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RunJun t1_j1jbzia wrote

I want healthcare for all but that's not happening soon. We owe them this and so much more so I'll happily pay in taxes for this.


impeach_the_mother t1_j1jpa3x wrote

Why do we owe them more than any other citizen? Are their lives worth more?


MesqTex t1_j1jqz46 wrote

Trail of Tears was an asshole move on our part. So many other things we’ve done as well. The systematic racism towards the indigenous population in the US is on a level as bad as the Jim Crow era and beyond for the BIPOC communities.

The indigenous communities won’t see the respect and support they deserve until we rid the racist cultures in our government, starting with the GQP and Far Right factions of our society.


sadpaperclip t1_j1jtogn wrote

>on our part

Damn bro how old are you


MesqTex t1_j1ju6hc wrote

Age is just a number. But to recognize and grow up from the asshole I was just a few years ago, it’s time I make amends for the mistakes of my forefathers. The so-called “Great Awakening” for me wasn’t through QAnon, but through the realization that I’d been a pain in the butt.

I’m trying to be better.


Papplenoose t1_j1k2f5k wrote

That's pretty cool! Anyone who is capable of admitting that is pretty dang cool in me book. That's not easy :)

Also I can't stop laughing at your comment; I've never heard someone use "age is just a number" in a positive, non creepy way before lol


amreinj t1_j1kj5vj wrote

My grandmother was beaten for speaking our language and sent to boarding schools. Reparations are owed.


Jrdirtbike114 t1_j1k1qkj wrote

Our ancestors committed genocide against their ancestors. We used the land we stole from them to become the richest nation in recorded human history. Our lives are orders of magnitude easier than they otherwise would have been, and their lives are orders of magnitude worse than they otherwise would have been. Therefore, continuing to benefit from that situation without attempting to right the wrong in some way is morally wrong.


rileyg98 t1_j1k7d0t wrote

And that's how war works...


amreinj t1_j1kjam5 wrote

Genocide isn't war


rileyg98 t1_j1kzwpj wrote

These days maybe. But that's how it was in those times.


impeach_the_mother t1_j1k24v8 wrote

Everyone's been genocided by everyone at some point.


Jrdirtbike114 t1_j1k99g5 wrote

Well shit! Everybody is a victim of theft at some point. Let's legalize theft! What a great fucking way to build a society!


impeach_the_mother t1_j1k9h2d wrote

No I just saying treating victims of theft differently is weird. If there's white kids in poverty and native kids in poverty and black kids in poverty we should be helping all of them


prismstein t1_j1kiz0n wrote

You're right.

Thing is, when a group is advocating for something, they aren't saying only advocate for that, they aren't saying dismiss other causes. You don't go in front of them and say "what about this or that?" Example: Saying all loves matter when someone says black lives matter. To do so is to dismiss the message being presented.

That said, this Indian healthcare thing is even more simple, the gov has a contract with the Indians, in writing, that hey have to execute. And they're executing it. That's it. If you feel incredulous that other coloured kids aren't getting helped, they are groups that advocate for those causes, you can contribute to those.


Sunghana t1_j1kj5jo wrote

It is a treaty RIGHT. Please tell me how it is weird to abide by a signed agreement.The U.S. has, and continues to, break signed treaties with tribes. Tribes were able to "enforce" this right but even then it is adequately funded which partially explains how Native health outcomes are incredibly bad compared to other ethnic/racial groups in the U.S.

Indian Health Services has to compete for funding with other government agencies. It isn't an entitlement (or held in trust) and funding has to be approved by Congress. Remember when people were bitching about death panels? IHS has something called Purchased/Referred Care. Referrals and emergencies are ranked on a priority scale from 1 (emergency, life-threatening) to 5 (cosmetic/elective/experimental treatments). If a tribe runs out of money, they can't pay for services and if they can't pay, your referral gets deferred until either more funding shows up or something super not good happens that moves you up the priority scale such as having a heart attack. So preventative care isn't guaranteed and worse health outcomes are a result. Now have that happen for generations and tell me it's weird to treat victims of theft differently? We stole their land, their language & culture, their children (boarding schools then, foster care now) and underfund their health programs. Learn some history...😒


snapthesnacc t1_j1li9im wrote

Correct! That happens progressively though and this is part of that process.


lubu9 t1_j1ke16y wrote

People hold grudges. Especially if you know when it's in your own blood and own ancestors that were treated unfairly. And you go to public places and see how people of different races (especially white people) still treat you dirt, show subtle discomfort in your presence, or shit even after so many years ago in history. Yes we will hold grudges. The U.S. has done a lot more then just genocide to the natives to be the most hated country.

