Submitted by productoffallout t3_zz7hzl in LifeProTips
[deleted] t1_j29w84s wrote
[deleted] t1_j29wo7h wrote
Any-Organization3106 t1_j29wt6r wrote
You're definitely mad at the wrong people. If your pay rate means you're reliant on tips, it's your employer you should be mad at.
productoffallout OP t1_j29yhkz wrote
Yeah. Definitely not people ordering $100+ worth of food, with a dozen 2 liters... Won't ask for a coupon but also won't tip... 👍
Yeah. It's totally my employers fault.
prophylaxitive t1_j29yjgm wrote
People are already paying extra for delivery and, in doing so, they're literally providing you with employment. Why should they also tip? Why are you entitled to tips?
[deleted] t1_j29ymrs wrote
productoffallout OP t1_j29yw02 wrote
Because if we all quit, you'd no longer get delivery. Might wanna tip to keep your privilege of being able to be lazy.
Not saying you need to tip 10%... a $1 per delivery would make me happy.
productoffallout OP t1_j29z25u wrote
Order carry out then. Or don't order out if you're poor. If you're poor, your money will go a lot further at a grocery store.
drainisbamaged t1_j29zaqc wrote
Tips are optional. As is choosing to work in an industry that leverages them to avoid fairly compensating their employees directly.
Find a mirror to yell at.
Em_Adespoton t1_j29ze3c wrote
It is. Your employer should be paying you a fair wage.
If it helps at all, I no longer get delivery at all, although I can afford it, because I can’t conscionably support the employers that don’t pay their employees a fair wage.
prophylaxitive t1_j29zfi5 wrote
I cook for myself. I don't even buy takeaway food more than a couple of times per year. If you all quit, your company will have to rehire delivery people at higher pay. Do it.
productoffallout OP t1_j29zgv2 wrote
It's the only job in my area that will work with my school schedule.
Enjoy having Luke warm food if I catch your stiff ig 🤷♂️
flyfly89 t1_j29zk9i wrote
“Hmm I’m not getting any tips for my service. Let’s sabotage their food so they will tip in the future.”
People like you are reason drivers don’t get tipped
[deleted] t1_j29zlr5 wrote
flyfly89 t1_j29ztdn wrote
Then do it. Quit. Show you are something more then hollow threats
drainisbamaged t1_j29zuqg wrote
Enjoy begging for income instead of earning it fair and square.
Weird flex, but ok.
Em_Adespoton t1_j2a0428 wrote
Personally I’d love to see delivery drivers unionize.
productoffallout OP t1_j2a05pp wrote
I love to have college wasn't so f****** expensiv But it's cool you'll just end up getting your food spit on or are you getting cold because you all have the audacity to stiff drivers over and over again when they have 20 minutes alone with your f****** food
[deleted] t1_j2a0inj wrote
drainisbamaged t1_j2a0rez wrote
Oh, I tip well. Which is why your rankings would prevent you from seeing my orders fortunately.
Way to climb down deeper into the gutter though, again, weird flex but ok.
flyfly89 t1_j2a0riu wrote
Okay then get bad reviews, fired, and charged for food tampering. I’m sure that looks good on a resume.
You are the dick here bud, you are reason drivers don’t get tips.
flyfly89 t1_j2a114t wrote
Totally, end result would be good.
But sabotaging peoples food just ensures that nobody is gonna tip the drivers. If a server flips of the guest they don’t get to be insulted when they don’t a tip
Diedrogen t1_j2a1jb0 wrote
Tipping, or rather, the need to tip, is the problem. Businesses need to be held to the standard of paying employees a living wage and not make customers pick up the tab.
Mjolnr0259 t1_j2a1pcz wrote
Are you mentally ok?? Glad I don't get my food delivered smh
Em_Adespoton t1_j2a1qua wrote
Yup. I had a few run-ins with pre-disgruntled delivery drivers who messed with my food years ago. First step was to report the driver. Second was to stop using the service. Then I realized that almost all delivery services are taking advantage of the drivers and I stopped ordering delivery altogether.
