Submitted by Slavic_Dusa t3_11diue1 in UpliftingNews
WiseChoices t1_ja8vfzh wrote
I don't think anyone in this generation can imagine the enormous impact that this had on American hearts.
It was important.
It is important.
user-name-1985 t1_ja90dd3 wrote
I only knew about it from retrospective/nostalgia shows on TV in the late 90s.
WiseChoices t1_ja913t2 wrote
It hit people like a wave of reality.
Everyone was talking about it.
Many things changed because of it.
A history making image.
MagicPeacockSpider t1_ja91uch wrote
Sadly while it may have appeared to be to stop littering and protect the environment it wasn't.
It was the plastics lobby shifting the blame onto consumers for plastic waste and littering because there has started to be some ideas of banning it or taxing it.
WiseChoices t1_ja924f0 wrote
To me, what it changed was our heart attitudes for the Earth.
Greed continues to destroy it. Sad, but true 👍
cdiddy19 t1_ja92hmq wrote
Yup their reports came out that they were polluting the earth, so they shifted the blame to the everyday man
Onardel t1_ja93b85 wrote
I always found this ad moving and it did impact me and how I view the land.
The purpose and success should supersede the feelings of those who found it offensive because of the actor.
Maybe we should retire Shakespear and turn back over all representations to the English?
Onatall t1_ja93mks wrote
Hmmm …it was effective in making me concerned about littering as a child. I’d say it was a good thing.
Fonky_Fesh t1_ja95gqm wrote
"Once again, we're sorry about your land. Here's something ELSE you can exploit for money!"
jhra t1_ja9bhpj wrote
The guy in the video Espera Oscar de Corti of Scillian decent spent a lifetime claiming to first Nations. Iron Eyes Cody was his assumed name.
Wrote a book about aboriginal sign language too. His story is a wild ride
Sometimesnotfunny t1_ja9btwm wrote
The crying Native American was Italian.
Eroe777 t1_ja9e7dm wrote
You mean The Crying Italian?
Wobbley19 t1_ja9f6yd wrote
Yep and they got this poor guy hook line and sinker, clearly believes it’s the individual and not the companies fault
internetmovieguy t1_ja9iozk wrote
Is this that add where the native guy is crying when someone litters?
Voyevoda67 t1_ja9k15f wrote
Don't know of a lot of Englishmen exploited by Shakespeare but then again I'm just a Native who has never been there. It's ok to both appreciate the interpretation of the message while also advocating against the exploitation of a people WHILE pointing out the plastic lobby used this as a deterrent for ideas about plastic fines and bans being passed around Washington by shifting the blame to the consumers to fix the toxic pollution they caused. More than one thing can be true at once.
SillyWhabbit t1_ja9kj8g wrote
The crying Italian Pretendian.
[deleted] t1_ja9peq3 wrote
[deleted] t1_ja9phbp wrote
thedudesews t1_ja9pmnc wrote
George Santos has entered the chat
Mapleson_Phillips t1_ja9pmu7 wrote
Just like carbon footprint was invented by British Petroleum.
thedudesews t1_ja9prla wrote
George Santos has entered the chat
Mapleson_Phillips t1_ja9q8yu wrote
Did you litter a lot before you saw the ad? Don’t let the nostalgia cloud your thinking.
gopher_space t1_ja9qht2 wrote
There were grassroots anti-littering campaigns all over the place back then, so it was an easy sentiment to tap into. It's really hard to convey how OK everyone used to be about littering.
If you've seen Anchorman there's a little bit where the news team are eating hotdogs and walking through a park. They come up to a trash can but throw their dogs on the ground before tipping the can over. Then they just walk away and there's no explanation. That was normal life until the 80s.
user-name-1985 t1_jaa27b7 wrote
Even though the native guy was played by an Italian actor?
cypher109 t1_jaa38h9 wrote
I don't understand, what do you get with "ad rights"?
varietydirtbag t1_jaa39l2 wrote
Such a crazy story, but at some point I think he was genuinely accepted as a part of a Native American tribe.
p314159i t1_jaa4yus wrote
The man was not a native and therefore couldn't have possible have belonged to any native american group. It should go to the italians.
