the Cold War, the world should be in a far better spot than where it is.
All the hope, wonder, scientific and social advancements made since the 1950s have been spectacular on a global scale. Yet somehow, things seem as hopeless as ever.
Now it feels like corporations rule everything, neo-conservative agendas degrade social integrity, and social media has become an echo chamber for brainwashing and fear mongering.
We live in the safest and most progressive era in human history. But it doesn’t feel like it. I’m wondering if it’s just me becoming more cynical as I get older, or the news I consume, or how people treat me - and how they treat each other.
Maybe my childhood naiveté has gotten the better of me, and the idea that humans really do care about each other is a fools gambit.
The powers that be, do nothing but consolidate more power. There’s just so much greed and corruption… it’s so hard to see the good in people anymore. They might be kind on the surface, but give them power and what do they become?
I hope you have a great day, Reddit. I hope there are those of you out there who find a balance between that childhood dream and stoic realism. Between them is a thin line of optimistic unity, that will carry us to the future.
The only way this human experiment succeeds, is if we make decisions and realize they impact the people of tomorrow. Our children shouldn’t inherit our sins.
We can’t make the same mistakes our parents did.
Banditzombie97 t1_iur0xph wrote
Yea bruh wtf😂
blomba t1_iur227x wrote
Yeah because this type of attitude had nothing to do with it
otternur t1_iur2l91 wrote
And the people who complain about them will continue to go to protests, but not vote.
[deleted] t1_iur30wg wrote
pressurepoint13 t1_iur4n3c wrote
That's pretty cool that dad ended up flying hot air balloons
SumGuyWhoDis t1_iur5bhj wrote
GenX benefits all of the conspiracy theories, won’t do much besides bitch, and generally vote in/line with the boomers once the Millennials became the punching bag for the angry Fox News audiences.
jarockinights t1_iura4j7 wrote
I wouldn't over romanticize the G.I. Generation. That generation was consumed by alcoholism and incredibly rampant violent child abuse. Childhoods that the Boomers grew up in, being flogged with beltbuckles while simaltaniously being told how easy they have it and how their music and more progressive attitudes toward minorities were evil and misguided. Every Boomer I've talked to either hates their parents, or at best has an extremely tenous relationship marked by stories of extreme fear.
I honestly think millennials (and I'm one of them) are at high risk of falling into the same shoes as our Boomer parents, especially when millenials start getting those large windfalls from the death of their Boomer parents. Millenials are going to look around at the growing disparity and going to be scared of losing that new money, and Generation Alphas are going to criticize us Millenials of sitting on our inheretances like dragons.
[deleted] t1_iurcuso wrote
UnfortunateJones t1_iurecde wrote
You’re getting an inheritance? That must be nice.
jarockinights t1_iurehyv wrote
When your parents are one of the stereotypical Boomers everyone talks about, then yes, you will have a hefty inheritance.
AlienChristmas t1_iuriq4b wrote
“But I’m sort of guessing he enjoyed gardening anyway” - Karl Pilkington
finger_milk t1_iursw63 wrote
Then the son proceeds to not plant a new tree and the cycle begins again.
[deleted] t1_iururlq wrote
BabyCharcuterie t1_iurut5m wrote
Well I'll be damned. If only we could own a piece of land that our future generation can swing their children from a tree in.
BabyCharcuterie t1_iurux0l wrote
Too late. There's vomit on his sweater already.
ValyrianJedi t1_iurvsdr wrote
Eh, I'm 32 now, and I'd take being 32 on 2022 over being 32 in 1982 pretty much hands down, on at least 9 things out of 10... Yeah, not everything is perfect but I'd say it's for sure better than it was, and is definitely what I'd consider the best time to live in compared to those in the past.
drkrthnthspeedofliht t1_iurvu61 wrote
What happens when the old men cut all the trees down?
sidharthv1 t1_iurwlm7 wrote
Very useful qoute
TomStarGregco t1_iurwszu wrote
frylord t1_ius351e wrote
yes because people holding boomers accountable for being shitty caused them to be shitty
sgtNACHO117 t1_ius6yq5 wrote
Until the Leftist progressives tax away your entire inheritance to put into "welfare" programs that really just lines their own pockets and those of big tech and big pharma.
People are people and will always choose their own over yours. Every generation is selfish and blames the others for their own problems. Every generation since the Industrial revolution has had to deal with the complete upheaval of their way of life. Before then you were just a farmer or cooper or smith like your family before you.
Now you have to be better than the previous generations in a never ending climb while those exact generations live longer and longer and dont want to lose hold of what they have.
jarockinights t1_ius7ej3 wrote
Oh boohoo, you mean I'll only be able to keep a million dollars of my inherated wealth??? However will I live without my third villa?!
ConfusedSpaceMonkey t1_ius8avc wrote
I’d say we were the generation who got to helplessly watch it all free fall throughout our youth and young adult lives. We did get some pretty awesome video games along the way. But the overall long term brain-rot and embracing of the Fox “news” alternate reality is super sad.
Jackamalio626 t1_iuskk14 wrote
No. it didnt. The Boomer proactice of ruining everything started long before most of us were born or could vote.
deadfish45 t1_iusssul wrote
This may be true, but it doesn’t matter. The whole point is to keep trying to make a better society for the next generation instead of blaming those before us. And I think we should be a little grateful, the fact you have time to spend on Reddit shows the sacrifice previous generations had. Almost 90% of the US has air conditioning, people die more often of overeating than starvation in the US, and even if you’re not from the US, if you simply own a fridge, an AC unit, an iPhone, and heated water, you could arguably say you’re living better than John D. Rockefeller did for most of his life.
Jackamalio626 t1_iusv03b wrote
Oh dont start with the "oh but it could be so much WORSE" crap; thats the same drivel boomers always pull out when young people start talking about how they have to choose between food and rent and cant afford health insurance because their dipshit parents shot down general welfare bills and laws with their "i got mine" greedy mindset.
Just because it could be worse doesnt mean its GOOD. If it can be better, it SHOULD be better; stop trying to divert progress with antiquated boogiemen. We're sick of settling for what we can get.
deadfish45 t1_iusvgdk wrote
You don’t know my story. I don’t have health insurance at all. I’m still grateful for the fact hospitals will treat you even if you don’t have health insurance. Even if we can’t afford health insurance it is still way better quality than it was 50 years ago. And I’m not diverting progress in any way by saying people should be grateful. If you think being grateful is the same as settling for less than that’s just wrong
iRaqNiRan t1_iuuer1x wrote
THIS!! I have been trying to throw it into conversations with people I work with how lucky and “luxurious” even those of us who are broke are. There was a point in time where all of our homes were just huts and we didn’t have anything for crying out loud. We are so lucky to be alive in this time!
MuminMetal t1_iuvyo5k wrote
ie. strong men create good times, good times create weak men etc etc.
There's truth to it, but what's happened and is happening in America goes beyond "boomers", does it not? Unchecked greed and corruption has made sure that only corporations and the political ruling class have the power to change course.
Boomers are mostly just guilty of being out of touch, like most people in their 60s-70s.
MuminMetal t1_iuw01q8 wrote
What do you imagine is better now? The rate of progress must have been staggering back then.
deadfish45 t1_iv8ee45 wrote
Exactly, obviously things could be better if everyone was more generous but gratefulness is something that is lost in todays society and it could solve a lot of problems if more people were grateful.
OolongAI t1_iunkw7v wrote
And then there are Boomers