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harpostyleupvotes t1_ivtbmy7 wrote

Does that include the footprint it took to get the materials for the solar array?


msltoe t1_ivtej37 wrote

Based on a cursory Google search of your concern, it looks like the manufacture, transport, and installation cancels out the 1st year of benefits. However, the next 19-24 years should be "clean." Oh, but then recycling will a new challenge. Wake me in 25 years.


PhDandanxiety t1_ivtvgm0 wrote

I was in India several weeks ago and it's absolutely amazing to see the vast solar fields they have set up there. It's funny that North America considers itself so advanced, yet is playing dumb games when it comes to the crises we're facing.


starwolf_98 OP t1_ivu01pq wrote

It's amazing. I drove about 1900 kms about two weeks ago and the number of windfarms I saw along the way was astonishing. There were also tens of trailers carrying windblades ready for mounting. It made me really happy.


ThePhantomRaven t1_ivu56es wrote

And how is that related here? I am not even gonna try to explain how no one is supporting Russia and all the nuance about geopolitics cuz u guys clearly dont understand all that.

Instead lets be basic. U dont see me calling out USA for its support of SA on every post or its horrendous history on every post that mentions USA.

>It’s a moral obligation

God I havent read a more stereotypical "reddit armchair hero complex" moment type comment in my life. If u guys got rid of that insanely cringe hero complex then maybe at least ur ignorant ass would be a bit tolerable.

>Indias picked its side, it chose the side of genocide

Dont know which genocide is going on in Ukraine but u mean like the west did in 71? And if Ukraine is genocide then Israel, Saudi Arabia should also count, no? Not to mention the countless invasions of the ME in the past decades. Also the fact that Europe still buys way more than India and is the main funder of the war? India supports itself and its own needs. The west and even Ukraine have always stood against it in the past. We arnt ur slaves to suck u off after u fuck us and fund terrorists in Pakistan.

U can show ur moral high horse when ur degenerate west is completely clean of its sins which it never will be. First u guys learn to accept ur issues with dignity and the sides u chose cuz u clearly think u r some hero which u r not by a mile.


urumipayattu t1_ivu951p wrote

But this is not the game they play. The west reserves the divine right to bomb anyone they wish whenever they wish. The ones they decide to bomb automatically become "genocidal regime".

But the real "serial genocidal regime" is the west itself. Glad that countries are calling this hypocrisy out.


SilverNicktail t1_ivu9jto wrote

Canada and the USA are both oil producing nations, and despite those companies representing a tiny portion of the workforce, they represent a large percentage of bribery political spending. They're more than happy to fund radicalisation and fascism if it means they can keep wrecking the planet for profit for one more year.

Every province in Canada reduced emissions - the oil-producing one increased emissions to match. Bastards.


Zealousideal_Hat6843 t1_ivuof89 wrote

The west says India shouldn't ignore human rights in ukraine. Watch this video :

A transgender woman in india talks with obama and all he has to say are empty words. Aren't their rights human rights in the west now? Why didn't he risk USA's relations with india just for a single human right issue by saying indian law is wrong? Why was he so annoyingly diplomatic and careful? That's the same reason india maintains it's ties with russia.

Morons who tout morality on reddit should remember that they would turn out nazi if they were born in germany in the 30's. Either have some nuance or you might as well not bother having an opinion and wear a sign that says "racist".


XenthorX t1_ivux541 wrote

I wonder how many years it takes to compensate the pollution generated during solar panel creation.

Edit : looked it up and it’s between 1 to 3 years


TheRealOvenCake t1_ivv0mu7 wrote

well it's probably several different kinds of pollution, not directly comparable

mining and transporting coal and burning it would release different kinds of pollution (mining biproducts, CO2)

than getting the materials and manufacturing photovoltaic cells (which I think are silicone?)

in terms of carbon emissions I would guess that solar cells have probably paid off the cost already also carbon emissions cause way more health issues globally from people inhaling the fumes, and this avoids all of those issues


numnumjp t1_ivvvps9 wrote

Great first step. Now let’s work on the other 980 million tonnes.