Then again, I can make better food faster for cheaper, so unless it’s a catering situation, I’m not going to be ordering food delivered anymore anyway, now that I’ve broken the habit.
[deleted] t1_j2a280i wrote
[deleted] t1_j2a2bno wrote
ThrowAwayUrTelevizun t1_j2a2ryz wrote
You don't know people's situations - don't gatekeep and say poorer people can't treat themselves once in a while. I recently bought a take out that cost me $14 including delivery. The food was enough to last me two dinners.
Edit to add: Tipping is for good/efficient delivery service. I don't tip if the driver ignores my delivery instructions and wakes up my neighbour and their kids instead of actually going to my door because they cba to read instructions/use a flight of stairs.
[deleted] t1_j2a2zlk wrote
[deleted] t1_j2a2zw5 wrote
productoffallout OP t1_j2a31bx wrote
Yeah I usually only order takeout if I can eat at least twice too. Still tip tho.
productoffallout OP t1_j2a34pk wrote
Can't really work a normal job while going to school full time...
banhofzoo t1_j2a365r wrote
If you’re too unstable to avoid messing with people’s food, you’re too unstable to work in customer service
[deleted] t1_j2a3k93 wrote
flyfly89 t1_j2a42ki wrote
Now that’s a lie.
bluebreez1 t1_j2a45ze wrote
all you do is bitch and give excuses when you’re called out
drainisbamaged t1_j2a4d0j wrote
As a Jr high dropout I ended up 8+ years of working full time (never in service industry) to put myself thru community college (usually full time course load) to be able to transfer to a 4-yr.
So hard empirical disagree with ya fella. You clearly just like to avoid agency with your problems.
[deleted] t1_j2a4lsf wrote
[deleted] t1_j2a53l8 wrote
flowersinmyteas t1_j2a5krx wrote
Just don't accept no tip orders
Jazzlike-Yard5612 t1_j2a63wg wrote
Phew! I like my salads cold!
But why would you take out your frustrations with past customers on future ones? That makes absolutely no sense.
MaddestMaddie t1_j2a6gz7 wrote
That logic makes no sense, if all medics quit you wouldn't have a health care provider, do you tip them?
Laxly t1_j2a6wqr wrote
Yeah, if I've paid for the food and delivery, or if the cost of delivery is included in the cost of the food, then why would I pay extra?
What "extra" is the delivery driver providing that I haven't already paid for? Do they come in and plate it up for me? Are they going to lay the table?
No, they're just doing what has been paid for.
PathOfTheBlind t1_j2a6zoe wrote
Chazmer87 t1_j2a8kwl wrote
No, you're in the wrong job.
If you're not being paid enough to do it without the generosity of others then then that's not on the others.
GetBent4Real t1_j2a8y78 wrote
Correct. I’m paying for delivery fees, and those fees should be sized to pay the drivers the lions share and a liveable wage. Fuck the middle man blood suckers.
Kotaac t1_j2aago0 wrote
This why u deliver as a job
[deleted] t1_j2aaovb wrote
bathrobe_boogee t1_j2ab378 wrote
Also so people rely on these apps to eat regularly as they are handicapped or something similar
halpmeplz94 t1_j2abnm1 wrote
You are not the norm, but the exception. Cash is increasingly rare. People often frame scenarios around their own life and expectations, leading to subjective evaluations and logical misgivings.
halpmeplz94 t1_j2abxyu wrote
But, you're only hurting the delivery drivers here.
You're giving the middle men bloodsuckers their cut, telling the peons to go fuck themselves, while complaining about the peons not giving quality service. Maybe stop using these services altogether if the system is that much of an issue for you?
[deleted] t1_j2ad5y8 wrote
Comfort_Lettuce t1_j2advig wrote
Jeez. I come from food service and I I have always tipped drivers 20%. But after seeing your attitude, I’m done with that nonsense. The heck is wrong with you.
Comfort_Lettuce t1_j2adzpg wrote
What would he complain about then?
[deleted] t1_j2aield wrote
Indie611 t1_j2aipgm wrote
The real life tip is to get a job that doesn't rely on strangers choosing to subsidise your income and instead insist on being paid a fair wage by your employer.
