Submitted by voteearlyday t3_yft3yb in IAmA


ABOUT COMMISSIONER HOVLAND: I was confirmed by unanimous consent of the United States Senate on January 2, 2019 to serve on the U.S. Election Assistance Commission (EAC). My 20-year career in elections has been shaped by my commitment to improving election administration and removing barriers to voting. Most recently, I served as Acting Chief Counsel for the U.S. Senate Committee on Rules and Administration, where I focused on the federal government’s role in election administration and campaign finance regulation. Earlier in my career, as the Deputy General Counsel for the Missouri Secretary of State’s office, I focused on legal issues related to the administration of state and federal elections, including recounts, poll worker training, voter registration list maintenance, statewide database matching, voter education resources and ballot initiative litigation.

ABOUT SECRETARY TOULOUSE OLIVER: I have called New Mexico home since the age of 3 and am proud to be New Mexico’s 26th Secretary of State. I have served the people of New Mexico in this role since first being elected in 2016.

I was first appointed to public office in 2007 when I became County Clerk in New Mexico’s largest county, Bernalillo County. Elected to my first full term in 2008, Secretary Toulouse Oliver served 2 1/2 terms as County Clerk until she was elected as Secretary of State in 2016. Overseeing elections in the state’s largest county gave me detailed, on-the-ground expertise in election administration that has helped to guide my current work overseeing elections statewide.

I have been involved in politics and public policy for over two decades and have made public service the focus of my career. My work has focused on increasing voter access, running efficient, secure, and fair elections, and bringing more transparency and increased ethical standards to government.

I worked my way through college and graduate school. While earning my Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in Political Science from the University of New Mexico, I worked for U.S. Senator Jeff Bingaman in his DC Office and on his re-election campaign in 2000. I also gained activism and organizing experience working with Native American tribes in New Mexico, fighting for reproductive justice, and protecting the Environment as the NM State Director for the League of Conservation Voters.

Since becoming Secretary of State I have implemented increased transparency rules for financial disclosure and campaign finance reporting, modernized the online campaign finance system, helped craft and pass good government legislation like same-day voter registration, automated voter registration, and the state’s newly-formed Ethics Commission.

In addition to my elected position, I am the immediate Past President of the National Association of Secretaries of State (NASS), and have previously served NASS as President, President-Elect, Treasurer, and chair of the elections committee. I serve as a board member of New Mexico’s Public Employees Retirement Association (PERA), the New Mexico Martin Luther King, Jr. Commission, and the state Commission on Records and Archives. I am currently a member of the University of Southern California Annenberg Center’s Voter Communication task force, and an advisory board member for the Election Official Legal Defense Network co-founded by national election law experts Benjamin Ginsburg and Bob Bauer. I am also a Ph.D. Student in Political Science at the University of New Mexico and is a W.K. Kellogg Foundation Community Leadership Network Fellowship alumna. Most importantly, I am the proud mother of two sons, Christian and Max.

When Americans vote early - busy schedules, long lines, or confusing rules can’t stop us from casting our ballot. And, bonus, it shortens Election Day lines and helps ensure no one has to choose between their health and casting a ballot. Voting early rules vary widely all over the country, and we want to make sure you have all the answers you need to vote early and celebrate with us tomorrow.

We will be answering all your questions about #VoteEarlyDay and how to #VoteEarly, starting at 1 PM ET / 10 AM PT

Look up the options to vote early in your state here

Get the tools you need to celebrate Vote Early Day today in your community

Learn more about Vote Early Day on our website:



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Forced_Abortion_ t1_iu536t6 wrote

Wait, they made New Mexico from Breaking Bad into a real place?


voteearlyday OP t1_iu5710n wrote

SEC. TOULOUSE OLIVER: New Mexico is not only a real place it is REALLY amazing! Come visit! I loved Breaking Bad not just for being a great show but also because I felt like it was a love letter to my beautiful state. The storyline may be tragic, but just looking at the beautiful imagery of my home always makes me smile. Incidentally, Breaking Bad filmed in many places I have personally spent much time: Java Joes, my favorite breakfast place (aka Tuco's hideout); my high school gym (season 2, episode 1), my old office building (Hank's DEA building); the Grove (where Walter and Lydia meet for coffee); Twisters (i.e. Los Pollos Hermanos), and many more!


