Submitted by Xanoks t3_126w2kf in LifeProTips
Just did it by accident and found out something incredibly useful and time saving.
Edit: this is a windows tip, no idea if it would work for other os.
Submitted by Xanoks t3_126w2kf in LifeProTips
Just did it by accident and found out something incredibly useful and time saving.
Edit: this is a windows tip, no idea if it would work for other os.
If you plan on giving pro tips maybe specify the operating system as well professor...
so that's his real voice?
Its probably the one everyone uses.
Does that actually work????!!
Where's the escape button on my PS4 controller?
Hold that power button and smother that fucker out
Only if something is blocking the reboot. If nothing is in the wait of being stopped, you are done. Not sure why it's such a big deal though... I mean you can press the power button before the reboot to power down the computer. Or hit shutdown on the login screen before logging in. And BTW, you don't "click" ESC, you hit it, it's on your keyboard...
Finally some wise human! Where were you all my life?
Throw it out of the window
Yeah this is what I do if its late at night, I just dont care anymore
I just hit the PSU switch.
Time to turn off motherfucker.
Damn, fr unplugged the life support
Flip the breaker.
Nah, go outside and destroy the meters
MS-DOS 6.22. this lpt is useless, my computer just reboots. Takes like 5 minutes thanks to the cdrom drivers. 😏
>I just hit the PSU switch.
This is very bad for your hard drives by the way. Holding the power button instead gives the motherboard a chance to signal the hard drives, for them to park themselves correctly.
This whole thread is a joke...
Where is ESCto click?
Amateur. Just go blow up the distribution network.
I’ve literally been posting this on every single r/memes “When you accidentally hit restart” meme for years. Thank you for bringing this to a wider audience.
Simply peel back the electromagnetic field
Remove the flux capacitor.
Disrupt the magnetic field of planet earth, no shit
I was doing maintenance on our domain controllers a few weekends ago and one of our DCs in Sao Paulo was still downloading the updates (basically a two-cans-and-string internet there) and the server warned me I was about to be signed out because of an auto reboot (for the same maintenance).
I'm like "hell no this thing will take another 5 hours to install these fucking updates!"
Opened a command prompt, shutdown -a
saved the day.
Naw dawg, I legit hit my local distribution centre
This brings up my favorite example of the difference in philosophies between Windows and Mac.
Windows won’t do a goddamn thing without at least 3 steps and asking me if I’m sure I want to do that, except for shutting down or restarting.
Mac will do whatever I want with one step except for shutting down or restarting, where it politely asks if I’m sure.
on the very top left of your keyboard
74% chance they’re on windows
So hit esc on keyboard… not click. Got it
Shut down doesn’t actually shut down. Do the restart.
And then if you press ctrl+alt+del wait 5 seconds and press alt+f4 and unplug your computer and then bash it into a million pieces with a baseball bat, you won't have to worry about it anymore.
A little tip I picked up while working on Wallstreet. YW
Why would you post it to memes?
Cuz the people making memes about accidentally hitting restart instead of shut down
Not sure... ESC is a key on your keyboard... You can't really "click" it...
This. I came to say all this. Thank you.
or you could switch to Linux and never have that issue again!
You shouldn't cancel a restart because your system will be half dead with missing subsystems. What you must be doing is restarting regularly
This isn't a pro tip. It's a tip to set your machine to bad state.
EMP pulse your neighborhood, it might do the job.
More context is needed. Is this Windows, Mac, or some other system that allows this?
What's the time limit, obviously the system will actually restart and ignore your inputs at some point.
Added edit.
Ok thanks, figured it was Windows, but as a Mac user, you never know.
Bro I love you. I just did this last night. Again. For that trillionth time somehow.
Thank you very much. Now I just need to remember this. (And have poops this smoothly every time; I know- TMI.
My dad has traumatized me ever since I've learned of Elvis's ending as a child.)
Whoops, og comment posted on alt:
Bro I love you. I just did this last night. Again. For the trillionth time somehow.
Thank you very much. Now I just need to remember this. (And have poops this smoothly every time; I know- TMI.
My dad has traumatized me ever since I've learned of Elvis's ending as a child.)
The title implicates that the user will shut down right after cancelling the restart.
Shut downs arent shut downs anymore.
Minus whatever was already closed
Might want to just make a hole in space-time to be sure you know?
Not gonna work. Sure, the desktop is still there, some apps as well, but the OS already send a "sigterm" signal to many programs and they will shutdown even if the operating system is still "running".
This will make it really hard to continue to use the computer since you need those programs running in the background.
My Linux based PCs shut down so fast there's not enough time for that.
Holding the power button to power off takes 4 seconds, Linux shuts down in about 2.5 seconds, with the rare time when a stop task has to run longer.
Bootup of the kernel is under 0.5 seconds, to the login in 3 seconds (most of that time waiting for the screen resolution to switch), from login to a fully loaded system is above 1.5 seconds.
Windows is just slow and terrible, as it always has been.
the true hero, you are
Switching an os for such a specific problem which solution we already know is kinda overkill
Cool story bro
Upgrade to SSD you caveman
Get with the times. It’s less than 10sec to login from cold boot in windows. The extra few seconds doenst matter.
Windows starts to login quickly, it's slow after that, and shutting down is generally much slower.
Gen x (1979) grew up as computers were evolving. Pre PnP hardware, where you had to use dip switches. Worked IT in the late 90s through until about 2005.
The lack of any technical troubleshooting, inquisitive nature, problem solving in the youth today is gobsmacking
Linux users try not to mention that they use Linux during any single microsecond of their life challenge (IMPOSSIBLE) 🤯😱🤯😱
Basically, yeah. The gen z and younger grew up with technology that was already developed and generally didn't need troubleshooting to get to work. The age of apps. You click, and it goes. If it doesn't, there's nothing you can really do about it. Where millennials grew up during the transition into the current technology we have. We had to learn on the more basic setups and make sure things were configured properly. We had to learn by necessity.
on a mac, quickly click on any program in the dock. if a new app launches, it cancels a shutdown or restart. if youre fast enough. i hope the newer operating systems still do this
I run custom scripts in place of the shutdown / restart / logoff functions. They give me a delay with a popup message and a voice alert. The scripts are programmed to stop if I hit escape before the delay is over. They also do a few other things, like warn me if certain apps are running and ignore apps that are hung.
They're pretty easy to make using AutoIt or AHK.
Just tested it, doesnt work. Why are people upvoting a fake LPT?
I posted it cause it worked for me, W10.
Laughs in always using a bat file to turn off my pc after some mins or instantly depending if I have a process running
Who cares if it takes 2.5 seconds or 10 seconds to shut down. I’m literally done using it lol
Sometimes you're just restarting, sometimes you need to disconnect power... those are times when it matters.
The longest time between each system with Windows forced updates is also WAY beyond a few seconds in difference, well into many minutes.
If I need to restart I just press the restart button on my case and that turns it off instantly and starts the restart (not sure if that’s even a good thing).
And also, I simply can’t help but feel you’re grasping at straws. No one’s life is impacted That much by a 4 second difference in restart times you goober.
I agree with the updates they can’t definitely take a few minutes which is absolutely miserable.
A random sentence completely devoid of context. Good job OP…
The reset button is not a safe way to restart, so I hope you're joking.
The shutdown speed is simply a comparison point between two products, shorter is better.
It’s worked for about 8 years so far 😆
Also you give off the most Linux 🤓 vibes I’ve ever seen lol
Hitting it may not be enough. Best practice is to always crane kick that esc into a leglock.
I don't have HDDs in my desktop. Just the server for backups, and it doesn't get turned off.
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