Adamon24 t1_j2aj2qt wrote
Better LPT: Make your own food. It’s cheaper, often healthier and you don’t need to worry about guys like this messing with your food.
Amiibohunter000 t1_j2ajk7v wrote
It’s not the businesses. It’s the society that makes the businesses rely on tipped wages. It’s not as easy as “oh the businesses should just stop”
Amiibohunter000 t1_j2ajrzo wrote
You sound like an entitled brat who hasn’t learned how life works.
Amiibohunter000 t1_j2ajytx wrote
If you all quit, someone who isn’t a lazy baby will take the job and do it much better than you.
AcademicPepper t1_j2ak2hb wrote
I'm in the same boat, why would I not leave it up to the independent contractor to determine how much taxes they should pay. Plus services like Uber Eats take a two figure percentage of everything to begin with.
Cinna93 t1_j2akaji wrote
Don't order out from Uber drivers in general. This is how people wanna treat you if you don't have money to tip? Please. I've worked in a restaurant and been stiffed. I'd never treat the customer that way. It's not the customers fault we have tipping culture in 2022. It's the place you're working. OP wants to complain about being a student and working on top of that but it's not gonna work for all of us who have been there done that and made it without being a complete jerk. Get a new job and treat people better. You're the problem.
Woodpecker16669 t1_j2al36n wrote
Tipping is shit. Demand better wages. People shouldn't pay for what your boss doesn't.
deadpandiane t1_j2alhkv wrote
I had a pizza delivered and the driver knocked and was getting in his car when I chased him down for a tip. I felt a bit ridiculous, was I dumb for tipping on top of delivery fee?
I only get pizza delivered because food delivery is confusing and complicated.
Maybe a smaller tip when there is a delivery fee, IDK. The delivery fee was just under 5 dollars. I tipped $4 for a $15 dollar pizza. It was fast, convenient, and very good.
The last time I picked up a pizza I was told how their work had doubled but not their pay. SMH
halpmeplz94 t1_j2amtne wrote
Why would someone make predictive behavioural choices based on past experiences? It's a natural, human thing to do.
kbad10 t1_j2anepo wrote
Tipping culture is stupid. No one should pay tips and no one should expect tips.
Jazzlike-Yard5612 t1_j2anfsk wrote
It's not natural to take out your frustrations on innocent folks. It's the equivalent of being cruel to a child just because you hate their parents. Grow up.
kbad10 t1_j2anrta wrote
Yes, it is your employer's fault for not paying you wages and it is your fault by working there without wages.
NeedlesslySwanky t1_j2anw95 wrote
Your customers are not part of some shadowy cabal of non-tippers. They are all individuals. Punishing later orders for the actions of earlier orders just ruins everyone's day. You are providing deliberately bad service because nobody tips you, which means that nobody will tip you for your bad service. Customers get bad food, you get no tips, everyone loses.
Delivery 1, Alice orders a sandwich, doesn't tip. Delivery 2, Bob orders a burrito, also doesn't tip. Now you're mad, and start delivering cold food. Delivery 3, Cathy orders chow mein, would have tipped if it hadn't arrived cold. Deliveries 4-? arrive cold. Nobody tips for cold food, so now you're even angrier. As are the customers.
Literally nobody wins. Hell, you're probably hurting the restaurants you deliver from because cold food sucks.
It's one thing to be selfish, it's another thing to be this much of a fucking idiot about it.
ParryLimeade t1_j2ao5sl wrote
Why don’t you get a job that actually pays what you want then instead of sabotaging peoples food
[deleted] t1_j2ao7y0 wrote
halpmeplz94 t1_j2ao8pj wrote
No one ordering grocery delivery is a small child or infant. That is called a straw man analogy. And it is completely natural to divert frustrations to others, whether it is helpful or not is certainly situational.
Thank you for attacking my character at the first sign of disagreement, it allows me to flex my grown up
skill of walking away. Good bye!
