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SamShephardsMustache t1_j754wjv wrote

Religious fanatics...


pedantic_comments t1_j76n9dp wrote

Worse. Trump worshiping religious fanatics.

>”They were just so hell-bent on Trump winning, like this could be in the end if he doesn’t,” Stabley said, referring to an instance when he saw them just before the 2020 election. He said he stopped seeing the two after that.

I don’t have any empathy left for these people.

E: Spamming my inbox with messages from the suicide help bot is a good example of why people like me can’t be bothered to give a shit what happens to you stupids.


AsteroidDisc476 t1_j76vfsz wrote

Well, since they believe most of my friends should be dead for being themselves, neither do I.


Brilliant-Jacket-550 t1_j77ef76 wrote

Your response truly saddens me. I’ve been out and dealing with anti-LGBT hate for 30 years, but I still wouldn’t wish this upon anyone and I’m able to have empathy and compassion for their plight. These people- hateful as they may seem-were, if anything, victims of the lies spread by right-wing propaganda and the orange buffoon. Unfortunately there are a lot more people who have been poisoned by this rhetoric, so I fear that things are really going backwards for us at this point. Time to be prepared.


underscore5000 t1_j77ku4d wrote

In all probably strengthened the species as a whole.


QuickNature t1_j771lcm wrote

You must know them very well. Or are making assumptions based on some comments here and will defend them with "well because of this, they must be like that".

This is r/Pennsylvania though, so I'll probably be downvoted, but this is a tragic situation. And the comments here show why these people will never reach out for help and ultimately never change their beliefs.

It also seems that people here have forgotten that they had family and friends who will be effected by this.

Edit: Would just like to point out I accurately called out the downvotes lol. You people are so very predictable.


five_eight t1_j77hfws wrote

"these people will never reach out for help and ultimately never change their beliefs". Not sure what you'd like to see here.


QuickNature t1_j77jjzo wrote

I would like to not see people pushed into becoming radicalized as a start. There were a series of failures and coincidences that lead to this family dying. I highly doubt they got to the point they were over night.

Also, because of their political beliefs/religious choices people are shitting all over them without actually knowing them. People here got a snippet into their life from a news article, and a neighbors commentary and suddenly know everything about them.


underscore5000 t1_j77l8qc wrote

If these people were Trump fanatics after EVERYTHING he has done prior to even running politically...they were already radicalized. If you want to start pointing fingers at HOW they became radicalized...look up the people actively voting to defund education and health care in this country. That's where you can start the blame then. Me personally? I choose to blame the adults who chose to not think like rational adults, but defunding education can assist in making that a pipe dream.


QuickNature t1_j77mji5 wrote

Yeah, and here is my problem with pretty much everything being said about this family. It all starts with If because no one actually knows them.

I am not debating politics right now, I am saying it's tragic not only because a family died, but for their surviving family members and friends. No one here actually knows them, and the speculation about them is just one big circle jerk of people agreeing with each other.

Also, I never mentioned when they may have been radicalized, just that it may have occured, and if this sub is at all representative of PA, I could see why they became reclusive. The hate and vitriol towards absolutely anyone who isn't extreme left and also apparently atheist now is absolutely disgusting.


terr1bad t1_j7avqdb wrote

I grew up 15 minutes from here. Red Lion, PA (another nearby York suburb) went down the Trump hole to the extreme. This entire story and their beliefs are completely unsurprising if you’ve spent any amount of time here.

I’m just a random person on the internet so you don’t have to believe me, but it’s hard not to run into people like this in SoYoCo (or anywhere in YoCo)


Potativated t1_j7izh93 wrote

This is Reddit. Any response less belligerent than gleeful smugness that there are 3 less “Trumptards” and “religious fanatics” is considered insufficiently supportive to the “communities” that Orange man “harms.” There are a lot of genuinely sick people, especially here on the internet, especially in heavily moderated upvote consensus-manufacturing apps, that openly wish the half of the country who disagrees with them would keel over and die.


BidenSniffsYaKids t1_j77c8my wrote

making up Boogeymen?


AsteroidDisc476 t1_j77ejfy wrote

Hey everyone! Someone from The “cOvId iZ a HoX” and “ThE eLeCkShUn WuZ StOLd!!!” crowd has something to tell me about making up boogeymen!


BidenSniffsYaKids t1_j77fcxa wrote

Literally never said that. I hope you are able to regain your humanity someday, but you don't even seem to understand how far gone you are. I suggest avoiding the internet and seeing a psychiatrist.


AsteroidDisc476 t1_j77gcxx wrote

I have humanity. I just think people who hate the ones I love don’t deserve it.


BidenSniffsYaKids t1_j77i39c wrote

justify your hatred however you want


AsteroidDisc476 t1_j77jamh wrote

Oh, like the Ultra-Christian, Ultra-MAGA cultists don’t hate LGBT folks, anyone who’s not Christian, and aren’t corrupted by religious propaganda. If they spread their hate, it’s cool, but I’m suddenly the hateful one if I call them out on it. I’m justifiably criticizing their harmful beliefs.


