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dsarma t1_jat64qy wrote

I thought I was going insane! I’ll be walking along and see a nasty snarl where the box is blocked really badly, and meanwhile the police aren’t helping matters with their weaving in an out at random.


GhostOfRobertTreat OP t1_jat6e9r wrote

The police seem uninterested in getting cars parked in travel lanes to move or stopping people who run red lights.


Newarkguy1836 t1_jayxvv7 wrote

The only target the ones that make honest mistakes. the ones that deliberately run stop signs, or do u turn in their faces and run red lights ,Burn Rubber or speed are ignored.

That's because many cops sees these people as individuals trying to set them up for a Chase and possible liability if they end up shooting or injuring the perpetrators. I think Newark is one of those cities w civilian police complaint board so police are not going to do anything that will jeopardize their jobs. Unless the officers are specifically dispatched to a certain situation, they will look the other way and mind their own business.