Jazzlike-Yard5612 t1_j2aoen8 wrote
You are insane and morally bankrupt. Goodbye.
buckleharry t1_j2aozz2 wrote
Honestly, if you were poor, why would you ever order delivered takeout food? I see that as a once in a while luxury, and I'm solidly middle class. And I sure as hell make sure I can tip when I decide to treat myself. I've been a contract delivery driver before, and you cannot live without the tips. It's baked into your compensation.
buckleharry t1_j2ap65o wrote
Both things can be true. Customers who don't tip are assholes, and so is your employer.
markwhite123456 t1_j2asshn wrote
Their just going to get a refund and free food lmao. Please get a real job and whine less.
Tarc_Axiiom t1_j2atmxv wrote
You wanna know why you get stiffed so much?
It's because most of the deliveries we get are fucked up in some way. Outside of New York City, I've only gotten 3 deliveries that were the correct items and arrived on time. 3! Out of literally dozens if not hundreds of orders.
I'll never stiff a driver but if I could tip after the fact everyone would have a better experience with these apps. As it stands now, I don't know a single one of your colleagues that deserves a tip tbh.
Tarc_Axiiom t1_j2au6ys wrote
What a load of shit.
I work fulltime, am a fulltime student on an accelerated program, and am doing contracts on the side.
You're a jackass who shouldn't be allowed anywhere near people's food.
[deleted] t1_j2av93w wrote
Danit0_StyLeOG t1_j2avxsd wrote
Im not too broke to order, im too broke to tip for a maybe good delivery.
Baxtfred t1_j2aw6so wrote
I think they’re trying to say if you can’t leave a tip don’t do delivery. Like when you go to a restaurant and don’t tip the waiter. I’ve seen people write “Too broke to tip, sorry!” Or “Single parent, sorry!” On HUGE bills. If you can afford the food, give them a tip.
AtheistAgnostic t1_j2ayn93 wrote
Yep. Pre-tip and it's always fucked. I just tip if it's done well upon arrival... i.e. not driving in circles after picking up food, not parking to smoke for 20 minutes and delivering the nastiest smoke contaminated food, etc.
2BAsupernova t1_j2aynqx wrote
I always tip minimum $5
dilligaf6304 t1_j2az1zb wrote
This really depends on your location. Tipping isn’t necessary in some countries.
[deleted] t1_j2azpc5 wrote
HelloS0n t1_j2b3jnu wrote
People like you are why I don’t use UberEats/DoorDash lol. Tip preemptively and get a fucked up order. Tip post-delivery and the driver already thinks they ain’t getting shit, so you get subpar service.
[deleted] t1_j2b3ur8 wrote
yesthatgirlisme t1_j2b48g2 wrote
No one is forcing you to work a job you hate when you’re an at will worker, you can quit at any time.
If there wasn’t a need for delivery you’d be out of a job quickly because there’s no reason for you to get paid to deliver air.
Instead of focusing on the lack of tips, be grateful when you do get it and focus on transitioning from this shitty job to one you like or better yet start a business where you make the rules and demand your worth 👍🏿
[deleted] t1_j2b7rq5 wrote
We see from where the food gets delivered. If it's a distance that won't cool it off, be sure to get reported, especially when your co worker delivers it hot.
what a petty person you are. If you don't like your job... find another one.
oh and i never tip in the app, i tip directly because you know ... nobody needs to know. But not like this my man.. not like this. And i'm german .. we don't need to tip because our employers pay enough. So hold them accountable but not the customers.
MartinLanius t1_j2bco6d wrote
So you are just making it worse for everyone. What a fucking joke you are lol
OurHeroXero t1_j2bef12 wrote
American tip culture is incredibly toxic and needs to come to an end. We all need to pressure our congressmen; employees need to be paid/guaranteed a minimum wage.
It isn't the customers responsibility to decide if a worker gets to eat/pay rent/etc... That's their employers job to pay their staff.
T.I.P.S. To Insure Prompt Service. Except people take it as an offense when you don't hand out free cash. Employees like OP are why I don't trust people around my food. The system sucks and screws workers over, and if I don't attempt to make it right, the shit trickles down to me.