MothMan3759 t1_ivw9r57 wrote

Most sources seem to say a year or two, to then have a decade or two of clean production. But with new technology coming out I expect it will get even better.


Karmabots t1_ivwz2ma wrote

Are Muslims being lynched and killed? No. I live in a locality which is Muslim majority in a state ruled by BJP. There is absolute peace and so it is in majority of places. You people don't know anything. You just read something from biased sources and tend to imagine that happening.


HungryHungryHippoes9 t1_ivx2no7 wrote

The bjp and modi have been in power for 8 years now, and for those 8 years India has been continuously accused of genocide and ethnic cleansing, and I'll admit i don't really like him or his party, but we are yet to actually see any ethnic cleansing or genocide. So how about criticizing him for things he's actually done wrong, rather than harping on about shit that hasn't actually happened?


domthedumb t1_ivx2pin wrote

India got 40% of its energy from renewables in 2021. The percentage is likely higher for 2022 but we don't have the figures yet


Extension_Ad6338 t1_ivx6fy7 wrote

As long as America continues to have Biden and the Democrats in power, they deserve continuous criticism. Biden is a Christian supremacist globalist who has been at least partially responsible for ethnic cultural cleansing against people of all sorts in the World.


Mammoth_Cut5134 t1_ivxcmb0 wrote

How is "ethnic cleansing" possible if the population of muslims keeps increasing every year? Muslims have the highest fertility rate in india and have 204 million population acc. to last census. What genocide are you talking about?


H0lyW4ter t1_ivxdhjd wrote

India isn't being neutral no matter how much they pretend to be neutral.

"We must always take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented"

Elie Wiesel.


GoodMerlinpeen t1_ivxfdrc wrote

The energy payback times (energy required to manufacture, install, etc) for solar range from 2 years to 2 months, so actually pretty good in that regard. Since the panels last for 25-30 years, it is clear that it is a good direction to go in.


GoodMerlinpeen t1_ivxfi9m wrote

It takes between 2 months to 2 years for solar systems to recoup the energy used in their manufacture and installation, which is pretty good considering they last from 25-30 years. Of course, you could have found that information instead of asking a question which you no doubt intended as a statement...


RibeyeRare t1_ivxm36a wrote

I don’t know about ethnic cleansing and genocide, where I live, because I haven’t come across those claims. What I do know, is my Muslim friend from Mumbai said he generally felt safe but there would be no way in hell he goes near a crowd chanting jai sri ram. He said he would and has turned around and gone out of his way to avoid the problems that could arise as he walks by. He also said his reasoning is due to violence and injustice directed at Muslims from hindus in his city. Ultimately he left the country for the USA and now he feels like he can walk wherever he wants.

That sounds extremely oppressive to me, living in America.


aWormhatForVermhat t1_ivxor48 wrote

Been hearing some good news out of India lately they must be doing something right


HungryHungryHippoes9 t1_ivxrftj wrote

1)Hostile Crowds chanting jai shri ram in Mumbai? I find that hard to believe for 2 reasons, first being that mumbai doesn't really have the issues with religion that many other parts of the country have, infact the city hasn't seen any major communal tensions in almost 3 decades, and second being that it's extremely unlikely that any one would be chanting jai shri ram because Ram isn't the most popular local deity, that would be Ganpati, and the annual Ganpati festival sees millions of participants including muslims who don't just participate in the festival but also are organizing members of some of the largest mandals the city.

  1. Aren't there cases of the proudboys, neonazis or maga republicans holding rallies in the US, where black, Jewish or people of other ethnicities wouldn't be welcome or get beaten up? Also wasn't there a case last year where a couple of men hunted down a black jogger in the middle of the street? Or how about people calling the cops on black people in their own yard? Does that mean the US has a ethnic cleansing or genocide problem? Or does that mean there are ethnic-religious tensions that simply needs more time to fade away?

Dangerous-Leg-9626 t1_ivxvbro wrote


It's the same issue. Where else would India get their energy? The US that's much worse than Russia?

