Submitted by t3_117mlex in RhodeIsland

My boyfriend and I are looking to book a trip for a week or so in July. We aren’t sure where exactly, we just know we want to see the best beaches New England has to offer! We are both in our twenties and love to socialise. I love the idea of having a bbq and beers on the beach for sunset, carrying on late in to the night! Somewhere with plenty of bars and restaurants would also be nice! Any advice on where is best to stay? 😊



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t1_j9ctw7o wrote

I'm going to go against the majority of folks and say no to Newport in high summer. Gets very busy/touristy, which I find to be very unpleasant.

Newport-adjacent Jamestown or Middletown are, in my opinion, preferable to Newport. Middletown has the added advantage of being near enough to Newport to enjoy their beaches without being right in the middle of Newport insanity. The other recommendation I'd give is Westerly/Misquamicut Beach.


t1_j9f6b2i wrote

You'd advise against Newport in high summer, but not Misquamicut/Westerly? That area is gonna be just as crowded, might as well get the full experience and go to Newport.

Downtown, Mansions, beaches, Fort Adams, cliff walk, Ocean Drive, Brenton Point, etc... So much to do.

OP, here's a RI protip from someone who previously lived in Providence and now lives on the East Bay: Stay in PVD for the city experience and take the ferry to Newport. It's a beautiful ferry ride and is a great way to experience Newport without having to worry about parking. You can bring bikes too, which will open up a lot of activities once you get there.

Edit: PVD in the Summer is awesome bc all the college kids have gone home and everyone is vacationing or on the Cape. Super chill summer vibes.


t1_j9gqgs9 wrote

I’ve lived here for years and somehow never knew there was a ferry to Newport. Now I have something to add to my summer list!


t1_j9gqpok wrote

Stops in Bristol too, which is cool. Awesome service that more people should be taking advantage of for sure. And it's relatively cheap, less than $30 round trip, IIRC.


t1_j9h8lul wrote

I prefer Westerly as it's slightly less touristy-trappy than Newport hence my rec. :) I also love the vastness of Misquamicut compared to Easton's Beach or 3rd beach. To each his own, however.


t1_j9csfqd wrote

Ocean mist in matunuck has fire pits and it's a cool bar with live music


t1_j9dkzta wrote

Got an Airbnb a few years ago around the corner from ocean mist, it was awesome. Quick walk to the beach


t1_j9cnnt0 wrote

So Misquimicut beach is nice scene, a lot of bars on the beach and places to go… if you want to hang on the beach late night with a fire you can go to Narragansett beach after 6 I think and drink, eat swim without the big crowd


t1_j9ddmg7 wrote

The Windjammer in Misquimicut takes the cake for the best lobster roll I've ever had - warm or cold!


t1_j9cp6gy wrote

Newport is the perfect place for socializing and going to the beach. Lark Hotels are on the expensive side, but can’t be beat location wise or experience wise. The Attwater is within walking distance to a lot of great bars in Newport, and Middle Beach. Plus, you can walk to Thames St, where a lot of the touristy shops are. They also have a parking lot for guests!

Other than that, you can get anywhere in Rhode Island if you’re here for a week with a car, it’s about an hour +/- top to bottom of the state. You can also check out the Rustic Drive-in if you’re in northern RI, for movies. You get 2 movies for $25-ish a car.

Also, be sure to make Block Island a stop for a fun day trip with only about a 50-min ferry ride! Also has beautiful beaches and tons of bars.


t1_j9cn72t wrote

I love RI and all but go to Cape Cod. Truro/Wellfleet/Provincetown. It may already be too late to book a place though.


t1_j9cwprz wrote

I was gonna say go to Maine lol. Off season Provincetown is my favorite. I’ve never been in the summer.


t1_j9emb5b wrote

You know the thing about a shark…he's got lifeless eyes, black eyes, like a doll's eye. When he comes at ya, he doesn't seem be living, until he bites ya and the black eyes roll over white.


t1_j9ctodc wrote

So true. The best beaches are NOT in RI.


t1_j9czo1r wrote

RIer living in Cape here, best beaches in New England are not on Cape or the Islands, they are in Charlestown RI. Fact; not opinion.


t1_j9d8l8o wrote

I see that, but I think the overall vacation experience is better on the Cape.


