WWDubz t1_j1md9kn wrote
I’m not sure it’s beautiful but it’s neat
digitelle t1_j1mdc4h wrote
One in a thousand usually only survive, so this is truly a miracle
[deleted] t1_j1mdc7q wrote
[deleted] t1_j1mds1l wrote
[deleted] t1_j1mes2d wrote
[deleted] t1_j1mkd6s wrote
[deleted] t1_j1mlo7x wrote
chicomathmom t1_j1mmfcc wrote
What is a "twenty cent piece"?
Ancient_Ad5270 t1_j1mn075 wrote
Like a quarter but five cents less? It’s a coin.
flipoont t1_j1mnxhz wrote
That's why "beautiful" is in quotation marks.
Standards of beauty may not be universal, batteries not included, game cards do not actually talk.
loughtthenot t1_j1mofqt wrote
Turtle babies face a gauntlet once they hatch. So many predators swarm the beaches and eat a bunch. Very few survive but they live forever so it works out
ActivisionBlizzard t1_j1moolj wrote
TIL America doesn’t have this logical division of 100
(And yes my country doesn’t have your logical division)
[deleted] t1_j1mowjj wrote
Alternative-Half-783 t1_j1mpl16 wrote
Where is this.? Alerting my republican politicians.
Henbit71 t1_j1mprmo wrote
Oh wonderful. Reptiles and Amphibians take a beating when it comes to pollution and disasters. Its lovely to see some progress in tracking and identifying these babies. Provides a better chance for conservation and recovery.
Such beautiful little turtles!
chicomathmom t1_j1mqj1u wrote
I figured. I was actually just gently pointing out that this was not a useful way of describing the size of the turtles to a wide audience, since that coin is not universally known. We all do this, so it was not a harsh criticism; the picture cleared up the size issue, and I didn't mean to take away from the adorable-ness of the tiny turtles : )
[deleted] t1_j1mqlw5 wrote
WWDubz t1_j1mtlez wrote
I’m not sure it’s beautiful, but it’s neat
bennedictst t1_j1munvb wrote
A quarter with inflation
[deleted] t1_j1mxvkk wrote
zmanj154 t1_j1my41m wrote
A turtle made it the water!
Uninteligible_wiener t1_j1mz058 wrote
[deleted] t1_j1mzdd7 wrote
Turtlesrsaved t1_j1mzp3l wrote
So freaking precious!!!
SpiderMcLurk t1_j1n00yg wrote
Would you prefer millimetres?
Slappy_G t1_j1n0blb wrote
Slappy_G t1_j1n0e0i wrote
Ok, the baby turtles are way too cute.
m0uzer t1_j1n228f wrote
I only clicked on the thread for this, thanks
IncredibleGonzo t1_j1n3ilb wrote
It’s an Australian website
Konlir t1_j1n3ph8 wrote
>since that coin is not universally known.
It's an australian news article, and in the australian currency there is only a 20c coin, not a 25c coin.
Skimming around other currencies (euro, british pound), there is also just a 20c piece, not a 25c piece
gildedtunes t1_j1n3xhb wrote
Yes, and unfortunately ones born on beaches near the city tend to have worse survivability. Since they mistake the city’s artificial light for the moonlight (which they use to navigate toward the ocean), they end going wrong the way and end up in storm drains, incoming traffic, or worse :(
budgreenbud t1_j1n46sm wrote
But is it cheaper to mint four coins for a dollar rather than 5? Or is the cost negligible?
Fuck_Yeah_Humans t1_j1n4ja9 wrote
The article is printed by our national broadcaster for us.
iStayedAtaHolidayInn t1_j1n51b8 wrote
But these aren’t sea turtles. Manning River turtle
Varatec t1_j1n5cma wrote
Only thing I came here for, God I hope I never hear that phrase in game again.
rotini_noodle t1_j1n7svg wrote
I've successfully hatched and released painted turtle nests. Dudes are the size of a nickel and require time to absorb the yolk sacs attached to their stomachs. Even in untouched un-fucked up environments, their fight begins even in the egg. Predators and insects go to town on nests... Legit must've been 100 eggs broken open and strewn all over my yard till I stepped in. It's amazing they found these hatchlings with everything they're up against.
[deleted] t1_j1n82ia wrote
[deleted] t1_j1n93io wrote
cdc030402 t1_j1n975a wrote
I did not expect to hear this reference today
Frost-on-the-Willow t1_j1n9w03 wrote
This is a miracle
Pgreenawalt t1_j1na7z1 wrote
I would have thought they would be bigger after 4 years
Nippahh t1_j1nb3z8 wrote
So how does that work if the moon is in the opposite direction of water?
aselunar t1_j1nbb76 wrote
Brb, going to book a trip to Manning River. Not a seagull, btw.
badham t1_j1nbmgt wrote
I didn’t know they use light to navigate! This morning I saw a baby turtle go into the ocean during day light. It even knew to go to the watery-streams parts in the sand to be able to get into the water faster. It made it into the ocean in the end! (I think it helped that there was a crowd of 5 or so people standing around and watching it and probably warding off predators. This is in Costa Rica
[deleted] t1_j1nbou1 wrote
catduodenum t1_j1nc5oo wrote
A turtle made it to the water!
rnavstar t1_j1nc74o wrote
You mean ‘turtley a miracle.’
gildedtunes t1_j1nckh7 wrote
They use the reflection of the moonlight on the water, not the moon itself.
