Submitted by abreastJockey t3_115b79g in GetMotivated
fapping_bird t1_j916lke wrote
My life has gone to shit since 4 years back. And I found this motivating comic and I told myself one day like the guy in the comic I would figure myself out, just give me some time.
4 years later, to present time, coming to 5 years almost actually, my life is still shit. And I stumbled on this comic again.
I can’t help but think that I’m a failure. FML
[deleted] t1_j917ivt wrote
CRSHFBRCTN t1_j91d63g wrote
Still can’t tie a fucking tie though.
perigon t1_j91f37x wrote
Thank you. Even though I've seen this before, it's resonating with me a lot today. Not in a good place right now despite trying extremely hard. But while I'm still alive there is always hope for the future, even if it doesn't feel like it right now.
HappinessPursuit t1_j91md5w wrote
I always disliked this comic. Call me cynical, but nobody ever fully figures it out and "success" isn't always portrayed through a suit and tie. Sometimes success is about getting through life feeling alright about your shuffled Rubik's cube.
I also feel like this clip explains my thoughts better than I could.
GoogleIncognitoMode t1_j91mmsw wrote
Got me in the first half. Tbh tho, it's better to be a hopeful failure than a hopeless failure. Stay strong 💪
dwhiffing t1_j91p8jm wrote
Try making smaller changes. Next time you see something that makes you think you are a failure, try to replace those thoughts with something that you are proud of. It may seem cheesy, but one who moves a mountain must start by carrying away small stones. Best of luck to you stranger.
dottobocco t1_j91t9cn wrote
If solving Rubik’s cube is the analogy, then I guess I will never figure it out and will be sad forever.
rock_gremlin t1_j91xrdm wrote
Literally though. As if a nice business job will make our problems vanish. No one ever conquers the world, we are always trying to improve. It's true, the Rubik's cube will always be shuffled. Our job is to find peace with that lol
artflesh t1_j92dbff wrote
100% agree. Life will never be about solving it - because whatever life presents to us we are redefining our own goals as we go and are very shifting. It’s a bad idea to think there’s a way to “reach it” as that’s not human nature, nor is the portrayal of generic success as shown here with success being a suit and tie job and other trope things
Malicious_Smasher t1_j92fj60 wrote
I think honestly there's people who for things life will never click for them. Those who will die on their death beds bitter and full of regret.
Smash-Doc t1_j92g7rc wrote
I tried this , my face got pretty fucked up and I'm in a very severe condition
0 stars , not recommended
Trips-Over-Tail t1_j92txdj wrote
You know he just moved the stickers.
beeskness420 t1_j92wkl1 wrote
Well yes, the green face should be yellow.
Trips-Over-Tail t1_j92yh8z wrote
He'll be sad cube again when his employers realise he lied to get hired.
cookieswirlish t1_j92z3mo wrote
very creative!!
fn0000rd t1_j9331fz wrote
I went for a massage last week (because someone gave me a gift certificate), and halfway through the masseuse asked me if I’d had another massage recently because I wasn’t carrying any tension.
It was the ultimate example of how I’ve come to a place in my life where I’m at peace with my issues and that I’ve built the Life I Want To Live.
I have ADD (no hyperactivity) and was chronically depressed for most of my life. I’m 51 now and while that number is scary, after spending most of my life dreading getting older I’ve finally realized that getting old is awesome as long as you’re constantly working to improve your situation.
As a college student I would get crippling tension in my back, to the point that I could neither sit up nor sleep, from fear of failure during exams. 30 years later I would still have nightmares from it. There were times I’ve had to dig my diploma out of the basement to remind myself that I finally got there — it took me 9 years, but I got my bachelors degree.
Just keep at it, no matter how bad shit gets, and keep pushing forward. Visualize what you want your life to be like and keep the effort up and Getting Old can mean Getting Better.
sneaky_squirrel t1_j938gsa wrote
I want to see this comic backwards.