t1_j9f6hhe wrote

As long as you aren't driving a car anywhere...


t1_j9f7etd wrote

I've vacationed in Truro/Orleans/ptown the past decade and honestly have barely hit traffic even in the summer. You just have to plan when you arrive. As in don't leave for the cape at 3pm on a Friday ..


t1_j9f8aq0 wrote

Agreed! You're gonna hit some traffic on the bridge but after that it's fine, even in high summer.


t1_j9fetnr wrote

I worked in the cape all last year. Summer traffic would start Thursday mid day. Fridays were terrible from 7am on. I’d recommend going on a Wednesday and staying the weekend.


t1_j9cqwax wrote

Newport, Narragansett has some great beaches, other places to check out is Tiverton, East Bay (Bristol) for things to see and do. Providence has some cool spots. Stay away from South Providence, Woonsocket, Central Falls

Where are you guys from?


t1_j9cswpx wrote

narragansett has a lovely beach but doesn't have the scene OP seems to be looking for. eg, beach bars.


t1_j9cxflw wrote

You'll have a tough time finding a rental house. I know because we won one in South Kingstown and people book far in advance. That said, there are still some out there I'm sure. Try VRBO. Matunuck in South Kingstown is where we have ours and it's fun with the Ocean Mist Beach bar within walking distance. You can't have fire on the beaches in a lot of places, but it's not impossible to find. Charlestown is also gorgeous but if you're looking for Bars, try Narragansett or Matunuck. Enjoy!


t1_j9d4dst wrote

Based on what you're describing Misquamicut and Newport would fit your bill nicely.

That being said, you're behind the 8 ball if you're looking to get a place for July. I would be not m my decision first and foremost on what you can find that's stilll available to rent.


t1_j9e7p9w wrote

Newport! Folk Fest weekend if able. Bridge fest in between folk and in newport great week as well. Bike if you can. Pay a bit more to within Briadway to Harrison Ave if you Air BN B or afford hotels. Avoid Middletown cheaper hotels allur unless you drive Don't drink and drive. Newport being at tip of Aquidneck Island affords sunrise and sunset opportunities by the water. Pack a backpack byob on rocks somewhere all day. Hit lower Briadway at night then back to rocks and water at night. Of course if you plan for NFf - to Jazz weekends lots of free music after hrs adventurers to be had. UBer vs Drive

Msg me two weeks b4 you arrive I'll gift you swim spots and live music options.


t1_j9dl0uz wrote

Narragansett has some beautiful spots, point Judith lighthouse is a great spot for a sunset. Bring some chairs and a charcuterie board and you have a nice evening. The sea wall is there too, great walking. Newport is such a busy area, if you like low key don’t go there. RI is also great cause we have everything so close to each other. You could do a day in gansett and drive 40 minutes to providence and have a night in the city, get dinner at res American bistro for dinner and go to pastiche for dessert.


t1_j9e0hai wrote

Pastiche for dessert and coffee at least once while you’re here is a must


t1_j9dzurm wrote

Newport, RI is the no brainer, spot to visit if you’re settled on RI. If you’re wealthy, visit nantucket, MA.


t1_j9gmogo wrote

block island, if you can find a room lol


t1_j9h2ksv wrote

I’m a huge lover of the Cape. I grew up going down there for a week every summer. West Dennis is amazing, but Provincetown is absolutely fantastic as is Truro. You can go to the National Seashore and literally feel like you’re in Heaven.


t1_j9d15fu wrote

Oakland Beach!! The view is amazing the water is so clear i can't think of anything bad about that place. Definitely visit🏊‍♀️


t1_j9dlmbn wrote

Oakland beach, where the debris meets the sea


t1_j9fo3fm wrote

OP posted this on more than one state’s sub, and each one has at least one recommendation that is the absolute worst. You get the prize for RI.


t1_j9cj5t0 wrote

Please Stay home … we have enough tourists


OP t1_j9ckpy6 wrote

No :)


t1_j9cmjei wrote

skip connecticut - - - No waves at their beaches

Start exploring at Watch Hill where Taylor Swift has a huge beach house

You might not ever leave ---

to see the other thousand miles of beach coastline left

Oh I forgot Block Island