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t1_j8n9i5g wrote

Fuck that. They should be welcome to reapply, but prior employment and subsequent termination for refusing to comply in a public health emergency should absolutely not give you priority


t1_j8n08tc wrote

Translation: Let's let dangerous disease-spreaders spread their diseases without encumbrance for maximum effect!


t1_j8v3it3 wrote

except that after a couple of years of touting the vaccine it's obvious it's useless and possibly dangerous to many. Almost everyone getting the virus now have been vaccinated multiple times, so it didn't stop the spread or the transmission or the ability to get the virus.

Also, what about the time Joe Biden and Jen Psaki said" we don't have the authority to force anyone to take a vaccine" and never would mandate something like that. How did that randomly change.

What happened to "my body, my choice"?

or the fact that so many people working in the medical field during the height of the virus were working fearlessly and being called heros, when no vaccine existed and then vile and fired when they refused the vaccine.

There is too much uncertainty here, and many lies or wrong information given to the public. No accountability for the BS. People need their lives back and NOW.


t1_j8vpbky wrote

There was a heavy dose of hopium and not nearly enough study data to ever warrant the mandate, but at a minimum natural immunity through proof of previous infection should have been accepted.

It's fascinating how the anti-establishment "my body my choice" crowd suddenly became in favor of mandates from old white male politicians to take pharmaceutical companies with unethical track records.


t1_j8uzifa wrote

Last I checked getting the vaccine went from preventing spreading the disease, to just saving your life. At the time, the forced firings occurred, all indications were the vaccine only saved your life, but did not prevent it spreading.

I have the vaccine if that makes a difference…


t1_j8nb6v7 wrote

Nah. If they aren't civically minded, they ought to go to the back of the line.


t1_j98puvq wrote

Civically minded, aka whatever the most upvoted comments were at the time in the main subreddits.


t1_j8qnzvy wrote

Although I am fully vaccinated, I think all these people should be rehired and be given back pay. Bodily autonomy is a fundamental civil right, and no one should be forced (yes, a mandate is force) to undergo a medical procedure to keep a job or be in public spaces. That is simply not in line with the values of a liberal democracy.

Additionally, their choice to not take the vaccine feels reasonable given that the infection fatality rate from COVID is (and always was) low for anyone under 50, the fact that the vaccines do not stop transmission anyways, and since recent concerns about side effects have triggered new studies and investigations into safety, even from the CDC. In the end, everyone is responsible for their own health, and cannot force their desire for low risk onto others. If someone is concerned about a disease with a low fatality rate, they should quarantine themselves instead of forcing a mandate on others. After all, the vaccine won't give them full protection from transmission or the disease anyways, so what difference does it make, if they are worried about the risk? Are they really trying to make the vague claim that a low risk has now turned into a slightly lower risk and somehow that changes everything for them in terms of their risk assessment? That makes no sense. If you're worried, stay indoors or wear lots of PPE. But I don't think it is OK to violate others people's rights to make you feel just slightly more safe.

As for the folks saying that these people are not "civically minded" - I don't think their personal medical choices have any relevance or impact on their ability to do their job. That phrase doesn't mean what you think it means. Additionally, holding such a notion as a purity test feels authoritarian.

All that said, I think the MRNA vaccines are a tremendous scientific innovation and if you weigh all the risks, the best choice for most people is to just get the vaccine and boosters, because you probably face more risks from not getting it.


t1_j9791bl wrote

Agreed. Vaccinations was a cult, hysterical reaction to fear induced by persistent media. They did nothing but help you out. In fact telling people they were safely vaccinated, when the could still spread the disease was ignorant, incarnate.


t1_j98qg5i wrote

First question I ask my dentist is if they ate their vegetables… if not, there’s no way they can take care of me.


t1_j8v6nv7 wrote

Every single person in this thread saying they shouldn't get rehired deserves everything I went through with my jab of moderna.

Btw, the $1.5M in medical bills thanks to myocarditis would have sunk me if I didnt have my medical insurance.


t1_j8vprkh wrote

I'm sorry that you were negatively affected by the vaccine.

There should have never been a mandate, but with one there should have at least been a robust system to provide medical and financial support for the supposedly rare adverse events.


t1_j8q3jox wrote

Hell no. They are not civic minded and they proved it beyond doubt. They proved they are stupid and clueless about science and medicine and only care about them selves.

To ignore all the facts and evidence and insert personal feelings means they have proven they can't take care of them selves let along to be able to help us.

