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Charirner t1_j42hhi0 wrote

I'm sure that will go over well with the investigation


spicynuggies t1_j42hxxh wrote

Why are all the school boards in Bucks County full of the most deranged nutjobs

I swear I see a new article about some shit theyre up to every other week


nickcaff t1_j42iu5r wrote

As a teacher it makes me want to put up more pride stuff in my classroom


Cinemaslap1 t1_j42juis wrote

This is going to go very poorly for them... Saying they can't share political or social things... Someone is going to be going through their stuff with a fine toothed comb soon.... I guarantee it


berraberragood t1_j42pzhk wrote

Less than ten months until they have to face the voters.


sx70forlifexx t1_j42y7ed wrote

What a lovely education those poor kids must get in a nazi camp like this


Cinemaslap1 t1_j4303m3 wrote

I wasn't even thinking about the legal part of suing them.

I'm more talking about when parents push back against the school for trying to teach something only for it to go against this new ruling....

FYI, there's now no longer science in bucks county schools because Republicans see that as LGBTQ agenda. Can't teach history because it's political. Can't teach math because it's part of the Jewish agenda. Can't let kids play because that turns them trans or gay.

I think Republicans really just want Amish schools. And to make the kids work the fields.

I can't imagine why people continue to lean more left... With this kind of censorship going on.


berraberragood t1_j4325xe wrote

Republicans in Central Bucks have traditionally been moderates. The 6 members of the ruling junta got elected on that premise and didn’t show their true colors until they had a majority. Three of the six will be up for reelection this year. Each is running in regions that Biden carried in 2020, so they are facing an uphill battle to stay in power.


axeville t1_j43ay1q wrote

Freedom! Freedom is not free.

Free to express your opinion. (Unless your opinion is in conflict w the religious beliefs of a school board official of a publicly funded school).

You have a federally recognized right to marry but the school board prefers that is never ever discussed. If you're in a same sex marriage and have children in the school just be quiet about that ok? If you're a lgbtq teacher you have that right but not in front of the children (clutch pearls)!

Wtf people.


artful_todger_502 t1_j43k3oc wrote

Tell me again, how are they different from the Taliban? The more it becomes obvious their arcane and imbecilic assaults are not going to be around too much longer, the more radical they become. Shocking, huh?


purplespoo t1_j43og01 wrote

It’s not a nazi camp, and there many amazing teachers. Just because the school board is a bunch of losers doesn’t mean the whole district of teachers suck. Yes, the school board sucks and there is so much wrong doing on the choices they make. My kids, are getting an amazing education and their needs are being met. Other school districts in the area couldn’t even come close to being able to give us the help on what my kiddo needed. CBSD did.


Prince_Wentz11 t1_j43ozrb wrote

Licabaugh has always been a douche. There are many great teachers in that district, it's a shame the board is trying to set an agenda.


ElenorWoods t1_j43q2qe wrote

My mom used to work in a cbsd school. There was a townhall about covid via phone and she had it on speaker (my husband and I lived with her and my father at the time while selling our house). When talking about masks and ways to mitigate the spread, one of the dads said “maybe the fat teachers can just lose weight.”



msip313 t1_j43syvp wrote

I couldn’t view the article. So the issue here is the school board banning teachers from displaying or hanging the pride flag in classes, like a math class for instance ?


mcs0301 t1_j44c5oa wrote

What the fuck is up with the regressive, hateful people in Bucks County?


justmyusername47 t1_j44iked wrote

I have a friend who worked in the district. Teachers who didn't have a Pride flag in their classroom were seen as the enemy and harrased for not having a flag in their classroom. Not because their were anti LGBTQ but because they wanted to bee seen as neutral and not political. There is a lot more to this story then what is being printed. Another article talked about how one teacher who was not named would not refer to former President Trump by his name, but number 45. I'm not a huge fan of Trump, but that is ridiculous.


RJMontgomery t1_j44jofo wrote

When Conservative PACS start funneling money into school board races…


Browniesgirl t1_j44rri6 wrote

It's wild to me that some of you think that removing sexually explicit books in elementary and middle schools, keeping classrooms neutral to focus on actual academics and keeping parents informed and in the drivers seat of their OWN children's education and identity is a bad thing. You "hate has no home" people need to have your heads examined.


Pieboy2121 t1_j44w5kl wrote

Yes, because even in a math class, kids need to know that they are accepted and in a safe environment where bullying won’t be tolerated.

Pride flags are not political. People with agendas make them political. Last I checked, members of the LGBTQ+ community were part of all major political parties and span every racial, ethnic, religious, and socioeconomic group.


itsallfornaught2 t1_j451r12 wrote

I don't see the need for pride flags anywhere in school but to each their own. I also don't see a need to ban them. What in the hell lol. What happened to live and let live.


msip313 t1_j45aj8y wrote

Yeah, I agree pride flags aren’t political, but they also strike me as unrelated to the purpose of math class (math).

Is bullying of LGBTQ+ students in school super prevalent, in your opinion, and if so, do you think the absence of pride flags in classes sends the message that teachers (or those in charge) would tolerate bullying of LGBTQ+ students?


Browniesgirl t1_j45yz7b wrote

Of course it gets downvotes, it’s not a radical progressive view on Reddit 😂. My point is my comment makes sense when you know ALL the issues that’s the board has faced including keeping classrooms neutral, no flags of any kind except for the American flag. So my comment is very relevant to the article, and adds some extra tidbits. You should read a little more outside of Reddit so you can be an educated commenter.


Browniesgirl t1_j45zvfx wrote

I’m not angry, your comment was ignorant. 🤷🏻‍♀️ I have intimate knowledge of the issues. I live here, I’ve been to many board meetings and was quoted by the New York Times 🙄🤢. Sorry I know more than you on this topic, it’ll be ok.


--Cr1imsoN-- t1_j460wb3 wrote

Bucks trying not to look like backwards hicks challenge: IMPOSSIBLE


msip313 t1_j46b6ej wrote

Thank you for the enlightening explanations.

I don’t think bullying of LGBTQ+ students in schools is a super pervasive problem. But regardless, to suggest that a teacher who doesn’t hang a pride flag in class is signaling toleration for LGBTQ+ bullying is quite a perverse and dogmatic way of thinking.


delusions- t1_j46ccfp wrote

You asked two questions and I answered them. You didn't ask for explanations.

No one cares what you think.

In general, but especially because you think that anyone suggested that we were saying

>that a teacher who doesn’t hang a pride flag in class is signaling toleration for LGBTQ+ bullying

The parentheses were the important part of your first statement.

It's not the teacher; it's those in charge, if there's a rule against the flags, it shows that those in charge are they themselves bullying, and not only tolerate it, but push it.


msip313 t1_j46f1h8 wrote

That’s why explanations are helpful. I asked whether the absence of pride flags in classes signals support for LGBTQ+ bullying by teachers or those in charge (i.e., administrators). Your response was “yes”.

I agree pride flags shouldn’t be formally prohibited. I also don’t think any person or institution - be it a teacher, or the school itself - should be required or otherwise pressured to hang a pride flag if they choose not to.


discogeek t1_j46sa59 wrote

Almost all of them are Central Bucks. Seems they act like even MAGA and Fox News is full of liberals so they need to push things further to the right "to protect the children" from society.

Pro-life my ass, give 'em a gun when they pop out of the womb and let them fend for themselves. Unless they're not white, then hold the gun.


Jtk317 t1_j48akk4 wrote

I mean WVW had a lawyer drafted letter threatening to take kids from parents and put them into foster system over lunch money.

We kind of have shitty people all over this state.