NeedlesslySwanky t1_j2bf5c6 wrote
Seriously. OP is completely delusional. "The bad service will continue until tipping improves?" Fuck that, I'll be going literally anywhere else that'll actually deliver what I order without sabotage.
And it's not just delivering cold food, either. OP flippantly gloats about spitting in people's food. During a pandemic.
Serious question. Does anybody know who OP drives for, so we can report them for being a sentient health code violation? My dad is sick with cancer, so immunocompromised. He orders delivery sometimes. If I found out that OP had spit in his food for any reason, there would exist no walls on this earth that would protect OP from my wrath.
PearsAndGrapes t1_j2bf7mk wrote
The disgruntled employee should bring their grievances to... Their employer then.
Enough disgruntled employees is how change will happen. How would less delivery demand change tip based system?
OurHeroXero t1_j2bf8sa wrote
Exactly. I understand the industry sucks, but we've allowed it to become what it is (When was the last time you heard/saw employees go on strike? No one can afford to strike anymore and are forever backed into a corner/reliant on scraps to make ends meet).
We all need to relentlessly pressure our congressmen to end this toxic American tip culture
NeedlesslySwanky t1_j2bfw0f wrote
Do you just drive through every red light because driving through the intersection is what all the other cars were just doing?
flyfly89 t1_j2bfwv1 wrote
Cursory look at his profile says he is looking for a hook up in north Virginia beyond that who knows
OurHeroXero t1_j2bh8p7 wrote
Maybe you should quit for not being promised a minimum/salaried wage by your employer. It isn't the customers responsibility to pay the staff of a restaurant their wages.
You're mad at the customer...when you should be enraged at your employer.
[deleted] t1_j2bqvte wrote
tonyohanlon77 t1_j2br3bc wrote
Say your an asshole without saying you're an asshole
xal1124 t1_j2bs6z4 wrote
Can’t a a tip be set and then lowered after delivery?
xal1124 t1_j2bs7w9 wrote
Can’t a a tip be set and then lowered after delivery?
xal1124 t1_j2bsgz8 wrote
Really? I knew plenty of people who fixed computers and did tech support at the IT center at my university.
xal1124 t1_j2bsmk4 wrote
You are ok with $1 tip?
Megzilllla t1_j2bt0xt wrote
The driver doesn’t get the delivery fee, at all. None of it. They just use it to further subsidize paying drivers the lower than minimum wage base pay they give them. Meaning it benefits the company, not the guy who is destroying his car bringing pizza to your door in any weather.
Megzilllla t1_j2btaxv wrote
I don’t know if you’ve ever worked in a pizza shop but that’s how you get your hours cut and given to someone else.
[deleted] t1_j2bwhmu wrote
minnehaha123 t1_j2bxa7t wrote
Think service is bad now? Just eliminate the tip culture.
TrishaThoon t1_j2bymf3 wrote
OP should not be allowed near anyone’s food at all.
wraith1221 t1_j2bz0o9 wrote
You’re fun at parties aren’t you lmao
Eilaver t1_j2c0ef2 wrote
get a better job?
halpmeplz94 t1_j2c2l0l wrote
Do people follow others lead without knowing what lies ahead of them? All the time. Sometimes it's helpful, sometimes harmful. Still human and natural.
revuhlution t1_j2c363h wrote
God this is a fucked up dystopia
Anerky t1_j2c36v8 wrote
It’s impossible to beat the wage tipped workers wake off of tips tbh otherwise a shitty serving/bartending/delivery job would start at $25/hr and most would honestly probably be at $40-50hr, margins in the foodservice business are relatively low compared to many other industries so the customer gets the short end of the stick
revuhlution t1_j2c39gc wrote
Bro the system is manipulating you, fucking you, hoping you'll hate your neighbor, instead of giving you (and them) a living.
niketyname t1_j2c6ufj wrote
Seriously, a ball of pizza dough is like $1 and sauce and cheese and toppings could be around $10. And you can make multiple pizzas
PresentAir1133 t1_j2c7st7 wrote
Lol but it's not really funny-funny. I'm a big tipper depending upon which type of service I'm using. Food Delivery Drivers of any kind should be tipped well.
