Roving_Rhythmatist t1_j2wft29 wrote
Poorly Paraphrased Marcus Aurelius:
Are you hurting?
Will it kill you?
Then there's nothing to worry about, you'll survive.
...version #2...
Are you hurting?
Will it kill you?
Then there's nothing to worry about, it will all be over soon.
palegate t1_j2wfwp6 wrote
And if it's really the end, then just adjust your definition of okay.
I personally wouldn't tattoo that onto my body, but you do you.
PhilpotBlevins t1_j2wgqgf wrote
Isn't that the motto of ASCRS?
ladykatey t1_j2wjcy1 wrote
Have you heard of Project Semicolon?
Firealarm32 OP t1_j2wyq1i wrote
Tattoo it to my heart, got it.
thatrussiangirl t1_j2wz8ic wrote
That’s not from that show. It’s much older.
[deleted] t1_j2x3br7 wrote
I would love to get a tattoo to cover up a certain scar as well. However, said scar is all over my left forearm and I don’t think there’s a discreet way to tattoo over that :(
wise_quoter t1_j2x5njt wrote
"Not having achieved what they wanted, they pretended that they wanted exactly what they had achieved." Michel de Montaigne
gotele t1_j2x5qn8 wrote
I've seen this attributed to John Lennon.
[deleted] t1_j2x7718 wrote
Lilimaej t1_j2x9iv7 wrote
Exactly! Thanks.. I needed to be reminded!!! 😍
Radiati t1_j2xd09h wrote
Everything will truly be okay when I’m buried or cremated 😂
WeThreeTrees333 t1_j2xfre6 wrote
Imho, it's a little wordy for a tattoo.
mahjimoh t1_j2xg0rc wrote
I’d research the source or at least don’t mention it as coming from 1899. :-)
EnglishReason t1_j2xivq5 wrote
Tinkety tonk.
[deleted] t1_j2xj2gn wrote
Winterlord7 t1_j2xjjo7 wrote
Repeat every day until the end, even if it never comes.
Winterlord7 t1_j2xjkk7 wrote
Repeat every day until the end, even if it never comes.
MooZell t1_j2xlcvd wrote
proteusON t1_j2xpn7o wrote
I automatically have a negative opinion with anybody that tattoos an inspirational quote to their body. What are you, a walking Instagram?
parabolicurve t1_j2xqoxh wrote
I first heard it in Kernode & Mayo film review. Back when their show was in BBC Radio 5 live.
bigkitty17 t1_j2xskzb wrote
Idk why people are judging you for wanting this tattooed OP, it’s beautiful! Just go to someone who specializes in script.
Firealarm32 OP t1_j2xsurg wrote
Thank you!
Trips-Over-Tail t1_j2xuyk1 wrote
Mmm. The post-black hole Dark Era of the Universe.
zanmato1109 t1_j2xvu20 wrote
Eh, maybe don't? It's kind of Live, Laugh, Love-y. If I saw it on someone, I'd think, "this is the kind of person who thinks Inception is an intellectual masterpiece and Olive Garden is fancy."
I know it sounds harsh, but I think knowing how it might seem to people is important. You don't want a tattoo that makes people fake smile and say, "that's great, hon."
dafugr t1_j2xwf7t wrote
"There are no happy endings because nothing ends." Schmendrick the Magician.
Whiplash17488 t1_j2xwln7 wrote
Thank you.
Also for those listening in. Marcus Aurelius had a 20+ year education as a Stoic philosopher. A Hellenic school of philosophy that taught you how to think about your life and every day decisions. Its something that can still be understood today so you can reach your own conclusions in life rather than following Marcus’ even.
LizardQueen777 t1_j2y2sui wrote
Awesome idea I really like it !
ballrus_walsack t1_j2y2z1q wrote
Unless it’s a tramp stamp
whatdontyousee t1_j2y4yqc wrote
Not to rain on your parade but, this simply isn’t true.
[deleted] t1_j2y67e3 wrote
kiwi_sarah t1_j2y7jsv wrote
Underrated comment 😂
Firealarm32 OP t1_j2y8sgm wrote
From a suicidal standpoint it is
stan4MarcusAurelius t1_j2ybj39 wrote
Get a semicolon like everyone else, this phrase on your wrist tells everyone "I'm that person who is going to make everything about my attempt"
GatsbyJunior t1_j2ycdpg wrote
That's a great sentiment. I'm glad you're okay, and I hope you continue to live by it.
UniverseBear t1_j2ydnig wrote
I mean yah, I guess we'll all die eventually.
E2_Awesome_2 t1_j2yl8b7 wrote
This is one of my personal favorite quotes
Purple_is_masculine t1_j2ylj2i wrote
I really don't like tattoos, but might I suggest a snake, a strip with text or symbols, a tree or plant, or maybe two smaller tattoos that conveniently hide it together.
Trell3k t1_j2ym94z wrote
Went to the doc today. In the end, everthing was fine
stevengreen11 t1_j2yoj72 wrote
How about, quit thinking that things should be okay, or easy. The obstacles in your path make your journey worthwhile. And it's not the end you should be striving for.
The obstacles ARE the path.