MCMickMcMax t1_j1ncmke wrote
I like turtles.
xakanaxa t1_j1ndd1o wrote
That's trying a bit too hard.
rnavstar t1_j1ndiq1 wrote
Guess I’m not turtley enough for the turtle club.
throwawaymyyhoeaway t1_j1ndw4u wrote
It's good to have people around to ward off predators, these lil guys deserve life!
WON95sr t1_j1ndzce wrote
In addition to their susceptibility to ecological threats, it doesn't help that people don't really like them. Sure, some people like sea turtles, tortoises, some frogs, etc. But many herps that are at-risk just aren't your most charismatic species in the eyes of many people, so it can be hard to get people on board to help protect them. Amphibians are neat because they especially can serve as great indicator species.
A great starting point to protecting any species is to help preserve or restore habitat. You can do all the work you want with rearing young or promoting reproduction, but if they don't have suitable habitat in which to live and reproduce then it's all for naught.
OlyScott t1_j1ne61m wrote
Why are they holding endangered turtles in their hands to take pictures?
trashymob t1_j1nefb0 wrote
Defend them as they make for the safety of the ocean!
Henbit71 t1_j1nelt8 wrote
Because the people taking pictures are doing ecological data collection and conservation. Turtles can be quick, so holding them to get proper identification and checking their health is needed. It doesn't hurt them, so long as they are returned to the exact spot they were collected from.
ActivisionBlizzard t1_j1neqjp wrote
Logic would say it’s cheaper. Reality would say it depends on the alloy and size.
I don’t think the government is concerned about the cost of minting. Coins generally all cost more than the face value and notes wayyyyyy less.
The amount of currency that the government creates minus the cost is called the seigniorage amount.
4s3b t1_j1nerel wrote
turtles at ponds are used as target practice by stupid ass hillbillies in the south.
absolutely disgusting
AFSynchro t1_j1nfd67 wrote
I hope we do in the most random area/event. I'd laugh so hard and also immediately die from ptsd. Worth
[deleted] t1_j1nfhks wrote
Phazon2000 t1_j1nfo2p wrote
Like a five cent piece but worth twenty.
Lmao my dude.
[deleted] t1_j1nfvea wrote
Frency2 t1_j1ng1f1 wrote
Humans: the most invadent and invasive species ever known to exist so far.
When will we learn to let the other forms of life their own personal spaces, I truly don't know.
AlexanderDaychilde t1_j1nh0tv wrote
So I'm assuming that the ones from the last three years were just ugly?
(I'm kidding - and this is great news!)
[deleted] t1_j1nhml9 wrote
quitepossiblylying t1_j1ninaf wrote
uhh why is beautiful in quotes?
SpiderMcLurk t1_j1nkrr4 wrote
Corruptotron t1_j1nl72p wrote
What the shell ?
rickychacha1234 t1_j1nlnqg wrote
Yummy 😋
[deleted] t1_j1nq6u8 wrote
AlfAlpha123 t1_j1nqmr7 wrote
[deleted] t1_j1nqs3h wrote
DanielDLG t1_j1nr79g wrote
Let’s kill it to study it!
No_Bend7931 t1_j1nscex wrote
Slappy_G t1_j1nsmav wrote
OMG so cute.
Appropriate_Pace_817 t1_j1nt0f8 wrote
Haha, yeah I wondered the same. Poor guy.
DoctorJiveTurkey t1_j1nuip3 wrote
Turtle turtle
DoctorJiveTurkey t1_j1nuknb wrote
You can’t just say perchance.
Jacoby_Jackson_14 t1_j1nuo5r wrote
So he picks it up 🤦♀️
Wads_Worthless t1_j1nvb2s wrote
so what happens if it’s cloudy or a new moon?
AlfAlpha123 t1_j1nvjxx wrote
Who knows why he crushes turtles?
badham t1_j1nvond wrote
I know! I’d have totally picked him up and put him in the ocean but I was worried I’d be yelled at for messing with the ecosystem
6112115 t1_j1nwfg6 wrote
Maybe we need to improve our endangered turtle hatchling spotting abilities if it’s only once every four years…
fuzzyblackyeti t1_j1nwkan wrote
Because they took it from a quote.
>"They are absolutely beautiful, tiny turtles … about the size of a 20-cent piece with a beautiful distinct pattern on their back," Hunter Local Land Services' (HLLS) Rye Gollan said.
