Submitted by 420_Braze_it t3_103ql89 in Washington

I sure as hell don't. That's probably the biggest load of horseshit I've heard in a long time. There's absolutely no way those guys would go through the trouble and risk extra legal trouble just to get the cash register out of some store. Four different power stations too? It just doesn't make any sense at all. Personally, I think these guys are part of a domestic terrorist group (probably whoever is doing these similar attacks all over the country) and they're lying to the authorities about their motives. Either that or the authorities are the ones who are lying so they don't alarm the public and so they can cover up the fact that they're going to make these guys informants to try and find out more about the group they're connected to. I don't for one second believe these clowns did all that just to get a little bit of cash.



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CheckmateApostates t1_j30kwo3 wrote

Totally don't believe it. Attacking a substation to rob a store is like some super villain or heist movie logic, except they forgot the logic of not bringing your phone with you when you're committing a crime.


GuardianSock t1_j30p197 wrote

The only possible way it’s true is if they were so incredibly stupid that they just kept knocking out substations and then going to the place they wanted to rob, saw the power was still on, shrugged, and went to knock out another one. Like their entire plan was just to knock out substations one by one until it got the one place they were going after.

But to be fair, they brought their cellphones to every substation they attacked, so they are incredibly stupid.


Piddy3825 t1_j30thbg wrote

lol, yeah what kinda of lame cover story are they spinning here?
I'm not a conspiracy theorist but it seems to go a little further down the rabbit hole than a couple of dumb crooks tryin to pull a quick robbery...


Old-AF t1_j30w0wh wrote

It’s bullshit, they are just trying to avoid Domestic Terrorism charges.


colorcommentary t1_j30x4qy wrote

I totally agree with your points. I just read the article elsewhere and searched Reddit to see if anyone’s BS detector was going off as loudly as mine.


MaceMan2091 t1_j30xpqf wrote

last i heard, they just got out of prison for robbing a toy store in New York. Called themselves the “sticky bandits”


1badh0mbre t1_j315emz wrote

It doesn’t add up to me either, but they could just be really, really stupid. They probably would have gotten away with the robbery if they hadn’t committed an act of domestic terrorism and gotten the fbi involved. Their guns look like they fished them from the bottom of a lake, cut the barrels shorter, cut the stocks off, then duct taped a fleshlight onto the end of one of them. The surveillance pictures I saw of one of the guys looked like he was using a shirt or a towel for a mask, which didn’t even disguise his identity very well at all.


Shisty t1_j318bpw wrote

TBF they should still be charged with domestic terrorism regardless of what their "intent" was. They still took down multiple substations causing thousands to go without power during a winter storm.


cheekabowwow t1_j31c2w2 wrote

Are these the lengths you guys are going in order to save face for being wrong?


Winter-eyed t1_j31h1u8 wrote

No. I mean I do believe they’re dumber than rocks but they weren’t planning on robbing a bank.


phirebug t1_j31mi6d wrote

What concerns me isn't that they made up some far fetched ridiculous excuse for their crimes, but that the feds are repeating it as if they believe them. Either law enforcement put that out there to avoid panic/discourage copycat attacks, or they are just super super dumb. I guess you can't rule out both.


whitepawn23 t1_j31nec9 wrote

You’re right, it’s dumb, but that doesn’t mean dumb shits didn’t try it. A dude showed up at a pizza place, armed, looking for a nonexistent basement full of trafficked kids, for starters.


420_Braze_it OP t1_j31no7f wrote

I guess it's possible. Something just seems really fishy about this. I have a hard time believing anyone could be so stupid, but then again I've seen people do shit way more stupid than this.


masterkorey7 t1_j31qm32 wrote

Why would Neo-Nazis want to destroy power stations? The real neo Nazis and white supremacists are the ones running fentanyl and heroin/meth. These dudes would most likely be left leaning if they are destroying power stations. Most likely eco terror especially with the growing sentiment on the far left that WA's power structure needs to be changed.