Or where is this criticism for Europe that's buying a lot more

But nope, if the West did it then it's okay. God forbid India trying to survive the world that's gone to shit due to these westerner geopolitics


Direct-Ad-7922 t1_ivxvzzg wrote

Progress is progress, although people are tripping if they think this is the future of sustainability and survival. In fact, new like this blinds us to reality - it’s never been enough


HiveMynd148 t1_ivxwfik wrote

I mean, a Significant portion of our energy comes from Hydro too but China has the largest Hydro dam in the world, how the fuck do they manage to burn 4 Billion Tonnes of coal?


HungryHungryHippoes9 t1_ivycv61 wrote

I am the one being offensive? Dude you are the one shitting on progress when India is literally one of the lowest per capita emitters in the world. The US and the the rest of the developed world emit a disproportionate amount of CO2, all after fucking up the planet for centuries and consolidating their wealth, and then have the audacity to talk shit about India and China, both of whom are leagues behind them in terms of quality of life. Let's not even consider the fact that the amount of investment that India has made into renewables is disproportionately higher than the investments made by the US when you compare their economies. So you with bigger economies and smaller populations, still do less than India to save the planet and then shit on India when it tries to bring bare minimum resources to its people.


H0lyW4ter t1_ivylczi wrote

>India is literally one of the lowest per capita emitters in the world.

Irrelevant. Total amount of emissions is what matters. Because that is what India has agreed upon: a 45% emission reduction below 2005 level by 2030 according to the Paris Climate Agreement.

So my point still stands and India isn't progressing towards that goal whatsoever. It is still increasing emissions in relation to the historical 2005 emissions.


> India’s first NDC has three main elements:

> * An emissions-intensity target of 45% below 2005 levels by 2030;

> * A target of achieving 50% cumulative electric power installed capacity from non-fossil fuel-based energy resources by 2030; and

> * Creation of a carbon sink of 2.5 to 3 GtCO2e through additional forest and tree cover by 2030.


Psychological_Try364 t1_ivzgrvk wrote

If I remember correctly, India updated its goal in COP26 in Glasgow to 45% emissions.

Sources and media have also stated that India will not only achieve this goal by 2030 but overachieve it.

It is still not enough for the 1.5 degree mark sure, but India is improving its targets and will achieve it.

Edit: Secondly, how is emissions per capita irrelevant? India has to tend to its people's needs does it not? All of its people. You can definitely argue that its population is a problem, but saying emissions per capita is irrelevant is simply wrong


blackasyourdad t1_ivzmheb wrote

how is it "ethnic cleansing" if subcontinent Hindus and Muslims are the same genetically and ethnically, with many Muslims keeping their pre-conversion Hindu names to this day?


H0lyW4ter t1_iw1sd7m wrote

> India’s first NDC has three main elements:

> • An emissions-intensity target of 45% below 2005 levels by 2030;

> Current status in relation to climate goals: highly insufficient

It is literally in big letter on the first page of the website.


Psychological_Try364 t1_iw1ud7d wrote

I agree with it being insufficient, however, seeing as how India updated and set a higher target right now, I am sure it will realize and set another higher target in the future.

Besides, your point wasn't about it being insufficient, your point was about it being uncompleted, which btw, would be much worse because something is still better than nothing.


Dangerous-Leg-9626 t1_iw23q6k wrote

Whoa whoa

Whataboutism here


But again, no problem

I mean Switzerland and Sweden and others doesn't have any issue with it, and they're directly neighbours

Why should some country thousands of miles away directly removed from everything has to take the sacrifice while the Europeans didn't


Dangerous-Leg-9626 t1_iw28leh wrote

Yes I'm just being sarcastic

And again, I'm pointing out the hypocrisy of the West

India and other neutral nations never got a problem with the recent crimes of the West, whether it's NATO or Russia's despot little empire

They're just pointing out the consistency of their position which has never change in this century or the previous one


Psychological_Try364 t1_iw3tw50 wrote

Their original target were lower, they raised it. Still not much of help, but still it is better. As for the 4 degree increase. I have not heard anything about a 4 degree increase. In COP26, several members said that 1.5 degree dream was alive, barely.

Realistcally speaking, 1.5 degrees would not be possible, it would be 2 or even 2.5 degrees, however, I dont think it would be such a drastic increase (4 degrees).