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Western-Image7125 t1_j2994nz wrote

This is funny and all but - why are we giving this guy more and more publicity? Making fun of him, talking about he should be banned, just makes more and more people curious about him. I hadn’t heard of this guy until people started talking about how much he’s an asshole and needs to be banned and hahaha what a loser he got banned everywhere. Like, enough. I wish I could go back to when I never heard of him. At least I wish he can go back to total anonymity so I don’t have to hear about him again.


quotidian_nightmare t1_j29twk0 wrote

>Making fun of him, talking about he should be banned, just makes more and more people curious about him.

I'm genuinely curious: when people say this, do they really think it will convince others not to talk about him?

It's the Internet, dude. Don't like hearing about Andrew Taint? Wait five minutes. I'm sure Donald Trump or Elon Musk will do/say something hideous to steal back the limelight soon enough.


Western-Image7125 t1_j29yapt wrote

I’m pretty sure my wish that people will stop talking about him won’t happen, it’s just wishful thinking. But yeah you’re right you just reminded of the glory days of 2016-2020 when every single day the news made me wanna crawl into the earth in depression.


[deleted] t1_j2amk0x wrote



Western-Image7125 t1_j2dbulk wrote

Autistic teen you mean Greta is autistic? I had no idea, it increases my respect for her as a person though


FortySixAndPoo t1_j29gecp wrote

It’s bizarre. I literally hadn’t heard of the guy before last night (on Reddit) and now it’s like the most popular meme or supposed to be common knowledge? Very strange.


Western-Image7125 t1_j29k44m wrote

It is very strange and not in a god or even interesting way. Just want this guy to disappear already


Finwolven t1_j2d17em wrote

Well, he's a human trafficker, a rapist, serial abuser, and his content gets pushed by the worst people on the internet.

I guess it would be helpful if when anyone runs into his bs views on life, that they know they're listening to the opinions of a rapist human trafficker and abuser.


looneyben t1_j2aiat6 wrote

Also funny that those on Epstein’s client list from Maxwells recent court appearance don’t have this publicly


offft2222 t1_j29k3x3 wrote

Honestly because the turn of events is too good to be true

He is such a POS and the universe delivered

It explains how he has so many cars in his fleet, trafficking pays well and podcasting doesn't pat that well


Western-Image7125 t1_j29m1zg wrote

Knowing that a POS like him got what he deserved, is still somehow less preferable to never knowing he existed


ColtS117 t1_j2clrb2 wrote

I never heard of him until Greta said he had a small dick.


lifesoidot t1_j2advds wrote

I agree. I hadn’t heard of him before now. I just refer to him as AT (which immediately translates in my head to Aqua Turd).