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[deleted] t1_jdn4fuu wrote


Yen-sama t1_jdnaqak wrote

Please explain how drag shows are "deviate sexual behavior" without using the reason "they're wearing women's clothes!"


gdex86 t1_jdn597p wrote

Blah blah blah homophobic bullshit about natural behavior which ignore same sex behaviors happen through our the animal kingdom.


[deleted] t1_jdnblw2 wrote



tellmeaboutyourcat t1_jdneqkf wrote

>Right. But when was the last time scientists observed a gay penguin parade?

Gay penguins don't need parades because they weren't systematically oppressed, harassed, and murdered by straight penguins throughout history.

Homophobic oppression is uniquely human, but homosexuality is not.


Thisfuckingwebsite t1_jdnl70z wrote

>same sex behaviors happen through our the animal kingdom


>If you think you can undo hundreds of millions of years natural evolution, good luck.

Lol, you are not smart


Drive-By-Cuckers t1_jdnfjur wrote

Who tf cares tho? Does it make me poorer? Does it make Philly poorer? Does it make PA poorer? No

So it shouldn’t be debated by politicians. Their job is to improve the ability of their constituents to be successful and have access to essential services full stop.

We don’t need a culturally homogenous society at the expense of our public services. Maybe if we weren’t so focused on non issues like this then we’d have functioning roads


cringelien t1_jdnapq1 wrote

holy shit pick up a book please i feel so bad for my fellow americans who have not had the same educational and travel opportunities of me. wishing you a more open future ETA 8 year old account with only 1k karma… and only recently posting to fight lgbt issues.. hmm!


Ok-Twist921 t1_jdnpixt wrote

People who describe things they hate as “deviant” are nazis. Full stop.


themollusk t1_jdnumsz wrote

>Deviate sexual behavior

Get fucked


Tdub405 t1_jdnzysd wrote

He probably doesn't, and that's part of the problem. 🤷🏻‍♂️


lucasj t1_jdnsltg wrote

Let’s set up a Council to End Deviant Sex. The mandatory genital inspections will ensure our freedom 🦅🫡🇺🇸