420_Braze_it OP t1_j31rs2w wrote

Don't be disingenuous. Do you know anything about white supremacists? Well I do, and this type of thing is right out of their playbook. There's a famous fiction book that's been very popular with white supremacists for decades called The Turner Diaries and power substation attacks and terrorism are a huge part of how the characters in the book bring about a race war. Yes it is fiction, but they treat it like a manual. "Left wing" terrorism is extremely uncommon these days. Anyone who's paying attention can see that at least 90% of the time the far right fascist groups are the ones doing terrorism in this country.

Sure, there are a lot of white supremacists that do run drugs, but a lot of them actually hate that stuff because they think it's "hurting the master race" by getting white people addicted to drugs. Fuck both kinds, they're are equally bad and dangerous but that's just the way some of them think.


masterkorey7 t1_j31sic9 wrote

I actually have a ton of experience with white supremacists groups in this state. My extended family was murdered by them in Kitsap. They are more into running drugs and staying off the radar especially here in WA.


masterkorey7 t1_j31tfei wrote

No offense but people in WA are so liberal and left leaning that they get tunnel vision "it couldn't possibly be left leaning eco terrorists" "it's the white supremacists!" look up the careaga murders. These guys in WA state are extremely political in the sense that they don't do anything without orders from the top of chain, an attack like this screams disorganized and stupid which isn't something they would do...not only that they have real guns...not whatever 3rd world shit it was these guys had.


AverageATuin t1_j31vrph wrote

It strikes me as classic tweaker logic. Hard to understand if you don’t use meth.


420_Braze_it OP t1_j31w0c1 wrote

Fair enough. I do think you're probably right about the fact that they don't do anything without the "OK" from up top, and I'm really baffled the only guns they found were those sorry excuses. That's part of why I find it bizarre though. I just really don't see how doing this attack would serve any kind of left wing goals at all though.


zeatherz t1_j322jdv wrote

But the whole definition of terrorism is based on intent- to cause political/social change through fear. You can’t just redefine legal terms because you don’t like it


wyecoyote2 t1_j323qcn wrote

There are stupid criminals. Luke the ones that call the cops cause they were ripped off at a drug deal.


csjerk t1_j324ofs wrote

> Either that or the authorities are the ones who are lying so they don't alarm the public and so they can cover up the fact that they're going to make these guys informants to try and find out more about the group they're connected to.

Why would that be a better plan than just not saying anything? You seem to be giving some meth heads more credit than federal law enforcement...


DJSauvage t1_j325mg6 wrote

If true, I'll sleep better at night knowing that the right-wing domestic terrorists are generally dumb and leaving a noisy trail.


dobsofglabs t1_j3286ci wrote

Yeah cuz your average criminal is a genius, right?


apathy-sofa t1_j32j33g wrote

> The two men were known to authorities, and had been under FBI surveillance for more than a month in late 2021 and early 2022, FBI special agent Mark Tucher said in an affidavit filed in federal court on Tuesday. The agent did not give reasons for that surveillance, but Tucher described himself in the affidavit as an expert in domestic terrorism assigned to the FBI Seattle division's joint terrorism task force.


Why would an FBI special agent who is focused on domestic terrorism spend time actively surveilling these persons? The most likely explanation is that they are suspected of domestic terrorism.


Skyecatcher t1_j32lu2z wrote

I grew up with one of those kids. I highly doubt he is a part of some political movement. He is just a sad kid from a sad background who got into drugs. He isn’t some mastermind.


pala4833 t1_j32p57g wrote

Idiots who shot up a substation are lying?

Nooooo waaaaaa!!!¿


turkishgold253 t1_j32t20l wrote

Clearly you have never met tweakers, this whole plan reeks of tweaker logic. did you see the duct taped guns..... you think far right larpers would be seen with those pieces of crap. Stop trying to make the crime fit the MSM narrative.


EvilPsyentist t1_j32t7vf wrote

Uh, no. The Banditos are a biker gang and they killed those people because the guy was a drug runner, not the bikers. So, your experience is with extended family that got smoked doing deals with better criminals.


loquacious t1_j331tkr wrote

You can be an idiot tweaker gacked out of your head as well as a racist white supremacist with a dumb idea about how to try to start civil unrest.