PresentAir1133 t1_j2c8zxa wrote
I'm a cash tipper. No app is going g to tell me how to spend my money. I tip well when I can, almost always a healthy, tya, cash tip. Unless the Driver refuses to follow simple instructions, like don't leave food on the deck bc the rats, or other humans will get to it first, ants get into everything, inclement weather destroys paper/cardboard. Most drivers are fantastic and kind, I keep special money set aside, ready for those people. I also gift the mail carrier and the extra special UPS drivers. But AH with attitude who ruin stuff, no.
PresentAir1133 t1_j2c96ir wrote
Exactly. Fees are corporate profit, period.
PresentAir1133 t1_j2c9bz5 wrote
I won't use services that charge absurd fees. I'd rather go without than go broke.
PresentAir1133 t1_j2c9j5u wrote
Ha! Too Tru. 💯 on your side. Stupid Liberal that I am.
thisisrealgoodtea t1_j2ca1dp wrote
A popular restaurant in our area went to no tip, but had to slightly increase prices to compensate. It did not go well. They had to go back to tipping to not close and lost a lot of regular guests. I’m all for no tipping, but restaurant failure rate is already so high, it may have to be a state or nationwide movement for us to ever see that.
fuck-my-drag-right t1_j2ca38x wrote
Well I hope they ordered a salad
PresentAir1133 t1_j2cabmi wrote
You've never traveled out of the States. In JA they want a tip for saying hello.. But no matter which country you're visiting, every hotel guest tips the bellhop and the cleaning person. It's a kind of Pay It Forward, sometimes. The more you choke hold onto your money the less of it will come your way.
Argyrus777 t1_j2cajms wrote
“Don’t get a job that relies on other people’s generosity”
Not my quote btw
[deleted] t1_j2cb1w2 wrote
PresentAir1133 t1_j2cb6gf wrote
[deleted] t1_j2cbbck wrote
PresentAir1133 t1_j2cc19o wrote
Lol, I've gone outside in PJs after a Driver who I'd forgotten to tip bc we had such a great conversation that he was gonna be late. Not a pizza order, obviously, they cant chat. I never forget them. More like grocery delivery Drivers. But forced tips on apps. Nope. I tip well for good service even if it's gotta be done thru the app. Uber drivers are a whole other issue.
PresentAir1133 t1_j2cc3tq wrote
It's great when you have an oven that works.
Adamon24 t1_j2ccmpm wrote
I’m going to go out on a limb and guess that 99 percent of the people reading this thread have access to a working oven.
jadeeyedcalico t1_j2cct5u wrote
You're the asshole here, not them. I have to get delivery for groceries and such because I can't drive for medical reasons. Sometimes I'm really pressed on cash and can't afford more than 10 cents for the tip. You don't know the situation some people live in, and it's childish to go out of your way to lessen the quality of the goods they paid for. Quite frankly, I'd refuse to tip for that behavior alone.
PresentAir1133 t1_j2cct7l wrote
Ew, Drivers spit on food? Well that's it for me. Nuking frozen food or geabbingv salads from a bag or box using grocery delivery. Once upon a time I could move around, had a car bought my own groceries and loved to cook. Then everything turned upside down not long after, COVID hit. God, it never occurred to me that someone would spit on my food bc the last delivery went wrong.
[deleted] t1_j2ccvt0 wrote
jadeeyedcalico t1_j2cd2gj wrote
There are actually many countries where tipping is considered rude and offensive. You can't generalize every country by implying that only the US would be okay without tipping.
[deleted] t1_j2cdfte wrote
PresentAir1133 t1_j2ce5lh wrote
Yup. It sure ain't the late '60s anymore. And it gets worse as you get older. I'm just outside City proper and anything goes, no rules, no etiquette, no more hanging out with neighbors. Even the cops don't gas. (PS Never buy a condo. there are no laws that protect owners).
PresentAir1133 t1_j2cecwb wrote
I'm a $ten-er +. The lady across the street- $20+ no matter what.
