Recent comments in /f/MechanicalKeyboards

Silfur_SolArgente t1_jeh3hf0 wrote

The arrow keys defeat the purpose of an ergonomic split keyboard ; not lifting your hand (and preferably not stretching your fingers), remove them

Otherwise it definitely looks good, I would personally enjoy less keys and would hope itโ€™s not low profile only, but yes it looks dope from a purely aesthetic point of view


_chappie_johnson_ t1_jeh17vd wrote

Reply to comment by nicolas_33 in TX-Stabs disappointment by nicolas_33

I had a similar experience with the R3. Even with balancing the wire, lubed with 205g0 and dielectric grease and trying different switches just couldn't get a good spacebar sound. Switched over to Staebies with same lube and everything and it was instantly better.


Apprehensive_Park951 t1_jegupkj wrote

The just means the molds used for the abs caps are either newer or just smoother than the pbt ones. The texture right out of the box is not an indication of plastic material. And once both ABS and PBT shine and lose texture (they both do, pbt just takes a little longer) theyโ€™ll feel pretty similar. Itโ€™s better to say you just like smooth keycaps more than you do rough ones, rather than saying you like abs more than pbt, as itโ€™s not mutually exclusive. If youโ€™d like I can name the usual texture of several keycap manufacturers.


[deleted] OP t1_jegte92 wrote

I guessing Iโ€™m confused? I used my friendโ€™s Ducky keyboards as a comparison and the ABS way much smoother than the PBT across several Ducky keyboards. Are you saying Ducky chooses to give their ABS keycaps less texture than PBT keycaps? Like I could guess which ones were ABS and which were PBT based on feel alone.


InfanticideAquifer t1_jegp75t wrote

He said it about "coffee", but he was using amphetamines.

The original "coffee" is much better since there's the niche math joke "A cotheorem is a machine for turning comathematicians into ffee". "Amphetamines" doesn't start with "co", so the joke fails, disappointing the small number of people who would otherwise have enjoyed it.