Sometimesnotfunny t1_jaa8haa wrote
I don't know enough to say either way, but his wikipedia article (grain of salt) mentions he claimed Native American pretty much his whole life, but pretty much everybody questioned it. Especially when your birth name is Espera De Corti.
WikiSummarizerBot t1_jaa8ixw wrote
>Iron Eyes Cody (born Espera Oscar de Corti, April 3, 1904 – January 4, 1999) was an American actor of Italian descent who portrayed Native Americans in Hollywood films, famously as Chief Iron Eyes in Bob Hope's The Paleface (1948). He also played a Native American shedding a tear about litter in one of the country's most well-known television public service announcements from the group Keep America Beautiful. Living in Hollywood, he began to insist, even in his private life, that he was Native American, over time claiming membership in several different tribes. In 1996, Cody's half-sister said that he was of Italian ancestry, but he denied it.
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varietydirtbag t1_jaa9m7n wrote
So yes he's Italian and lied about it his whole life. He played Native American's in film and TV but he was eventually accepted into a tribe even though he was of Italian decent. It was a while ago I read the story so can't remember the specifics how this happened.
censorized t1_jaacnln wrote
The right to make sure no one uses it again.
cypher109 t1_jaae38e wrote
Ohhh gotcha. Thanks.
Vegan_Harvest t1_jaae7vk wrote
Sometimesnotfunny t1_jaae8cv wrote
You're probably right, especially if he portrayed NA folks in a positive way, and not as hatchet-wielding bloodthirsty savages as history is wont to do.
rustys_shackled_ford t1_jaakqrd wrote
Crying Italian you mean...
RiotingMoon t1_jaalvga wrote
I think giving actual Native Americans the rights to ads featuring one of the most famous Pretendians is sorta good news. The ads were tokenizing bullshit that shifted blame for corporations to individuals - but hey... small positives make this group function I guess.
however - the fact that a pretendian got more roles and prestige than actual indigenous actors is not uplifting. but I'm native so what do I know.
Preebus t1_jaao0ut wrote
Sounds familiar.
Nickster8074 t1_jaaogl9 wrote
Isn’t he the guy from “Ernest goes to Camp”?!
poopagore t1_jaaor98 wrote
I'm should probably just read the article bc im confused how you can take the rights from a commercial lol
lassmanac t1_jaar8ak wrote
It's still normal in many countries.
Ouchyhurthurt t1_jaasaca wrote
*cries in Italian. 🤌
hawkxp71 t1_jaaymgb wrote
I don't understand why senator Warren's distant cousin is causing such a fuss
williamsonny t1_jaazm3n wrote
The crying Indian in the famous "Keep America Beautiful" public service announcement from the 1970s was actually an Italian-American actor named Iron Eyes Cody, whose birth name was Espera Oscar de Corti. Despite his Italian ancestry, he portrayed a Native American in many films and commercials throughout his career and was known for his advocacy for Native American causes.
HanMaBoogie t1_jab2jzb wrote
He was born in Louisiana. His parents were Italian immigrants.
Dorocche t1_jab3906 wrote
Positive compared to his contemporaries, at least
Dorocche t1_jab3i1r wrote
Or the right to make some money when you let people use it again. Your choice.
oilhands t1_jab4blz wrote
Yeah, crying Sicilian-American pretend Native-American ad.
NeoMoose t1_jab5aun wrote
And a pro wrestler!
RealTurtlePower t1_jab69y7 wrote
He was an atrocity to Natives, but he had his heart in the right place I guess, the one we need to cancel is John Wayne, he hated Natives and Blacks so damn much.
JollyGreenGiraffe t1_jab71hh wrote
His adopted children helped him get into a tribe.
nethermead t1_jabacpe wrote
Even though the ad campaign was bought and paid for by the plastics industry that wanted to preemptively shift the moral responsibility of cleaning up their shit to the regular joe so that they wouldn't have to foot the bill and could happily keep pumping out cheap plastic bags and bottles that now clutter the oceans as vast floating islands of semi-toxic flotsam?
Tombombadillo13 t1_jabb1oj wrote
That's Fredophobia right there.