They wanted to have the order of the words as 'tiny beautiful' instead of 'beautiful tiny' so they "quoted" one part of their comment. If they would have said 'beautiful tiny' they would have quoted it like
>'Beautiful, tiny' endangered turtle hatchlings spotted in the wild for first time in four years
For whatever reason the author/editor/publication company didn't like how that was phrased and swapped it, but still wanted to quote them to give the title more merit.
TuggyBRugburn t1_j1nwymt wrote
That is uplifting news!
gildedtunes t1_j1nx6u1 wrote
I imagine it limits their ability to find the ocean. They also sense and use the Earth’s magnetic fields to know which direction to go in. I believe this also helps them find the sea. My understanding is that light is one of many queues they use to find the ocean. That being said, I’m no expert.
Delicious_Subject_91 t1_j1nxowt wrote
I'm going to pretend it's because the writer was like nah, I'm tired of having to lie about people's ugly babies.
xBushx t1_j1nxwyq wrote
Better pick em up and disturb their natural course! /s Science am I right.
xBushx t1_j1ny2lc wrote
And the one that was intended to make it is in the pic! Lmao
[deleted] t1_j1nydq5 wrote
HOWLFOG t1_j1nzq7h wrote
Must be Kentucky
quitepossiblylying t1_j1o96f1 wrote
Thanks for taking the time to write such a well thought response to my glib comment.
fuzzyblackyeti t1_j1o9c0f wrote
Haha, no I read the title and thought the exact same thing.
I was like, uhh does the author think they're ugly or something?
ThoranTW t1_j1oa4ja wrote
Thankfully, I don't think the average American politician has much sway here in NSW, Australia
Alternative-Half-783 t1_j1obha0 wrote
Thank goodness somewhere is safe
ThoranTW t1_j1octty wrote
That's not to say Australia is completely free from American political influence, sadly.
surreality69420 t1_j1odr2i wrote
[deleted] t1_j1oefzs wrote
ONESNZER0S t1_j1of5gz wrote
and a selfish , attention whore human, immediately picked one up so they could take a picture of it , and get their germs all over it.
Celeste1138 t1_j1ohb7q wrote
Literally every post like one of these there's at least one person like that is having the least charitable, bad faith interpretation interpretation of whatever is happening in any given moment with these animal videos and photos.
cammoblammo t1_j1ohhbb wrote
Not sure. But a twenty cent coin weighs exactly twice as much as a ten cent coin, which means you can mix those denominations and still count them with scales.
Not that the staff at a bank would be happy with you for doing this, but it’s kinda neat.
Tiny_Rat t1_j1olhu1 wrote
>My understanding is that light is one of many queues they use to find the ocean.
Sorry, but it's "cue". "Queue" is a line of people waiting for something.
gildedtunes t1_j1oltgj wrote
My bad! You’re correct.
ballrus_walsack t1_j1osjut wrote
I like turtles
ONESNZER0S t1_j1osz1q wrote
have you met the human race? have you seen what selfish humans have done to animals on a daily basis? are you aware of how many species have gone extinct because of stupid selfish humans?
blueberrybaby00 t1_j1othc9 wrote
I grew up in The Manning Valley and used to swim and waterski in the river all the time. This is the first time I’ve ever heard of these little guys! Would be great if locals were more educated on endangered species such as these and the conservation efforts. Fantastic news though!
lordofedging81 t1_j1ov8yf wrote
Aww...little baby Mitch McConnell! 🐢
[deleted] t1_j1oyds8 wrote
Whiterabbit-- t1_j1oz3u9 wrote
"wild" "endangered" you know what I'll pick one up so we can take photos. what is wrong with you people?
Celeste1138 t1_j1p9zfh wrote
What do you hope to accomplish by telling people this?
airylnovatech t1_j1ph063 wrote
If the animals wanted to survive, they should've just evolved for it. We, the dominant species, are simply marking our territory, it's not our problem if some inferior species loses the war for survival because of a skill issue /s
SpiderMcLurk t1_j1ph62l wrote
It’s the .52 isn’t it?
corgi-king t1_j1ppnw5 wrote
I read Engagement Turtle and thought what kinda fucking trend is that.
somacruz t1_j1pudhz wrote
The turtle must be shocked.
Alpaca-Bowl420 t1_j1pv7ha wrote
[deleted] t1_j1q6jsh wrote
rockthumpchest t1_j1q8xkz wrote
Let’s go pinch all of them!
Slappy_G t1_j1unmaw wrote
Always. At least that's what my wife tells me.
NathanTheKlutz t1_j23to8t wrote
Well, better late than never when it comes to finding out about your wild neighbors. 😉 But yes, programs to help spread awareness would be a good place to start.
Certainly, I dare say that having local residents in the valley pitch in by helping to get rid of the feral foxes and pigs that plunder the nests, planting native vegetation on bank side properties, and taking steps to reduce pollutants from entering the river could only make the future for the Manning River turtle even brighter!
Shield03 t1_j26uu2c wrote
As a proud turtle owner myself, this makes me very happy 😊
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