PresentAir1133 t1_j2ceqrr wrote
I wasn't "generalizing everything," but I've been all over the world, and it's rare that a tip is considered a rude gesture. In some countries, they dread seeing American guests bc we're considered loud, demanding, complainers, and terrible tippers.
PresentAir1133 t1_j2cexaa wrote
I don't. Sorry if this offends you.
PresentAir1133 t1_j2cfafv wrote
I'm also disabled and knock everything over or drop things. In a 4 story home, it gets old cleaning constantly. I'll join you on the limb and guess that the oven is older than you are. So, after setting the microwave on fire, then set the oven on fire with some good, old ,home cookin...I gave up.
niketyname t1_j2cfv78 wrote
Then you’re an exception dude. There was no need for you to comment like that
use_the_schwartz t1_j2cg71o wrote
My work will periodically give us gift certificates to Uber Eats/DoorDash/GrubHub, and every single time I tell my wife “no I’ll make the order on the app and go pick it up myself,” and people like you are exactly the reason why.
And yes, I do leave them at least 20% tip because I’ve worked in food service, but the way you handle little annoyances makes me worry for you when you have big time problems down the road in life. Sort yourself out and grow up.
PresentAir1133 t1_j2cg8zk wrote
I'm a 68 yo non dude. I say it as I see it. Ease up, bruh
Bitter-Heat-8767 t1_j2chcho wrote
Or the drivers can stop driving if they have such a problem with the pay?
[deleted] t1_j2cids8 wrote
drumsripdrummer t1_j2cist5 wrote
At least they aren't pissing in the punch bowl because the last party they went to sucked.
[deleted] t1_j2cjsez wrote
[deleted] t1_j2clb21 wrote
[deleted] t1_j2cldls wrote
[deleted] t1_j2clevg wrote
Shaunvfx t1_j2clfl2 wrote
PresentAir1133 t1_j2cnnkg wrote
Really? But it's OK for you to be rude. Got It.
[deleted] t1_j2cntsw wrote
neophanweb t1_j2co5m1 wrote
I did 200 deliveries on doordash and received tips only 5 times. It's bad, but tips are optional and I knew that going in. If all low tippers stopped ordering, you'd be out of the job. I know, it sucks but the apps markup menu items already and milk all the service fees while you blame the customers.
[deleted] t1_j2cohk7 wrote
Necessary_Intern_164 t1_j2covpm wrote
Blame your employer for paying you a shitty wage
Imaginary_Fan2003 t1_j2cwn8z wrote
Buddy... There's a greater chance you'll be tipped if they get their food hot
[deleted] t1_j2cxjls wrote
[deleted] t1_j2cxnif wrote
smakto t1_j2cybj1 wrote
Holy fucking shit this whole thread makes me happy about tipping culture where I live. Here tipping is a "thanks" for a job well done, not something mandatory and expected even before service. OP sounds like other peoples food temperature is the only thing he has control of in his life.
DaHotFuzz t1_j2czu9p wrote
No other restaurant jobs in your area?
VampyreBassist t1_j2d4oxw wrote
"But I don't wannaaaaaa"
Sofiwyn t1_j2d6b9o wrote
This isn't a LPT, this is your personal vent.
I never tip well until after I've received my food in good condition. I don't use Doordash because they have shitty drivers and don't let you change your tip after the delivery.
People aren't stiffing you because they're broke, they're stiffing you because they've been burned by drivers like you.
jabberwockgee t1_j2d6m7s wrote
You think that's a good idea?
You'll only not fuck up people's orders if they pretip?
Good, then you'll get rid of non-tippers and people who tip in cash after verifying their food wasn't fucking destroyed.
But what about the other side of the coin? Drivers who are terrible and fuck up food regardless of the tip.
So the perfect situation in your eyes is everyone should tip, and tip well, before knowing if their food will arrive intact and x% of deliveries will be mangled and the drivers will be rewarded for it.
I wonder what equilibrium this will lead to in terms of percentage of food delivered in good condition when word gets out that you don't have to even do the bare minimum to get awesome pay.