5050Clown t1_jabbwtz wrote
It's one of the many contributing factors that cause right-wing conservatives to look at Native American faces and then tell them to go back to Mexico. They were replaced by Europeans in their mind. Just like Jesus.
majorjoe23 t1_jabcwek wrote
Seems like crying "Indian" would have been more accurate.
derpy-_-dragon t1_jabgmvq wrote
I remember watching an episode of Madmen for my English writing class in college where the family went out for a picnic at the park, and when they finished they just flapped the sheet to toss the trash off of it and then put the blanket in the trunk.
[deleted] t1_jablt26 wrote
SoloRich t1_jabrx1r wrote
Number one issue: The guy in the ad is a fraud. He is an Italian American actor. So no actual original Americans were used in the ad. HOWEVER it DID influence MANY to care more about their impact on the environment so it shouldn't be tossed out just cause the actor did a passable job playing a Native american charactpr...that is what ACTING is.
Bearman71 t1_jabusy3 wrote
I mean they were though. The plains natives were absolutely fucking brutal people.
kompootor t1_jabxp18 wrote
Those who think the ad was poorly received in the Native American community at the time should read the article. Those who think that an NA group has the rights where an NA group did not before should read the article. Those who think the actor overall was poorly received in the NA community at the time should read the article.
Also, what is with these first decades of the 21st century and people demanding everyone's genetic pedigree to meet a moral standard of purity as if it's the first decades of the 20th century? You don't have to accept people in any role they want today, but I don't see how relative moral outrage to acts in the past within past norms will help with improving anything absent a time machine.
[deleted] t1_jabz868 wrote
billyandjake t1_jac5omv wrote
Here’s an article from a few years ago describing how Keep America Beautiful was an effort by the beverage industry to stop recycling laws:
puckerbush t1_jac6ld3 wrote
You're completely, 100%, WRONG.
lecarpatron9020 t1_jacewr2 wrote
That guy was italian
Merky600 t1_jacs3sh wrote
Yes. I’m older and remember this as a kid. Very young kid.
Us kids probably keyed into this more, taking to the heart, as they say. The older generation I imagine rolled their eyes. Their attitude toward litter was “trashy” to be sure. I can recall opening the package of some toy in the backseat of a car on family trip. I asked what should do w the packaging. “Oh just toss it out the window,” was the reply. So I did. Can’t remember the toy but remember the cardboard fling out the window.
And cigarettes.
To people who smoked, the whole world was an ash tray.
Also as kids, we were closer the litter. Literally. Walking home from school we could see it all at our feet. So the subject of litter was relevant.
Kelend t1_jad0ce0 wrote
>people demanding everyone's genetic pedigree to meet a
> standard of purity
This is well said, however... I'm not sure if its valid coming from someone of your race. Can we know what your race is so we can more judge your comment?
Thank you.
kompootor t1_jad5z61 wrote
Well, my mother was half Jewish, half English, and half Spanish...
reversebackwards t1_jad71vy wrote
There's more to the story of this ad than the problematic Italian Indian situation.
Keep America Beautiful, the nonprofit who made this ad, was started by beverage can manufacturers and gets lots of funding from other companies whose products become this litter: McDonalds, Coke, Pepsi, Nestle, Phillip Morris, etc
They have a long history of working against legislation that would make industry responsible for litter such as bottle return bills and shifting public opinion toward individual responsibility and thereby away from industry responsibility.
rumblemania t1_jad8ktx wrote
He was from Louisiana, he was american
Sometimesnotfunny t1_jadc5ch wrote
In response to what was happening to them or in general? Context matters. If you're pulling my rug out from under me, yeah, I'm gonna be Savage.
Sometimesnotfunny t1_jadcbm1 wrote
There you go.
retro604 t1_jadmfyn wrote
Who cares if he was Italian. He's an actor playing a role.
I really don't see how hiring a Native American to sit on a horse with warpaint and an outfit straight off the Warner Brothers lot would have been more authentic.
The whole thing is plastics industry propaganda anyway, same as the straw bullshit today. Blame the consumer not the producer.
Bearman71 t1_jadmwa6 wrote
In general, their brutality didn't magically start when Europeans moved in, they had a long brutal culture long before then.
Sometimesnotfunny t1_jaea4j7 wrote
I wouldn't know, I wasn't there, just asking
cinnamon-eater t1_jaewk6x wrote
Can you describe... anything at all about this supposed brutality?
Bearman71 t1_jaeygb2 wrote
Murdering other tribes for resources and stealing children?
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