I think we should just accept we are perpetually awkward.
Expectations are poison.
Cvarns t1_j939gdp wrote
This part kills me when seeing cubes in comics and media.
Extra-Confection-706 t1_j93dsc8 wrote
You are not cynical just contradicting your own statement.
You figured out that nobody ever figures It out?
J--EAZY t1_j93lhu7 wrote
I don't know if you know me but I find these things are what I'm going thru right now and I'm lost I feel so alone even if I win I still lose
InsideDark_2260 t1_j93uxbf wrote
Indeed. Someday we'll all figure out where we're meant to be.
mnightro t1_j93w9n2 wrote
should be a females pics not males
Hooktrrudat t1_j93wkab wrote
This would make me feel better if I knew how to solve a Rubik's cube
itsottis t1_j93zkpn wrote
PolsBrokenAGlass t1_j940a0s wrote
Really needed this 💗
mattb624 t1_j941jrc wrote
The fun thing about rubiks cubes is that just because they are all jumbled up does not mean that they are broken. Also, even when they have been solved it does not mean that their function is at its end.
areyouari t1_j9437jf wrote
The second picture has 2 yellow centres so is actually unsolvable
Thelastsaburai t1_j9461yy wrote
He’s probably looking at the old picture wondering where that carefree life-loving person went
Firemorfox t1_j946v5o wrote
"success" for me,
is simply improving yourself compared to the past
and that's enough for me
The_Real_ZerXceS t1_j948lx5 wrote
so success is C Class? dont want to be a bum loser, right?
Slight_Tea t1_j94a2k1 wrote
This reminds me of that classic story of the gingerbread man:
"A gingerbread man sits in his gingerbread house. He screams, for he does not know whether he is made of house, or if the house is made of him."
deannasbluefish t1_j94i5bc wrote
Ahhh. Adulting summed up in 7 words.
Whole_Ad_6484 t1_j94iucc wrote
Thanks for the insight. Will you ever figure it out? I hope the mother's that birthed you all are proud that the raised creepy stalker types. Way to go weirdos! Way to go.
dangerwig t1_j94iw0r wrote
The ultimate goal in life is to be a good little worker, right?
Extra-Confection-706 t1_j94jl97 wrote
Stalker what? Are you high my boy?
pinacoleadam t1_j94m87r wrote
This is awesome!
[deleted] t1_j94r9jg wrote
HappinessPursuit t1_j94rwxi wrote
It's more like Socrates, "the only thing I know is that I know nothing."
Extra-Confection-706 t1_j94sahp wrote
Read about that statement and why he used It to defend himself in court.
He was not an idiot and very aware that he knew a shit ton of stuff.
Your statement still doesnt make sense. You cant figure out that nobody figures It.
HappinessPursuit t1_j94sqgh wrote
Honestly, I never claimed that I "figured out" that nobody figures it out in the first place.
I'm simply saying that people shouldn't set this expectation of success for themselves as portrayed in the comic as having a solved Rubik's cube.
Life is so vastly complex beyond anything we can comprehend. Whether it's your role in society or existentialism. There is some value to being more comfortable with the idea of not grasping life's meaning, if there is one. It's an impossible task because at the end of the day, nobody truly has any idea what is going on.
I know I'm getting into philosophical territory but that's how I viewed it. There isn't anything contradictory with acknowledging what I've said above imo.
Edit: to add. You really can figure that out in the same sense that we all have illusions at a young age that adults have things figured out. And as we get older we realize people across all walks of life are just like us, figuring it out.
Izrud t1_j9511b7 wrote
It's too unrealistic to be sorted out ever. There should always be a few squares off, because that's life and we should be OK with it never being perfect. That's part of the beauty of it.
turtlemonkeigh t1_j951720 wrote
I cried a couple years ago when I saw this, it was a stressful time in life, but I knew one day I would look back once I made it through the storm. I am happy to say I am finally through the storm.