8bitbebop4 t1_iucrfzd wrote

Will each of the vote-by-mail ballots be requested and then tracked? Why does it take so long to count paper ballots? Nations in the EU can count all their paper ballots in 1 day. And like the EU, why is it we haven't yet adopted voter IDs?

Edit: /u/voteearlyday could you please respond?


wood3090 t1_iu7afb8 wrote

New Mexico use to be, Grisham ruined it.


kennethgalbraith t1_iu7jhp6 wrote

What changed?


helodriver87 t1_iu8q3e6 wrote

Pretty much nothing, they're just still recovering from having to wear a mask.


ghtuy t1_iu9jsy4 wrote

We get free college now and teachers got a pay increase, but people won't stop comparing our governor to Hitler because she acknowledged that Covid is real.


jezra t1_iu58lwj wrote

what would be required for your State to switch to Ranked Choice Voting?


voteearlyday OP t1_iu59wnq wrote

SEC. TOULOUSE OLIVER: Currently, in NM, Ranked Choice Voting (RCV) is available in non-partisan, local elections. Right now, two major municipalities: Las Cruces and Santa Fe, employ RCV for their elections. We are hoping Albuquerque is next! Our state would need to pass a constitutional amendment to allow, first, for any sort of runoff voting at the state level. There will be a bill in the upcoming NM legislative session to place this question on the ballot for NM voters. If passed, the legislature could then adopt legislation not only mandating runoff-style elections for state offices, but also to mandate RCV in those offices. So, at minimum, this will be a multi-year process. The good news is we are off to a good start with RCV in NM!


Krail t1_iu6iho7 wrote

As a resident of Albuquerque, how can I get involved in seeing RCV implemented here?


voteearlyday OP t1_iu59uso wrote

COMMISSIONER HOVLAND: This is going to be a state by state question depending what your state law/constitution say about the voting process. It may be the state legislature or a ballot initiative (where allowed) or a constitutional amendment. The National Conference of State Legislatures has some great information on some of the considerations.


KamikazeSenpai21 t1_iu6xgi4 wrote

I am from Alaska and we have that


jezra t1_iu74glw wrote

...but not in the primary, where RCV is most effective, and needed.


funkboxing t1_iu53dl6 wrote

Do you have any tips for how to handle intrusive 'poll watchers'?


voteearlyday OP t1_iu56nw9 wrote

SEC. TOULOUSE OLIVER: At the end of the day, it's an election official's job to make sure there is no obstruction of the voting process. However, if you personally feel intimidated or in any way prevented from casting your vote at a polling place, let your polling place official know, or call 1-866-OUR-VOTE to report an issue


voteearlyday OP t1_iu56vn8 wrote

COMMISIONER HOVLAND: Our elections are meant to be transparent and states have rules to allow for people to electioneer up to a certain distance from the polling place as well as observe the elections. But if people aren't following the rules, or your feel intimidated, let a poll worker know and/or call 1-866-OUR-VOTE as Secretary Toulouse Oliver said.


breadfred2 t1_iu618ii wrote

There should be a total country wide ban on electioneering on election day. And where your can vote early, within 400 yards of the voting booth


HHS2019 t1_iu541hr wrote

Would you support moving election day to a Saturday or Sunday and do you believe that would increase voter turnout?


voteearlyday OP t1_iu57c5g wrote

COMMISSIONER HOVLAND: I don't mind the idea of Election Day on a Saturday or Sunday, but my real preference is for voters to have options. Many Americans like the traditional Tuesday Election Day, but it doesn't work for everyone. That is why it is important have early voting and no excuse absentee as an option. Also, as much as I love voting, I am not sure I want to be competing with a college football Saturday or an NFL Sunday for many Americans attention.


8bitbebop4 t1_iucrhbv wrote

Will each of the vote-by-mail ballots be requested and then tracked? Why does it take so long to count paper ballots? Nations in the EU can count all their paper ballots in 1 day. And like the EU, why is it we haven't yet adopted voter IDs?

Edit: /u/voteearlyday could you please respond?


MrRileyJr t1_iu6ova6 wrote

Don’t want to compete with football, but want to compete with workplaces and bosses that will make it hell to vote? That makes zero sense, commissioner.

Edit: the downvotes are perplexing, honestly. I never said anything about early voting, which is great. I’m clearly commenting on ACTUAL Election Day, or at least I thought that was clear. His point against moving it just doesn’t make sense.


