Submitted by t3_yifdap in Maine

i’m making a chowder to bring to a work function tomorrow and i’m using my grandmothers recipe. she insists that i need to use knorr vegetable bouillon cubes for it. does anyone know where i can find them?? ive checked hannaford and shaws and nothing. i’m midcoast but honestly will drive anywhere within 1.5 hours at this point lol.



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t1_iuigbuz wrote

I use Better Than Bullion, they make a vegetable version.


t1_iuj16yx wrote

Upvote. It'll make it taste slightly different from the grandmother's recipe but BTB is the best.

That said, -Cockroach-6 I think you can get Knorr's veggie bouillon cubes at walmart.

EDIT: Or a container of bouillon powder. Check the soup aisle. Don't forget to look up.


OP t1_iujr647 wrote

i got better than boullion since the knorr one was nowhere to be found. i’ve already ordered the knorr one on amazon for next time lol


t1_iuic7ht wrote

Check the International/Hispanic section, for some reason all of the Knorr bouillon is in that area of my grocer. I'm confident Walmart carries it also.


t1_iujb1a6 wrote

Everyone in this thread 100% ingoring gramma's insistence. Any other day of the week it'd be 'Gramma knows best' but when it comes to overly high sodium dehydrated bouillon cubes apparently she doesn't.


t1_iuieyxc wrote

It has not been available for some time now. If you find it please post.


OP t1_iujqhea wrote

no luck anywhere, not even walmart. i ended up getting the better than buollion one! hopefully it’s similar


t1_iujtkey wrote

It's very good, the problem I have with it is once you open it it's only good for 30 days. I really want to find the veggie cubes again. Thanks for letting me know.


t1_iuj76ix wrote

I buy better than boullion vegetable from market basket but they also have the cubes


t1_iuj8kem wrote

I'm pretty sure that Sam's in Scarborough has Knorr's veggie and chicken bouillon.


t1_iuj3j4m wrote

I’ve been in Texas since 09 and the Kroger by my house always has that in stock.