CanIPleaseGetTopped t1_j9534cg wrote
and the same corner has 2 whites
OkSecurity1251 t1_j953dww wrote
How did he turn the cube up or down without disconnecting from the neck, is he the cube or th body
Mardukhate t1_j956bjj wrote
I've solved a lot of problems in my life and feel very confident. However, the Rubik's cube is one I've never been able to solve without cheating.
[deleted] t1_j96p3g0 wrote
6138 t1_j980qmk wrote
I was going to say this, but I didn't want to be a downer on this sub, it's usually a fairly positive place.
But yeah, I think the goal in life should be to be the best version of yourself that you can.
You will very rarely achieve all of your dreams, or do all of the things that you ever wanted, because that's unfortunately not how life works most of the time, but you can learn to accept who you are and what you have achieved, given your capabilities and limitations.
WackyJaber t1_j98m2ma wrote
I'm 28 years old, almost 29, still waiting to figure it out.
Extra-Confection-706 t1_j9a85vy wrote
"Nobody ever figures It out"
How can you be sure about that when nobody figures It out? You never claimed directly you figured It out, yet you are talking like you figured It out since you know that "nobody figures It out".
Maybe there is someone Who figured It out?! How would you know? The only way to know that It cant be true is that you figured out that nobody figures It out.
To come to the conclusión that nobody ever figures It out, you literally had to figure that out that nobody ever figures It out. It makes no logical sense.
A smarter statement would be:
"I am kinda sure that nobody ever figures It out but i dont know shit about fuck and just talking out of my ass to sound smarter than i am"
KookyPotato3761 t1_j9babcb wrote
Aw he turned out to be a blue collar corp dude
HappinessPursuit t1_j9bndeg wrote
You are right in a way, how can anyone claim to know for others any kind of understanding? Because you only truly know things from your own perspective. I see the philosophical problem you're saying.
But I suppose in a way that is also what I am saying. It's more of a gist of Taoism's "those who know do not speak, those who speak do not know."
The Socrates quote I posted above still echoes that: "the only thing I know is that I don't know."
It's all about a certain kind of humbleness, to admit you don't know anything. But you're getting upset because in order to say that you are being contradictory? The message still comes across without being philosophically anal.
This quote from Terence McKenna puts the point of my OP best:
"We all need to try to understand what is happening. We need to try to understand what is happening, and in my humble opinion, ideology is only going to get in your way. Nobody understands what is happening, not Buddhists, not Christians, not government scientists... no one understands what is happening. So forget ideology. They betray. They limit. They lead astray.
Nobody is smarter than you are. And what if they are? What good is their understanding doing you? People who walk around saying, ‘Well, I don’t understand quantum physics, but somewhere, somebody understands it.’. That’s not a very helpful attitude toward preserving the insights of quantum physics.
Just deal with the raw data, and trust yourself. Inform yourself.
What does “inform yourself” mean? It means transcend and mistrust ideology. Go for direct experience. What do you think when you face the waterfall? What do you think when you have sex? What do you think when you take psilocybin? Everything else is unconfirmable rumor, useless, probably lies. So liberate yourself from the illusion of culture. Take responsibility for what you think and what you do."
So focus on your own Rubik's cube. Be wary of anyone who claims to say they have theirs figured out. Direct experience is all that matters and everything is subjective. Everything can be contradictory in analytic philosophy.
The only thing that should matter to you is if you are satisfied with your own Rubik's cube. Forget what I said about how nobody can claim to have theirs solved. The whole point of my message is that their cubes don't ever matter to you.
S0mbraVerde t1_j9boupl wrote
It's been 38 years and I'm still in the same place
I've tried jobs and been successful just for life to change and mess me over
This picture is a lie
Will never get out of this hole
Fancy_Female t1_j9kug3u wrote
Nah. Some people just never figure it out
yoshigronk t1_j90sa3f wrote
I like that he has a framed picture of him being sad years ago.