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radioflea t1_j4h19bl wrote

The state has the funds (the most we’ve ever had really) to address this issue.

I don’t typically see people throwing trash out windows (I’m sure some soft headed creatures do though) but I have seen frequent windstorms knock down trash barrels and send it flying Everywhere.


FuriouslyFurious007 t1_j4h2g1n wrote

I often see trash blowing out of the back of trash trucks. If only the companies would be forced to pay for the inadvertent littering.


shortys7777 t1_j4hpg52 wrote

Some People really just don't care about their towns/ communities. It's gross. Theres trash cans literally every store, park, etc. Keep it in your car and throw it out when you stop.


HotConcrete t1_j4huaau wrote

Which would make them a more expensive option. Which would make them less competitive in the market and open an opportunity for another company that could haul trash more cleanly and this more cheaply.


jma7400 t1_j4ioavv wrote

Watched a guy throw trash out his window as I was driving behind him. Some people are just inconsiderate.


SoftwareDev401 t1_j4je1sq wrote

Having had to look into trash haulers for a condo complex, I'm not sure any of them would change the way they do things just to not pay the fines... they'd probably gripe about it and raise prices together in solidarity. And get their union to sue the state about being treated unfairly.


Spaday20 t1_j4l5apy wrote

Get the residents together to pick it up. Ask the Dept of Public Works to help you set it up.


gzy91 t1_j4lqag7 wrote

There was one time a police car changed to my lane in front of me, opened their window, and threw a McDonald cup outta their car, as if they were afraid I didn’t see it lol.