Flameshark9860 t1_j2ytynu wrote
Sil_Lavellan t1_j2yvt06 wrote
Me too, I have it on a key ring.
groeniess t1_j2yw42e wrote
Go for it. I just got my first tattoo saying “It is what it is”. It’s a reminder for my perception in life if you can’t control an outcome- so you keep moving and do your best.
Lauraleslie t1_j2yykd2 wrote
Love this quote! Thanks for sharing it!
12kdaysinthefire t1_j2z1teb wrote
In the end nothing matters
ifoundit1 t1_j2z23hy wrote
That's called opposite game. I'm sure a bad person smashed someone's head in to say they said that 1st.
Couldnothinkofaname t1_j2z4gnx wrote
Maybe just get a shirt
D-Raj t1_j2z4gsk wrote
The Gambling addiction mantra
ET__ t1_j2zadde wrote
Lmao. Yes, that’s from 1899. I say do it.
LiveMammoth7055 t1_j2zafpp wrote
word tattoos are silly.
yami76 t1_j2zanof wrote
Who’s 1899?
jabar18 t1_j2zfvbf wrote
None of us are getting out of this alive.
Sandpaper_Pants t1_j2zn8au wrote
The way I'm interpreting this, it's not the least bit motivating. It's horrifying.
zombtassadar t1_j2zswtl wrote
I'm worried about the hurting part...
Blackshirts98 t1_j2zwkrs wrote
He wrote the most popular book we have on Stoicism yet would have disagreed to have been called a philosopher. Truly a once in a generation type of man
Roving_Rhythmatist t1_j304v2j wrote
Everybody hurts, sometimes.
[deleted] t1_j304wfc wrote
rosetterosette t1_j305ijj wrote
I thought this was from Rick and Morty
Tunapizzacat t1_j305srg wrote
This will look terrible as a tattoo.
But "It's not the end" might be cool tattooed around the wrist like a wristband, so that it can be read in a continuous loop.
[deleted] t1_j3062zk wrote
what_that_thaaang_do t1_j306h08 wrote
Unless you die. Then its the end
Future-is-bright t1_j3075km wrote
From the best exotic Marigold hotel, Dev Pattel saying: « Everything will be all right in the end. If it’s not all right, it is not yet the end ».
I8NY t1_j3092zt wrote
Put it in your wallet where you can see it and show it to others. Take the money you would have spent on the tattoo and invest it. Old you will be appreciative.
Latter-Agent3548 t1_j30a3nv wrote
Unfortunately, this isn't how real life works
Spamton496 t1_j30b2fi wrote
Not like i want to ruin your mood but, someone who i know told something like that to his friend and they ended in the hospital, his name was like a plant... Basil maybe?
[deleted] t1_j30bzne wrote
Tag82 t1_j30chjo wrote
I often see Oscar Wilde get credit for this quote.
Xylus1985 t1_j30ek6y wrote
You are right. It’s only the beginning.
SirGuelph t1_j30f5e2 wrote
That's even longer
Night_Runner t1_j30hvyn wrote
Excel tattoos are way better.
aonele t1_j30i33q wrote
So I’m Taiwanese and speak Mandarin. The quote in the show is in Mandarin and goes, iirc:
The first part of this Chinese proverb means “the boat will right itself at the dock” and the second parts are “if the boat is not righted, you’re not at the dock yet”the general sense of the proverb is that “you’ll figure things out as you go, and things will fall into place when and if it’s meant to.” The second part of this saying is not common (at least to me as an Taiwanese immigrant). The first part is a Mandarin proverb, so much so that I thought the English was just a translation for the Mandarin proverb cuz I wasn’t familiar with the English version until the show. My theory now is that the show includes Asian writers or at least some sort language aficionado who was able to tie the proverb into the show.
I LOVED this being used in 1899, which takes place on an ocean liner!! It was a chef’s kiss in terms of subtlety and layering in a show. I totally forgot to look up if there’s an 1899 subreddit to talk about this lol
If you want an alternative, I do recommend having a Mandarin-speaking tattoo artist to tattoo the Mandarin version of this quote :)
JustaCucumber t1_j30kd5z wrote
How are you interpreting it? I see it as sort of a “This too shall pass” kind of vibe
WhiteWingedDove- t1_j30kfdn wrote
Basic af
GregFromStateFarm t1_j30kmgq wrote
Yeah, nah. This is not paraphrased Aurelius. This is an entirely different quote with no relevance to him.
Bitter_Effective_352 t1_j30n1n2 wrote
I like it and if that’s what you want don’t worry worry about the opinion of a bunch of strangers. Just remember the world is a better place because you are still here
davidfavel t1_j30r9vo wrote
Thats where i heard it first.
PineapplesandAlpacas t1_j30vd2i wrote
Best Exotic Marigold Hotel introduced this quote to me
Nerds4Yous t1_j30w2kc wrote
You almost got a quote from a TV show?!
FindingOutXo t1_j315z41 wrote
Scar? On your wrist, you say? You show me yours and I'll show you mine?
[deleted] t1_j31a40u wrote
Spicy_knock t1_j31bgr3 wrote
I am waiting for this quote comes true for 24+ years, but it doesn’t
Roving_Rhythmatist t1_j321t5o wrote
Yeah, yep.
Pretty sure it is, but all the same, have a wonderful day.
Advanced-Attempt-243 t1_j2wdzwg wrote
You might consider taking the message to heart as opposed to your skin.