If they hire even one back it is a slap in the face of all the good ones that followed the rules and it would kill morale.


t1_j8vphqg wrote

That's a ridiculous perspective, the vaccine comes with its own risks, especially for those that already had natural immunity from previous infection .


t1_j8wn4cp wrote

Thank you, you proved my point.


t1_j8xw0s2 wrote

Maybe this information will help you understand:

[NBC News] Immunity acquired from a Covid infection is as protective as vaccination against severe illness and death, study finds


t1_j8z9m5u wrote

From your link... ““The problem of saying ‘I’m gonna get infected to get immunity’ is you
might be one of those people that end up in the hospital or die,” Murray
said. “Why would you take the risk when you can get immunity through
vaccination quite safely?” 


t1_j8za5nx wrote

There were employees that already got sick and recovered prior to the mandate...


t1_j8qayxw wrote

No, absolutely not. People too scared and ignorant and selfish to vaccinate do not belong on the public payroll.


t1_j97qydd wrote

Look, a Nazi


t1_j98nbs2 wrote

Do you know what that word means? I thonk you should look it up.


t1_j98v6px wrote

So you think forcing people to consume something against their will is not Nazi behavior?


t1_j98z5py wrote

Here is where critical thinking comes in. Fascist and totalitarian states do force individuals to do things they may be unwilling to do. As do democracies. You may not want to wear a seatbelt while driving, you may not want to wear a helmet while on a bicycle. But I doubt you would argue that being forced to wear a helmet or seatbelt is the same kind of imposition on peraonal freedom that mass execution is.

There are two other problems here. The science behind vaccines is sound. The data on the covid vaccines was and is sound, despite the fact that a sitting preaident tried to turn it into a political issue.

For the record, if you attwnded public school, you already had about eight vaccines, and presumably survived them.

Finally, you should truly be entitled to bodily autonomy, I believe that, I am sure you do as well. But refusing to vaccinate means that you can injure or kill a literally unlimites number of people, without knowing it, just going about your business, and that is something society cannot and will not allow. We dont allow drunk driving, because you could easily kill other people. If you were carrying covid, you could kill an unlimited number of people.

The science in favor of vaccination is bulletproof. This has been made an issue by people that want to exploit scared gullible people.

Maybe you.see the vaccine as a risk, why not be brave for the sake of the vulnerable people in your community..

So, thats your answer. Calling me a nazi is not an adult behavior, its an attempt to turn an intellectual issue into an emotional one .


t1_j98z6y3 wrote

Here is where critical thinking comes in. Fascist and totalitarian states do force individuals to do things they may be unwilling to do. As do democracies. You may not want to wear a seatbelt while driving, you may not want to wear a helmet while on a bicycle. But I doubt you would argue that being forced to wear a helmet or seatbelt is the same kind of imposition on peraonal freedom that mass execution is.

There are two other problems here. The science behind vaccines is sound. The data on the covid vaccines was and is sound, despite the fact that a sitting preaident tried to turn it into a political issue.

For the record, if you attwnded public school, you already had about eight vaccines, and presumably survived them.

Finally, you should truly be entitled to bodily autonomy, I believe that, I am sure you do as well. But refusing to vaccinate means that you can injure or kill a literally unlimites number of people, without knowing it, just going about your business, and that is something society cannot and will not allow. We dont allow drunk driving, because you could easily kill other people. If you were carrying covid, you could kill an unlimited number of people.

The science in favor of vaccination is bulletproof. This has been made an issue by people that want to exploit scared gullible people.

Maybe you.see the vaccine as a risk, why not be brave for the sake of the vulnerable people in your community..

So, thats your answer. Calling me a nazi is not an adult behavior, its an attempt to turn an intellectual issue into an emotional one .


t1_j98z8ce wrote

Here is where critical thinking comes in. Fascist and totalitarian states do force individuals to do things they may be unwilling to do. As do democracies. You may not want to wear a seatbelt while driving, you may not want to wear a helmet while on a bicycle. But I doubt you would argue that being forced to wear a helmet or seatbelt is the same kind of imposition on peraonal freedom that mass execution is.

There are two other problems here. The science behind vaccines is sound. The data on the covid vaccines was and is sound, despite the fact that a sitting preaident tried to turn it into a political issue.

For the record, if you attwnded public school, you already had about eight vaccines, and presumably survived them.

Finally, you should truly be entitled to bodily autonomy, I believe that, I am sure you do as well. But refusing to vaccinate means that you can injure or kill a literally unlimites number of people, without knowing it, just going about your business, and that is something society cannot and will not allow. We dont allow drunk driving, because you could easily kill other people. If you were carrying covid, you could kill an unlimited number of people.

The science in favor of vaccination is bulletproof. This has been made an issue by people that want to exploit scared gullible people.

Maybe you.see the vaccine as a risk, why not be brave for the sake of the vulnerable people in your community..

So, thats your answer. Calling me a nazi is not an adult behavior, its an attempt to turn an intellectual issue into an emotional one .


t1_j8u6kkn wrote

They endangered public health and the needs of others. They are. It fit to work for the county


t1_j8wtxl5 wrote

How did they endanger public health? The poke doesn't stop you from getting sick or spreading it. You can admit you were wrong about the vaccine, people might actually respect you if you did.


t1_j8xsaqk wrote

You're going to have to post some sources for this claim in order for me to believe it.


t1_j8w35c2 wrote

"Not a team player" should be written on their application, or better than that, require they get all their shots before they are considered.


t1_j8nfy32 wrote

Motion was introduced by Reagan [named for Ronald] Dunn.

'Nuff said.


t1_j8nhnlt wrote

Can they bump a new hire out of work, or force that new hire to be demoted? I would think not, but if they come back to an entry-level position, all we're going to hear from them is how they got screwed (without mentioning that they made a choice to be a human covid-19 delivery vehicle)