CitricCapybara t1_iu74hb2 wrote

He literally said he wants people to be able to vote any time. You can early vote on a weekend too.


voteearlyday OP t1_iu579za wrote

SEC. TOULOUSE OLIVER: Possibly. I'm not sure we can know that, given how many options are available to cast a ballot before Election Day nowadays. I think it's less important what day of the week the election is on, and more important that there are robust options for casting a vote early-in person (#VoteEarlyDay) or by mail. That being said, I support any and all efforts that pave the way for more voter participation!


pages5and7 t1_iu69l4w wrote

I am a resident of New Mexico who recently became a US Citizen, after the voter registration deadline. I was hoping to take advantage of Same Day Registration to cast my vote in November. Do I need proof of citizenship do be able to register on the same day, or is it enough if I just show up with my NM drivers license? I'm getting conflicting information about this.


Lazy-Grapefruit-2708 t1_iu57jdr wrote

What is it like running elections with all this shit going on right now? Are you scared?


voteearlyday OP t1_iu584m0 wrote

SEC. TOULOUSE OLIVER: Honestly, it's a crazy time and often feels like I'm living in an alternate reality! I'm not scared - I have incredible support from the FBI, Department of Justice, and our State Police here in NM. But I am deeply concerned, and I would by lying if I said I wasn't affected by the threats and intimidation aimed toward me, my staff, and my colleagues around the country. This type of behavior is unacceptable in a democracy and no American should stand for it! I'm hopeful that this too shall pass, but we are definitely living through challenging times. Supporting and having the backs of my colleagues - as they do mine - is incredibly helpful right now.


voteearlyday OP t1_iu58pdu wrote

COMMISSIONER HOVLAND: Elections are run at the state and local level in the U.S., so I don't have the pressure of administering an election. That said, the commitment and dedication of the professionals who run our elections is awesome to see. I travel all around the country meeting with election officials and am consistently impressed by their professionalism and passion for our democracy. The threats and harassment that we have been seeing is totally unacceptable. It saddens me to see so many Americans lose faith in our democracy. Even worse is that all of the evidence points the other way. We must all do more to have honest conversations about how are elections are administered and point people to trusted sources, like their state and local election officials, for information.


MrsG_ t1_iu5a1ad wrote

What's the voting process for college students who are out of state?


voteearlyday OP t1_iu5arpf wrote

SEC. TOULOUSE OLIVER: What’s the voting process for college students who are out of state? It depends on the state. In my state, anyone who is a NM registered voter, but living out of state, can apply for an absentee (vote by mail ballot). NM's deadline to apply is Nov 1. But to find the mail ballot deadline, or other requirements for those voters living out of state - for any and all states, please visit:


SchwiftyG t1_iu5aqdk wrote

Is putting a modern election together as complex as it seems? I am sure there are systems built in, but it seems like the actual organization is insane.


voteearlyday OP t1_iu5bm33 wrote

COMMISSIONER HOVLAND: I am sure there are systems built in, but it seems like the actual organization is insane. Elections are an extremely complex series of logistics. Check out this series of Quick Start Guides for a little sense of what election officials need to think about in order to conduct an election.


voteearlyday OP t1_iu5bok6 wrote

SEC. TOULOUSE OLIVER: I am sure there are systems built in, but it seems like the actual organization is insane. (edited) You're not wrong, election management is EXTREMELY complex. That's one of the things I always try to emphasize when I talk about the election process. We're talking about literally hundreds of millions of people voting with tens of thousands of volunteers across the country managing the process, not to mention the thousands of full time election officials. So much humanity! As an election official, I have to be an Election Law expert, an IT expert, a Cybersecurity Expert, a Communications Expert, a Human Resources Expert, and etc. etc. etc. That being said, the folks who do this work across the country are all these things and more and extremely dedicated. Give your local election official a hug and thank them for their work! :wink:


[deleted] t1_iu5ytkr wrote



Fish_bob t1_iu8aepv wrote

NM Lawyer here. Under the current system, a judge can be appointed right before the general election. This doesn’t give voters enough time to review the judge’s performance and make an informed decision to vote them in. The constitutional amendment provides this period so the public can have time to determine whether to retain or not. Given your concerns, I’d vote for the amendment.


