Submitted by ScrollHectic t3_113sh1i in Newark

It's a large footprint - virtually an entire block in the Ironbound. The below youtube video shows the parcel assemblage. It will be 367 units, 20% affordable.

Zoning board special hearing for it is planned for Feb 23rd





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thebruns t1_j8rz6v6 wrote

Anyone know what used to be there?

This building would be steps away from a the proposed and then cancelled PATH station of PA didnt hate people


GhostOfRobertTreat t1_j8sn1gx wrote

I think it was mostly commercial/industrial but has been demolished and flat for quite a while.


NorthWoodsGamecock t1_j8xqixg wrote

Do you have any more info on this PATH station? I’ve heard about a few different locations for added stations that were never built but never about anything in the ironbound.


Juicey_J_Hammerman t1_j9fa21c wrote

There used to be a Pennsylvania Railroad passenger station above the South Street viaduct in the ironbound.

When PATH was studying extending the Newark-WTC line to EWR, they also looked at opening a PATH station on this site but later abandoned it due to site constraints.


thebruns t1_j908vm2 wrote

South Street, there was an once a rail station there and path once said they would add one there on the way to southern expansion


Nexis4Jersey t1_j8sr0y0 wrote

I was wondering why it's so low , didn't realize Mulberry went all the way down there. I'm ok with that height in that part of the Ironbound. If it were near Penn then it should be a high rise or skyscraper.


sutisuc t1_j8tce1e wrote

Only thing I know for sure is it’s gonna be far too expensive to rent a place in that location


2kool4tv t1_j8sumxu wrote

That area has a bunch of weird half empty blocks that I always wondered about.


1Pichi t1_j8sdnud wrote

Why can’t they go more vertical?


GhostOfRobertTreat t1_j8smov3 wrote

The majority of the Ironbound is capped at 5 stories. When the city zoned a few blocks near Penn to 12 and the closest to Penn to like 30 some people lost their minds.

Edit: here’s the zoning map.


Ironboundian t1_j8strd3 wrote

Google maps says it is a good 25 minute walk to Newark Penn station. It's not near the transit at all.


Juicey_J_Hammerman t1_j8u1rsa wrote

On the bright side, if that proposed South Street PATH Station ever happens that space will be in prime position to capitalize on it.


AsSubtleAsABrick t1_j8ysx43 wrote

Last I heard, which admittedly was a while ago, is that a South St station is pretty much a no go because there isn't enough room for a platform given that 21 is a county road and not owned by the city.


Juicey_J_Hammerman t1_j8z4jik wrote

I think there was a report/study put out by PATH that goes into that too. I have to imagine the county might be willing to accommodate if it’s a matter that.


Newarkguy1836 t1_j8zcb8r wrote

The SB path track can easily go over 21 on a partial Viaduct over the Northbound Lanes. If they really wanted to build it, theyd find a way. Highways and roads are constantly realigned whenever the government wants to build rail or highways. Also keep in mind when the South Street station reactivation was dismissed that area was not seeing much Redevelopment. Since then, a major apartment building has been built right next to the old station on what used to be a former rail yard. You can still see the bridge that carried the siding over South Street just east of the bridge carrying the 4 main tracks. Developments like this will once again make the South Street Station viable.


Newarkguy1836 t1_j8zbfbu wrote

It's only two or three blocks south of South Street, a bus route. And the building most likely will be in the Harrison Riverbend slash Red Bull Arena Zone model with interior parking and residential around the sides. But that's just my guess.


Newarkguy1836 t1_j8zb5c5 wrote

It would be a nice addition to the South Street / Oak Island neighborhood. Southernmost place in the Ironbound before the Oak Island Rail Yard itself.