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gdex86 t1_jdn597p wrote

Blah blah blah homophobic bullshit about natural behavior which ignore same sex behaviors happen through our the animal kingdom.


[deleted] t1_jdnblw2 wrote



tellmeaboutyourcat t1_jdneqkf wrote

>Right. But when was the last time scientists observed a gay penguin parade?

Gay penguins don't need parades because they weren't systematically oppressed, harassed, and murdered by straight penguins throughout history.

Homophobic oppression is uniquely human, but homosexuality is not.


Thisfuckingwebsite t1_jdnl70z wrote

>same sex behaviors happen through our the animal kingdom


>If you think you can undo hundreds of millions of years natural evolution, good luck.

Lol, you are not smart