SirThatsCuba t1_iu65r0v wrote

If you were drunk with power and forgot about consequences like a teenager with a convertible, what changes might you implement to the voting system to improve it before anyone caught you?


olhonestjim t1_iu6qyy1 wrote

I adore your night skies and natural wonders. I want to buy land in the middle of nowhere, probably out by Santa Rosa, build a sustainable off-grid home, and just do amateur astronomy. My main concern is droughts in the future from climate change, but I suspect the NE part of the state might be ok for a while. Any thoughts?


gw2master t1_iu7enm7 wrote

The same thing that happened to the Anasazi there (4 corners, northern NM) 800 years ago will happen again.


olhonestjim t1_iu86x88 wrote

That's the NW. In my experience, the NE gets pretty decent rainfall. Enough to fill a good supply from rooftop collectors. Of course, climate change is different from 800 years ago.


Lazy-Grapefruit-2708 t1_iu5d9zh wrote

Should Secretary of State races be partisan?


voteearlyday OP t1_iu5dz1w wrote

SEC. TOULOUSE OLIVER: I think about this one a lot. On the one hand, we should not have the arbiters of elections in our country have to run on a partisan ballot and talk about their political views outside the realm of the job (I should know, because I have had to do this multiple times!) On the other hand, election someone in a non-partisan capacity or having them appointed doesn't ensure you are removing partisanship - or other bias - from the individual's approach to the work. It may even obscure it. At least in places where SOS's and other election officials are elected in a partisan election you are able to understand more about their personal values and where they are coming from.
I do believe that all election officials should sign a code of conduct or ethics in which we pledge to not bring our partisan beliefs into the election process - that we treat the political parties, their candidates, and voters equally; that we do not personally endorse or give money to any candidate on a ballot for which we are overseeing or running the election; and that we pledge to recuse ourselves in decisions that impact our own races.


voteearlyday OP t1_iu5e1tf wrote

COMMISSIONER HOVLAND: To me it is more about how people act in the role. I often say election administration is not about politics, but rather good governance and customer service. Unfortunately, there have been individuals who have politicized the role and the office. In my experience, that is the exception, not the rule. I have met countless election officials across the country that are Rs and Ds, but you wouldn't know it because that takes a backseat to serving the voters.


SumoSizeIt t1_iu5em81 wrote

That's really going to depend on the state - in Oregon SoS is second-in-line-to be Governor (it's how we got Kate Brown the first time), so it's unrealistic to make such a distinction for SoS when people are already concerned with the party of the backup governor.


Fabster2000 t1_iu5odqa wrote

How do you feel about making election day a holiday, or requiring employers to offer time off to vote? Do you believe this would be effective in increasing voter turnout?


wingman43000 t1_iu8bv4o wrote

Early voting and no excuse ballots remove the need for a voting day


puhzam t1_iu541mr wrote

Can it be done over the internet or do you have to send away for a ballot? I live abroad.


voteearlyday OP t1_iu576lb wrote

COMMISSIONER HOVLAND: Americans living abroad have a number of options on how to cast a ballot, but it depends on your state/jurisdictions. The Federal Voting Assistance Program or FVAP has great resources on how to vote for our military and overseas citizens. Check out


greatvaluemeeseeks t1_iu78n7o wrote

How do I know my vote counted? I'm in the military and registered to vote in Texas and have voted in every federal election since 2014. During the 2020 election, I got a mailer from the DNC stating they saw I was registered to vote on 2018 but did not vote. I did vote and I mailed in my ballot with more than enough time. How do I know why it wasn't counted? How do I even know if my 2020 ballot was counted?


8bitbebop4 t1_iu8df6s wrote

Will each of the vote-by-mail ballots be requested and then tracked? Why does it take so long to count paper ballots? Nations in the EU can count all their paper ballots in 1 day. And like the EU, why is it we haven't yet adopted voter IDs?


ericwphoto t1_iu99tew wrote

Are the early voting locations open on Sundays? My uncle is registered
to vote, but recently moved. Does he need to change his address on his
voter registration before he can vote?


