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Buddah0047 t1_j7so854 wrote

I hate that it still made sense though.


CptnAlex t1_j7sp6tl wrote

Obashawns. Can’t you read?


CampingJosh t1_j7st59q wrote

I moved here less than a year ago, and I've wondered how to pronounce that. Now I know.


Grape-Snapple t1_j7tb00t wrote

obashawns, louse, hole deep pole all next to each other across from the chaughs and the marks it basks it


Waspy1 t1_j7tqi48 wrote

I worked at Obashawns in high school. Still one of the best jobs I’ve ever had.


Royal_Gur_2651 t1_j7tvd8w wrote

They spelt it how your supposed to say it. Either way don’t buy grain from the one in Bristol nh, literally 2 times as much as it is at agway per 50lb bag.


voorhees213 t1_j7tymnf wrote

Lincoln produces some of the dumbest people in the state.


whiskey_ribcage t1_j7u138z wrote

This thread is how I realized that while I've heard the name on the radio and from other people, I've never actually seen it written down.


BracedRhombus t1_j7u9fe4 wrote

They forgot the apostrophe. It's O'BaSawn's - Irish for son of the son of Sean.


teeceeinthewoods OP t1_j7u9uel wrote

It's fine actually, nobody in the world knows how to spell it. That's why their website is hardware store dot com.


Ebomb1 t1_j7ua31i wrote

Probably word-to-text


chefkittious t1_j7ucum8 wrote

I always pronounced ah-Buchanan because I’m dyslexic and can’t read. Then my boyfriend pronounced it for me and I still don’t say it right.


auyamazo t1_j7ucz2n wrote

It’s pronounced “O’Bichins”


GeeJimmy t1_j7uejgi wrote

We always call it Aubie's / Obie's in our family (and Hannie's, too, for that matter), because we have to give everything a nickname.

Anyone else out there call it Aubie's/Obie's?


NotARobotDefACyborg t1_j7ueufn wrote

On first reading, I thought it said "Obachan" and then I realized there's no "Grandma Hardware stores"...(Obachan or Obaachan is Japanese for Grandmother). 😂😂😂


seeclick8 t1_j7wmgfu wrote

I loved the obashawn in Sanford. Wish it hadn’t closed.