Jazzlike-Yard5612 t1_j2d7jy5 wrote
and you're never invited
sgong33 t1_j2dcqbg wrote
Unfortunately with theses apps, drivers are incentivized by seeing the tip before they accept the order. They don’t know that you’re going to tip cash and prob assume it’s a no tip order. Those orders tend to sit in the restaurant longer as drivers will pass on that pickup in order to take a tipped order. I learned this this hard way.
[deleted] t1_j2dg8rn wrote
SisterYahtzee t1_j2dikn4 wrote
What the hell?? Who does that?
inquizz t1_j2djcdi wrote
Asking for empathy but refusing to give it.
TheBluesDoser t1_j2dl5d6 wrote
OP can put a stiff one up where the sun don’t shine
Skyblacker t1_j2dnigy wrote
Not everyone has the energy or knowledge to cook food worth eating.
Can still pick up your own restaurant food, though. It's called takeout for a reason.
answerguru t1_j2do6wv wrote
Hmm, and what did everyone do before these gig economy jobs were invented? Hint: They made it work with part time, regular jobs.
olgnolgnall t1_j2dohkl wrote
I never tip before I get my food too, I’ve been fucked my drivers before, some ghosted, some ate or steal the foods.
[deleted] t1_j2dpb4f wrote
cats_takeoverMars t1_j2dxiyk wrote
My friend works at a restaurant in NYC. Someone ordered delivery and the order sat there for two hours because no driver wanted to take a no-tip order
tragiktimes t1_j2dzu1a wrote
If you're not going to do your job without getting extras then you're probably not emotionally intelligent enough to hold a better paying position. I'd recommend a hard change to your mentality or you're going to be on a long shitty ride.
tragiktimes t1_j2e04x5 wrote
They're going to erase their own jobs. I just don't use delivery apps anymore because of shit like this. I imagine a lot of people have begun to stop using them.
tragiktimes t1_j2e09ku wrote
past experiences are not indicative of future results
tragiktimes t1_j2e0r84 wrote
everyone, except for incredibly rare situations, can learn to cook edible food
weird take I know
tragiktimes t1_j2e124z wrote
Why even go to school when you have a mentality that will lead to no employers wanting you to work for them?
Skyblacker t1_j2e1mex wrote
Edible doesn't mean tasty. Sometimes it's a pile of mush that you can only choke down enough to quell stomach rumbling. Most of it goes to compost, which isn't the best use of resources.
That said, I only order delivery when I'm too sick to cook nor drive but the kids still need to be fooded. Otherwise I'll heat something at home or pick up my own damn carryout.
tragiktimes t1_j2e2gao wrote
- Brown 1lb sausage.
- Add 2 tbsp butter and melt.
- Add heaping 3 tbsp flour.
- Mix and cook for 3min on med.
- Add about 3" milk.
- Season with salt and pepper.
- Bring to boil.
- Add biscuits to oven at 350 for 10 min.
- Reduce to medium and stir every few minutes.
- Done in 30 min.
This will be some of the best biscuits and gravy you've ever had. That's a least one solid meal to add to your recipe book.
Skyblacker t1_j2e4mgu wrote
You want to watch my kids while I do all that prep and stirring?
Considering the cost of babysitting, it would be much cheaper to buy a $10 heat-and-eat from the supermarket.
tragiktimes t1_j2e514j wrote
30 min?
Dont act like you're the only parent out there. I, and pretty much everyone else, manages fine.
Skyblacker t1_j2e5rxx wrote
If you didn't learn to cook at your mother's knee, it's a skill that has to be learned as an adult. Which makes the mental load of it much higher. Every meal takes more deliberate effort and is less likely to actually be consumed. Which is discouraging.
wraith1221 t1_j2e60rd wrote
Ouch such a burn lol parties kinda suck anyway
tragiktimes t1_j2e6olc wrote
Just cook this doesn't require a Freudian analysis.
august_r t1_j2f34yq wrote
And once again, I'm grateful I'm not in the USA.
keepthetips t1_j29vht5 wrote
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