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Lazy-Grapefruit-2708 t1_iu589zs wrote

Sec. Toulouse Oliver - What are you doing to address the challenges Native Americans have in voting in your state?


voteearlyday OP t1_iu594yl wrote

SEC. TOULOUSE OLIVER: First of all, every American, no matter their race, ethnicity, or physical residence, should have more difficulty than another accessing the ballot. That's why here in NM, I created the Native American Voting taskforce, with representatives who are affiliated with all 23 federally-recognized tribes here in my state, as well as an Urban Native representative. We are looking at issues of: 1) Access: many native folks living on tribal land have to travel farther to vote in person and often do not receive voting (or any) mail at their residence; 2) Digital Divide: many rural, tribal areas do not have access to broadband internet and this keeps us from being able to provide in-person voting services in these places; 3) Language and culturally-appropriate voter information: My office and other election officials are working to provide more and better information about how, where, and when to cast a ballot, including WHAT is on the ballot to folks who speak the 12 different tribal languages in my state. We have much more work to do, but these are the areas where we are currently focusing our efforts!


SumoSizeIt t1_iu5e2wz wrote

> every American, no matter their race, ethnicity, or physical residence, should have more difficulty than another accessing the ballot

I think you a word


voteearlyday OP t1_iu59rm8 wrote

COMMISSIONER HOVLAND: This question wasn't for me and I'll let Sec. Toulouse Oliver discuss the great work her team is doing in NM. I did want to mention the U.S. Election Administration Commission has been creating some great resources to help election officials around the country serve their Native American voters. Check out:


IAmAModBot t1_iu5e7d8 wrote

For more AMAs on this topic, subscribe to r/IAmA_Politics, and check out our other topic-specific AMA subreddits here.


wildwolfay5 t1_iu5mam4 wrote

Where is the initiative for mail in ballots? I live 30 minutes from the nearest town and having a ballot drop box in that town while getting groceries would actually make voting feasible, not just for me, but for much of my "community" out here that is retired and won't spend the extra gas money on a fixed income, or working with a strict schedule.


Rethread t1_iu8ct4r wrote

Our Secretary of State (Brian Kemp of Georgia) was elected as Governor of the state of Georgia while he was running the election.

Has this ever happened?


KapitanWalnut t1_iu9335j wrote

In your opinion, which state makes it easiest to vote? I'm from Colorado, and I'm a big fan of our process where we mail every registered voter their ballot at least a month before election day. Voters can return the ballot by mail, drop it off at any secure drop-box which are located at libraries, schools, and many other municipal buildings throughout every town throughout the state up until the afternoon of election day, or they can choose to show up in person on election day and vote at a polling place.


sthscan t1_iuclj00 wrote

Why does a S.O.S. get to run an election that they take part in? All I see is conflict of interest for the SOS ballot race.


tobi437u t1_iuent1o wrote

  1. What are the requirements for voting early in person or by mail in New Mexico?

  2. How can I make sure my vote is counted if I choose to vote early?

  3. What are the benefits of voting early?


keyson5 t1_iu5sr39 wrote

What are you gonna do with this Heisenberg issue in the rise?


Duke_Cedar t1_iu9dmmd wrote

How much money are you secretly getting from Dominion?


SappySoulTaker t1_iu6zowi wrote

How secure are elections? Is it reasonable to doubt that security when suspicious situations arise?


steve0suprem0 t1_iu75rr9 wrote

We're you named after toulouse from aristocats?


jglanoff t1_iu7lj5d wrote

I registered to vote in California, but have since moved back to Illinois. Can I change my registration and vote in Illinois, even though I was sent a California ballot to my old address?


CaptainPeachfuzz t1_iu8r1ru wrote

Visiting Albuquerque later this year, any and all advice is welcome!

is old Town a good place to stay? Should I stick to the north side of the city?

any must go-to restaurants?

are the petroglyphs a good way to spend a day? Any advice in visiting them?

I'd love to grab some isotopes gear, where's a good place for that?

other advice for tourists?



FarwellRob t1_iu7azv0 wrote

I’m just curious, but as a person that lives outside of ALB, Santa Fe, and Cruses, is there a reason for anyone else in the state to vote?

It feels to me that NM politics are strongly centered on those three cities. And the rest of us are on the outside looking in. Just hoping for some crumbs.


TheNaterz t1_iu7vloh wrote

A word of encouragement: no matter where you live, the local elections in your town have a vastly greater impact on your day-to-day than what happens at the state-level. Your vote truly matters and anyone who would try to convince you otherwise is either lying to you for their benefit or has been lied to by someone else for theirs. If there is a cause or an issue you care about, talk to the people around you, find local candidates that align with you. The smaller your town, the more effective your vote becomes there.


needstechhelp7 t1_iu7qi5s wrote

As someone who would like to help people leave new mexico for reasons that are quite obvious, what have you done for people who wisely wish to leave the state?


frone t1_iu5jit3 wrote

Commissioner - What is your relationship to golf great Victor Hovland?

