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BeltfedOne t1_j2u0gfr wrote

The GQP is tearing itself to pieces in PA and Washington, DC and I simply point and laugh. There is no plan for governance. It is all Culture War, own the libs, and oppose EVEYTHING. Except tax cuts for the rich and covering up all of DJT's mess. Also- before you even try- I am NOT a liberal. Thank you in advance.


Alternative-Flan2869 t1_j2u0vic wrote

Finally. Moderate Republicans, are sick of this gqp trumpy cult bullshit as much as the voters. Kudos to these actual representatives of the voters of Pennsylvania!


BeltfedOne t1_j2u4t0a wrote

Oh, so now you are doing the "both sides" thing? If both parties suck, why do you roll full on MAGA most of the time and are an admitted Q supporter/expert? Your account history speaks for itself. You are acting like another PA Whitetail doe in the middle of the road at night.


BeltfedOne t1_j2u6phv wrote

I wish that the GOP would figure out how to actually fucking govern and not just break shit. It involves compromise, discourse, and negotiation. It involves talking with people that you don't agree with and trying to do good things to benefit the FUCKING country and not some wannabe dictator. Culture war issues are fucking nonsense and help nothing tangible/useful.

Nobody likes to compromise, but it HAS to be done unless you want one person, breaking their oath of office, appointing themselves head-motherfucker-in-charge-emperor, and issuing commands at a whim. I don't want that- ever. Do you want that?


TransFattyAcid t1_j2u7ia6 wrote

Will this be enough to keep the abortion amendment from making the ballot? My understanding is that it has to be approved by two successive congresses and I'm hoping this one won't approve it.


BeltfedOne t1_j2u9zdr wrote

You are simply deflecting and doing the both sides whuddabout dance. I said nothing about "free passes" for anybody.

Country before party, uphold sworn oaths to the Constitution, and get some more shit that matters for all of this country actually done. It ain't easy, but it is definitely possible. But it does take both sides....


sensistarfish t1_j2uf282 wrote

The dems are hoping he walks back his “independent” schtick.


khag t1_j2ujf89 wrote

Hey that's my rep!!


GraffitiTavern t1_j2uxz5e wrote

Would you be willing to contact him and ask him to let McClinton stay on as majority leader and kill the anti-reproductive rights constitutional amendment the Republicans were trying to force through? I'm going to email him too but it might be more impactful coming from someone in his district.


Hib3rnian t1_j2uz9r0 wrote

Good. Now stop fucking around and get some shit actually done! 👍


tehmlem t1_j2vh1qm wrote

Ugh, the enlightened centrist schtick made speaker. Sure, one side wants to install an autocrat and purge minorities but it's important to come together and make sure they feel included with a compromise. They may deny the very legitimacy of the elections that got them here but let's pretend they're not an active threat to democracy.


Illustrious_Air_1438 t1_j2vhzxd wrote

A speaker has to be elected though. Democrats do not have a numerical majority for the time being, so they couldn't have done any better. The options were a consensus candidate (in this case Rozzi), or a Republican.


Avaisraging439 t1_j2werc0 wrote

This is nice and all but I'm seeing too many Dems vote for fracking while water supply quality drops off the face of the earth for the state.

I'm not really sure much will change for the better in my opinion.


datches89 t1_j2wjar1 wrote

Just read the AP Article

> Democrats said Rozzi will remain a Democrat and not switch his registration to independent. But Republicans insisted otherwise Tuesday night, saying that Rozzi will become an independent.

What a mess


tyrael459 t1_j2wo7sf wrote

Maybe you can explain to me: How is stuff like limiting women’s healthcare and telling teachers what to teach and companies what they’re allowed to say deemed “smaller government”?


bitterbeerfaces t1_j2wtbj9 wrote

My understanding is that they dropped the abortion language from the amendment it is not just focusing on the voter id stuff. I think the GOP realized anything attached to anything that restricted abortion will not pass.


cowboyjosh2010 t1_j2y5ly5 wrote

I'm curious what he would do to make up for eliminating school property taxes. When I hear the phrase "school property taxes", what I envision is the portion of real estate property taxes that gets used as revenue for local public school districts to use. I have a general but not well refined critique of this practice, because I think it sucks that the funding of a child's school (and therefore likely the quality of the education available to that child) is so dependent on the perceived property values where that child had the good (or bad) luck of being born. But obviously schools need this portion of their revenue. I think I support (but am not 100% ironclad in this) pooling tax revenue statewide and distributing it to public schools more evenly.

So I think that's where I go next on this subject for Rozzi's position: is that what he would do in lieu of school property taxes? It's hardly like he can eliminate that tax and replace the revenue source with nothing, right? So what's the alternative in his mind?


selectinput t1_j2yu1b5 wrote

There are also places in PA that have a separate school district tax that is not property tax, which you owe as a resident rather than a property owner. I’m not sure how common that is. I’d be curious if that’s something they would push to expand in lieu of a property tax.


toadfan64 t1_j2zddxd wrote

Hopefully this means we can finally move forward with raising the minimum wage here. Aren’t we one of the last holdouts?


1stBigHank t1_j34uvll wrote

Great move. With the temp lost seats they needed a person who could pull from both sides to keep the speakership. This should keep that disgusting midnight amendment off the floor.


GraffitiTavern t1_j3dpatr wrote

I don't doubt House Democrats will vote for her, but with the chamber being 101-101, with him being the tiebreaking vote(and speaker), he decides who will be in the majority. Dems have indicated he will support their majority even if he doesn't caucus with them, but he hasn't really said anything publicly on the matter himself.