The US has been in over 20 coups in Latin America in the 50s and 60s. Destabilizing and undermining Latin American democracy in the name of money and greed. You don't think America is the terrorist? Lol. America provoked a war with the Mexicans and robbed us of California, New Mexico, Colorado, Arizona, Utah, Nevada. Then made the treaty to make the border south of rio grande. Then Mexicans are propagandized as criminals trying to cross the border that was originally Mexican soil that the U.S. (white people) are so proud of. Then you get American tourists in mexico that think they're above everyone else cause of their white skin. Like yeah we know you tour our land and go back home, enjoy our food and women and celebrate our holidays. Like fuck you guys. You destroyed decades of culture and livelihood for these people in these countries. You can even see the aftermath of the wars it cause it even after so many years. Mexico lost a lot of recognition after that war and a lot of Mexicans believe we were robbed and still hold resentment over the American people that the land should be given back.


impeach_the_mother t1_j1kg1sl wrote

How much land should we give back. Some all? Should we all be sent back to Europe


TotalUsername t1_j1kgpxs wrote

Yes, nobody wants you here.


GronanStormbringer33 t1_j1l6g0t wrote

Didn't Mexicans obliterate millions of natives by disease and war and then forcefully assimilate the rest to the point that the native identity no longer exists? And let me get this right, you are mad that the land your ancestors stole was stolen from you by someone else?


Synergythepariah t1_j273xvs wrote

>Didn't Mexicans obliterate millions of natives by disease and war and then forcefully assimilate the rest to the point that the native identity no longer exists?

Ehhh, I'd really say that that was the doing of the Spanish - not quite Mexican people.


lubu9 t1_j1l9c4t wrote

Lol Americans started assimilating first. Once people caught on what you guys were doing, you guys got mad when the Mexicans were giving you the same treatment. You guys got your tiny penis butthurt and provoked that war. Mexicans are more native than you think. Americans just use "native American" to separate identity from the natives and Mexicans so that Mexicans can't claim they're part native and any land that was rightfully theirs. The natives offered the Americans help by teaching how to produce food and survive off the land. Americans took advantage of their kindness and killed them off. Do I need to tell you any further why the Mexican people think American people are rats till this day? I don't think so. There are lot of Hispanic people who are aware of your kind or hate your kind. Hence, why the "guerros" "gringo" is used so often in a negative connotation.


Synergythepariah t1_j272ezi wrote

>Lol Americans started assimilating first

TIL that the Spanish Empire didn't exist and didn't genocide central american native people


Papplenoose t1_j1k20sw wrote

No, and nobody is saying that. They did get kinda super screwed over though... I feel like there's more than enough wealth in this country to give them some of what was taken.

I get where you're coming from: you arent directly responsible for that, so why should you have to pay for it? I'm not sure I have an answer for you other than 'its the right thing to do', as I think you'd probably want help if you were in their shoes. I know I would. All (or most? I don't know) of the people who were directly responsible for it are dead. They can't make it up to them anymore (not would they want to). So if it's going to happen, somebody has to make the sacrifice. Why not us? Let's be real: they're probably never going to get the vast majority of what was taken, so it seems like the right thing to do to help where we can..

To put that all in terms of money (this is gonna feel real gross): helping people develop a better life is almost always good for the economy. People who are dying don't stimulate the economy. Happy, healthy, thriving people do. That wasn't very fun at all!


asaking t1_j1l13lt wrote

Ever heard of a treaty - it’s legitimately why the United States government owes them


mofa90277 t1_j1ldmxm wrote

The same reason renters pay rent to landlords: they owned it first. The native Americans have “leased” their lands to the United States via various treaties.