Also, as the commissioner of a Fantasy Hurricane League, how is my job different from yours?


Lazy-Grapefruit-2708 t1_iu53fs6 wrote

Why vote early? Why not wait until Election Day?


voteearlyday OP t1_iu56ksc wrote

SEC. TOULOUSE OLIVER: Because Election Day isn't just the only day to vote anymore, it's the LAST CHANCE to vote. Murphy's Law is always in effect, so banking your vote early ensures you won't run into any challenges that keep you from voting on Election Day.


wandererwithajob t1_iu5cb4w wrote

I think that’s an important message : FINAL VOTING DAY.


voteearlyday OP t1_iu5du6j wrote

COMMISSIONER HOVLAND: Absolutely! We have seen the trend over the last decade or more that Americans want options to vote. With the pandemic in 2020, we saw record numbers of Americans voting by mail and voting early. That experience will certainly expedite the trend toward Election Day being the last day for Americans to cast their ballot rather than the only day.


Duke_Cedar t1_iu9eg14 wrote

Voting early allows cheaters to create more ballots to beat the Republicans.

Election Day voters are primarily Republican.


voteearlyday OP t1_iu573q2 wrote

COMMISSIONER HOVLAND: You can wait if you want to do so. The main thing is that Americans have options. A Tuesday in November is not the best day for all Americans to vote. I personally voted today (#VoteEarlyDay) because Election Day is pretty busy for me and today was better for my schedule.


arcxjo t1_iu7fevq wrote

What possible advantage to the democratic process could there be in casting a ballot before the candidates have all had the fully-allotted time to make their case for why I should vote for them?

For the purposes of this question, "it helps entrench the two-party dilemma by encouraging mindless straight-ticket voting" is not a valid answer as it is in fact a restatement of the problem, not the solution.


Tzarlatok t1_iu87k1e wrote

>What possible advantage to the democratic process could there be in casting a ballot before the candidates have all had the fully-allotted time to make their case for why I should vote for them?

Making sure that you actually get to vote. If something comes up, eg. illness/accident, or just standard constraints on your time, that makes it very difficult or impossible for you to vote on the final day allowed then you can't participate in the democratic process at all.

Basically, being able to vote with slightly less (and in almost all cases negligible) information about candidates is better than not voting at all.


luchadorhero t1_iu5hq4u wrote

Why did New Mexico close polling places in 2020 and force people to have to concentrate into an aggregate under the guise of Covid Safety when doing so would contribute to the exact opposite?


CybaBunnii t1_iu5bswx wrote

Hello, I have some experience in hacking Diebold election machines, I know from experience that you can remove the hard drive from these electronic machines fairly easily, and replace them just as easily in a private booth.

What protections are in place to prevent someone from swaping out a hard drive with false data, be that cryptographic signatures or session tracking?

see attached:


voteearlyday OP t1_iu5csqr wrote

SEC. TOULOUSE OLIVER: To my knowledge, the machines referred to in this article are no longer in use. Additionally, a "hackathon" type activity does not replicate the real world security measures in place in every polling location in the country that would have prevented you from engaging a voting machine in that type of unfettered way. I consider this post disinformation and respectfully ask that you rethink spreading it.
That being said, for tabulators that are currently in use around the country the security mechanisms to prevent them from being hacked are multifaceted. I'll speak to the NM process, but this looks largely the same in every state: First of all, machines in NM are NEVER connected to the internet. The tabulators are only open, closed, and accessed by bi-partisan teams of poll officials at every level. We have strict chain of custody processes and seal each card slot with a serial numbered tag to ensure there is no tampering or replacement of a memory card at any point. Results are uploaded to air-gapped systems and then shared with our external systems to post results.


aqlu t1_iu67lxd wrote

On a related note, can NM voters verify their vote has been recorded accurately?


voteearlyday OP t1_iu5cyzl wrote

COMMISIONER HOVLAND: Election officials around the country build safeguards throughout the process. From pre-election logic and accuracy tests to post election tabulation audits and everything in between. Check out this document for more details on some of the security measures that are used in elections.


Atxlvr t1_iu5x1ns wrote

wow guys we found a real hacker here, in the flesh. I read it on the internet.