BidenSniffsYaKids t1_j77k18b wrote

You are claiming this now dead family wants you and your friends dead based on absolutely nothing. You're making up boogeyman because deep down you know your hatred is worrisome. I don't see any right wing people in here spreading hatred. I see you and people who think identically to you all espousing hatred while feeling superior for it.


AsteroidDisc476 t1_j77kua2 wrote

Maybe if the vast majority of them weren’t like that, I wouldn’t have to make that assumption. Maybe they should just stop spreading their hatred and drop the superiority complex. 🤷‍♂️


BidenSniffsYaKids t1_j77lk5l wrote

lmao now its "the vast majority." I knew you were far gone but it's worse than I thought. I can no longer discuss with you as you're clearly deep in delusion.


AsteroidDisc476 t1_j77lopn wrote

But the religious fanatics who killed themselves weren’t far gone?


BidenSniffsYaKids t1_j77m78z wrote

Yes, they were too. Congratulations, you are on the same tier as religious fanatics who killed themselves. Please follow my advice and avoid the internet and start seeing a psychiatrist before you follow in their footsteps.


AsteroidDisc476 t1_j77mhr3 wrote

Ah yes, because an argument with a stranger on the internet is going to drive me to that.


BidenSniffsYaKids t1_j77n6ky wrote

No, it's the ideology of victimhood yet somehow also superiority and hatred that will be your down fall. You enjoy feeling this anger and hatred. That is unhealthy.


SamShephardsMustache t1_j77jkfp wrote

There's no hate like Christian love.


BidenSniffsYaKids t1_j77k5b1 wrote

it's very common to point out someone else's flaws to justify your own


AsteroidDisc476 t1_j77mbst wrote

Like a certain president who called everyone else corrupt and incompetent while making corrupt and incompetent decisions every day during his failed presidency.


SgtBoaty t1_j777vzl wrote

What is the evidence that the suicide pact was based on politics? I saw the girl’s video postings suggesting she was severely schizophrenic, saying she was abdicating the throne of England and she was the antichrist. I was thinking she is seriously mentally ill and the parents felt they couldn’t seek help due to their religion.


pedantic_comments t1_j77dow9 wrote

They were all Q-anon lunatics that withdrew from society to let their various mental problems metastasize.

I don’t think they thought it was about politics, but I can draw a straight line for you from Trumpy-Qanon-Evangelical-homeschooled beliefs (and conspiratorial media consumption) that leads right to delusions, depression, isolation, paranoia and thinking that murder/suicide is the best course of action.


five_eight t1_j77h22b wrote

Nailed it. First fat orange cheetoe messiah is gone. Then The Turk and the Insurrectionist from Jersey lose. How much can evangelical home schoolers take?


SgtBoaty t1_j77n156 wrote

I was just wondering where you had read they were into Q-anon because I hadn’t seen that.

I can definitely see the connection too; also seems like it could go the other way—if you are biologically prone to paranoid delusions you could take that stuff and run with it.


Jive_Sloth t1_j78l8uw wrote

Her family is one thing, but I don't think she was in a position to be holding any "genuine, authentic" beliefs when she was clearly in a state of psychosis.

Her youtube videos explain that she was under surveillance by the Trump admin and that he was taking part of violating her human rights.

So, her beliefs seem to be all over the map.

Almost as if she was mentally ill or something...


BidenSniffsYaKids t1_j77c5qc wrote

you never had empathy to begin with. Empathy for you is only granted to those in 100% agreement with you


HeyZuesHChrist t1_j7hndfd wrote

We keep being told it’s not a cult despite every single bit of evidence points to textbook cult.


TrashApocalypse t1_j76cptq wrote

Religion is a cancer on our society


Numerous-Two-7550 t1_j76ij6z wrote

On every society. Bronze Age folk tales rule our fucking lives.


TrashApocalypse t1_j76ivni wrote

Imagine trusting people who’d only just recently learned to read, over peer-reviewed science.

Like, from an evolutionary stand point, it’s like listening to the 5 year old version of us.


godofleet t1_j76wjjb wrote

it's more than religion IMO ... it's celebrity / institution worship

we are practically programmed from a very early age to accept XYZ person/organization/institution as the final say, as the ultimate, unchanging truth.

this ties into government and corporations too - in the same way people seem to think the US government can do no wrong there are people who think elon musk can do no wrong...

the worst of it is the central banks - without any doubts, we all trust that money will just "work" and isn't inherently corrupted or corruptible despite central bankers being just another tiny series of greedy, manipulatable, biased, coercible [etc] human beings... an intuition as fallible as any.

surely the best solution would be a system of rules, without rulers... something rooted in nature that maintains a verifiably ledger/record of truth for everyone and anyone- based on energy itself perhaps... and at least with regard to money, this actually exists now- don't overlook bitcoin, it's perhaps the most important discovery our species has ever made in the effort to stop worshiping and trusting, god-kings and centralized institutions and instead rely on a properly decentralized, for-the-people-by-the-people monetary network.


linkdudesmash t1_j76eb3q wrote

Nothing in their religion says go kill yourself. If anything blame the homeschooling.