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NotOK1955 OP t1_j1mqm53 wrote

Erik Davidson Rekve (with his 2nd wife and children) tank around 1878 in their homeland of Voss, Hordaland, Norway. Erik was born today, December 25, 1815.


nosnevenaes t1_j1mr3sn wrote

The girl in the middle is the real story


WiseChoices t1_j1msmo0 wrote

Great pic 👌

Excellent legacy. You can see their strength and character.


athens619 t1_j1mtq9v wrote

Your great great grandmother looks so much like Putin


Raven3131 t1_j1mtsr9 wrote

That poor mom is probably 30, worn down by 1800s life.


Raven3131 t1_j1mtwlx wrote

Tell us about their life op. Little girl looks miserable. Were they broke?


NotOK1955 OP t1_j1mx9zb wrote

Thanks for asking. He was born and died in Voss. His first wife (from my lineage) died 1856. He remarried in 1860. Four children from each marriage. Only two remained in Norway, the rest moved to Illinois, Wisconsin and Minnesota. In America, the name was changed to Rockne. One of the sons from the second marriage is said to be the famous Notre Dame football coach Knute Rockne. Not sure of Erik's financial situation but farming was probably the main income source. From the looks of the family, life must have been tough, if not as cold as we're experiencing right now in the USA. I hope to travel there sometime soon - Voss and Norway look wonderful!


NotOK1955 OP t1_j1mycwx wrote

Bertha Eriksdatter Rekve - she married Anfin Reque (a variation on Rekve, probably a distant cousin?) in 1891 in Chicago. Had three children born in Illinois but my research kind of ends there. At some point she & Anfin moved to Wisconsin and died there.


Swifty912 t1_j1n4584 wrote

Wait, is the date a typo? I thought photography (of any kind) didn’t start until the late 1820’s.


BigMissKnowItAll t1_j1nby0s wrote

Not OP but they mentioned in another comment that their third grandfather (the father in the picture) was born on December the 25th 1815 but that the picture was taken around 1878. So the date in the title refers to his birth that happened exactly 207 years ago and not to the date the picture was taken (even though that would be more common in this sub).


imastocky1 t1_j1ni8q2 wrote

Everyone was always so chipper around grandma Putin


Fluid_Fox23 t1_j1npno8 wrote

It like Putin in various stages of growth


WOGSREVENGE t1_j1orrst wrote

They probably wouldn't have celebrated Christmas unless they were catholic


Wykydtr0m t1_j1ozoe4 wrote

That absolute mad lad on the left almost cracking a smile.


jmdowdy t1_j1p7gge wrote

The last photo before “say cheese!” became a thing.


SlinkyTail t1_j1p7qwe wrote

girl up front "not this shit again"


vrenak t1_j1phpwz wrote

Price wise, Denmark is the by far cheapest one. So if you struggled with danish prices don't go to Norway.

On different notes: Culturally it's very similar, if you're not nordic you'd just classify the differences as different local quirks. Nature is basically terrain opposites, Denmark is flat with gently rolling hills lots of farmland, interspersed with forests, fjords, heaths, sandy beaches. Norway is rugged mountains with fjords cutting deep valleys, and wide forests on the mountains.


vrenak t1_j1pi0yi wrote

Some of it is the high taxes of course, but also higher wages. For Norway in particular their agriculture is extremely limited so they have to import a lot of food, in order to protect what production they do have, there are sky high import duties on most things. And being on the edge of the continent it's not realistic to import everything from places like Spain or Italy with lower production costs, but have to get it from Netherlands, Germany and Denmark which have higher costs, but can provide fresh vegetables.


ForThatNotSoSmartSub t1_j1pj1sv wrote

Actual old pictures do not get any attention in this sub but a slightly attractive women in a 39 years old photo does


MrMMudd t1_j1pohgc wrote

Damnit Putins gonna get away with this war by becoming a transsexual time traveler.


Annahsbananas t1_j1prd5a wrote

You're 4 great grandmother is proof reincarnation exists. That's Putin


mrnastymannn t1_j1pum3p wrote

OP this couldn’t have been 1815, more like 1860 something. Photography wasn’t widely available until the 1840s


Both_Selection_7821 t1_j1qch37 wrote

I doubt the year is correct -- The first camera was invented in 1816 by Frenchman Joseph NicĂ©phore NiĂ©pce. The invention of the camera was documented in letters to his brother, according to “The History of Photography” by Beaumont Newhall.Jun 14, 2022


VenusValkyrieJH t1_j1qdacx wrote

Awesome photo. At first I thought someone photoshopped old Putler’s face onto your gear grandmothers face lol (Putler=Putin.. incase you didn’t know lol)


apex199268 t1_j1qh9il wrote

The mother looks like she would start a war against Ukraine


Radiant_March_6685 t1_j1qn972 wrote

So funny because we have similar photos of our family from the late 1800's to early 1900's. I'd always joke and say all of these older photos must have been taken before "say cheese" was invented because no one is ever smiling in them. With no smiles, how can they refer to those years as the Good Ole Days!


sirgreyskull t1_j1qu6q3 wrote

And your great grand mother Vladimira Putin


Radiant_March_6685 t1_j1qvny7 wrote

Believe me I know, my family came over from Italy. It was during a time when the head of your family came here first, worked his rump off, saved every penny and then sent for the rest of his family to make the journey here. My grandparents came from families with 13, 12, 10 siblings and they slept 4 to a bed and sometimes 8 in one room. I know they were tough times and what they went through was something that was instilled in me because they wanted to make sure I was grateful for everything I have, even if it's not much. I myself grew up on the first floor of a three family home and in just 4 rooms. My grandparents upstairs and my aunt and uncle above them. And yes, it's not a stereotype that Italians make their basements nicer than their own apt. We had that type of basement and every Italian family on my block had the same. It was dug out daily by everyone in the family when they came home from work. Then who ever had carpentry skills took care of building, masonry skills took care of the brick work etc etc. I was just making making lite of how people aren't really smiling too much in older pictures.