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Bobtom42 t1_ir00hwd wrote

Find your congressional representative's office and write them an email explaining the situation. Their job is to help people in situations like this.

One email might not work, call and write until you get someone's attention. Be respectful but very clear about the situation and what you are asking for. You explained it pretty well here, but start with you need help obtaining a SS card.

You'd be amazed how much red tape can disappear with a call from a congressional office.


Kairenne t1_ir096n0 wrote

This is a good idea. Most representatives have local offices in their district. It might be a bus ride near to you.


chaos-born OP t1_ir02wgg wrote

Thank you!


crab_races t1_ir0736s wrote

That is the right suggestion! Also, even better than an email, you can make an appointment to go to their office in-person. That's what my mom did with an issue she had with her license being suspended, and she felt it made all the difference. Good luck!


alphalimahotel t1_ir1iob0 wrote

OP - do not email. CALL! I've worked in government for 11+ years, and can tell you that emails get lost all the time. Call or walk in. Your state rep or state senator can get you your state documents first and then you can get the federal ones through your member of Congress or US Senator.


EnnuiDeBlase t1_ir4y5uc wrote

I had an ongoing issue where the county thought I was responsible for a yard issue, but it was my neighbor. E-mail fixed nothing, a call delayed the problem, in-person got me an impromptu meeting with a supervisor and a direct contact number if there were any more issues (there were, but they were easily cleared up at that point).


BurghPuppies t1_ir2rdho wrote

And also… though you’re not going to want to hear this… take some responsibility. School IDs weren’t passed out on the first day of school; were they passed out on the second day? Does NO ONE in your school have an ID? Have you pursued getting one? There’s only one person who can be the driving force behind getting what you need.


chaos-born OP t1_ir2rue4 wrote

Nobody in my school has them. 💀 Staff started working on them today, it's the fifth week of school. Where do I fall short? I'm afraid of reaching out, but my family and friends also said that this seemed kind of weird.


BurghPuppies t1_ir2s51l wrote

Reach out. Attend a school board meeting and bring it up if you have to. Go to the office daily if you have to.


heili t1_ir59ceo wrote

He said university, so they probably don't have "school board meetings", although I've never heard of a university where ID cards were just '"passed out on the first day of class".

I had to go to to the university's ID center to get my picture taken and they produced and handed me the card there. If you don't know where to start, or you're not being helped, the university should have an ombudsman's office. Given that the university student ID card is almost always used for everything from registering for classes to public transportation, it seems unusual to go this long into a semester without one.


BurghPuppies t1_ir5ri9s wrote

Sorry, you’re right, he did say university. I don’t believe five weeks into classes they don’t have IDs, though. How are students getting in & out of dorms? Getting meals in cafeterias? Just doesn’t sound right.


heili t1_ir5v5ok wrote

Right. OP's story doesn't add up. I had my first university ID before the semester started. Got it when I went a couple of months before to register for classes. I couldn't do shit without it. Couldn't use the library, ride the bus, get into the dorm, eat at the cafeteria, register for a class, go to the laundry... nothing.


chaos-born OP t1_iriwq79 wrote

A friend of mine goes to the college across from mine, they got thiers during the first week of school. During my first week of school, I got my schedule and a key card, which is what we use to get in and out of the building, as well as around certain areas around the school, such as the office area where I could speak to the principal and what have you.


heili t1_iriwzid wrote

What the fuck kind of college has a principal?


chaos-born OP t1_irixi0x wrote

If they go by a different title of profession, I wouldn't know, but since I'm transitioning from high school and I'm used to how things were done then, that's what I call them. They're just someone who emails the students every once in a while to see how they are doing, also who students would come to if they missed a class.


chaos-born OP t1_iriwfts wrote

We use our key cards for that, which as teachers said, can't be used for identification. One girl mentioned how whenever she had to take care of things, like when she was looking for a job, she pulled out that card and couldn't use it for that reason.


ResidentBackground35 t1_ir0n3al wrote

>One email might not work, call and write until you get someone's attention.

Try and send a fax, most representatives have them because they used to be super important but no one has used one in decades because emails are a thing.

So the staff will hear noises from a machine they never use and your message will appear bypassing the SoP for email and letters.


RNDiva t1_ir11tlx wrote

I have several questions. You are enrolled in college correct. Do you have vaccine records? In some cases, that can be used to verify ID and usually colleges want that.

Also high school records. You had to produce those too for college enrollment. You should be pictured in the school yearbook. That should be proof of who you are.

I do not understand not having a student college ID. That makes no sense. That needs to be your first step.


chaos-born OP t1_ir14jiw wrote

They weren't made when we first started going, but one of the professors is going around and asking for pictures for us so they must be in the works.


TacoNomad t1_ir1bfk2 wrote

Go to your school's administrative office and ask where the ID card office is. Then go there and get one made.


Prometheus_303 t1_ir1ll1e wrote

Unless you go to an excessively small school, professors generally do not take pictures for nor distribute your school IDs during class.

You'll need to Google "where do I get my student ID at [name of school]" or ask at admissions or such.


TiberiusCornelius t1_irb39hq wrote

Find your school's ID office and get one made. You might be able to find out if they have digital IDs also. My school stopped issuing physical cards but has a space on the website to submit a picture of yourself and to pull up a digital ID, so you present or scan your phone just like you would a physical card.


Important-Pair-3553 t1_ir1d6md wrote

This ! But you may want to call and get their hours to go in person. Things done online tend to be processed in the order they're received, submit online and then go in and get the information pulled by the person in the office to handle asap.