There's actually a long history of Nazis being on drugs. Hitler was thwacked out of his skull on a cocktail of amphetamines most of the time, and many/most of his filmed speeches show signs of extreme agitation that he was abusing stims, because, well, he was.


loquacious t1_j332j2a wrote

A lot of small businesses keep the float in the till overnight, because there's usually not more than like $100 in there, and there's more valuable things to steal in the store. I know a lot of bars do because they have like 5 to 10 thousand dollars worth of liquor right there and the float in the till is the least of their worries.


[deleted] t1_j332p12 wrote

You are correct, and it certainly codified that way in some laws, but you always need to be careful about taking commonly accepted definitions and applying them in legal cases. For example, in straight up, being charged with terrorism, intent is called out, but in crimes about funding terrorism, there’s a lot less requirement to have proven intent.

Here’s some info that may be pertinent.


AdventureBum t1_j3334tr wrote

Nope. The robbery is a cover story so they don’t get charged with domestic terrorism. The timeline doesn’t fit, and you don’t need to disable four substations just to bring down the power in one location.


Nightshade_Ranch t1_j335bhm wrote

Trial run.

I've never been a conspiracy theorist, can they stop making it seem like this is as obvious as a conspiracy as it seems like? I certainly believe they were "known" to the FBI. We don't have anyone doing shit about any crime anywhere in this area of Washington, and we're supposed to believe the FBI was keeping tabs on these apparent nobodies that just wanted to rob some rural stores?

I'm coming up with the crazy shit on my own now and it's seeming less and less crazy.

If this had happened just days before, we would have been so fucking vulnerable to ANYTHING anyone could have thrown at us, terror-wise. The whole region was encased in solid slick ice and no one could safely get anywhere, emergency services would have been almost useless. We're right next to JBLM and anyone not living on base is largely in these areas.

This all feels like a test of a planned procedure before full deployment/release. It's not the first. That this is the apparent testing ground makes me think the "real deal" is going to be somewhere far away, that isn't paying attention like our areas will be now.

If the FBI had just said they had no clue at all and they're just as baffled at this randomness as the rest of us it might be believable, but it seems like they've given it away that they are not at all baffled.

Where and when might this strategy have the most dire consequences?


tamarlk t1_j336z38 wrote

The location of the substations lead me to believe their statement is horse shit. There’s no way it was to rob a store.


Guilty_Jackrabbit t1_j339gwe wrote

I don't believe it. If they're impulsive enough, lacking enough vision, and low-effort to want to rob a cash register, there's 0 reason to take time to figure out how to disable multiple power substations to do it. If they were trying to be smart, surely they know that destroying power substations would really up their legal risk if caught.

My bet is an analysis of their phones/computers will be very revealing, and that they're selling this "robbery" story to try and avoid more serious charges.

Then again, maybe they're stupid in just the right ways.


notorious1212 t1_j33aage wrote

It’s something for them to say, bullshit or not. I’m assuming the FBI is being hush as they unravel this shitball of yarn with y’all qaeda. No sense is running out at the front with a bunch of details on what they do know or may learn from these individuals in custody.


iamlucky13 t1_j33b549 wrote

> The only possible way it’s true is if they were so incredibly stupid

It's pretty unlikely they knew which substation they needed to hit to take out power where that store is. After all, do you know which substation feeds your area? It might even have genuinely required multiple due to the fact that power companies try to set up their grids so that areas have multiple lines feeding a given area.


ericjgriffin t1_j33els9 wrote

They are absolutely terrorists. This was organized. Probably part of a cell. Washington is chock full of these kind of wackos.


No_U_Crazy t1_j33faml wrote

>Why would an FBI special agent who is focused on domestic terrorism spend time actively surveilling these persons?

Probably because these morons were Google searching stupid crap like "how do I blow up a power substation."


GuardianSock t1_j33fogc wrote

I’m no criminal mastermind but if my heist master plan relied on cutting the power to a specific location I’d probably do the research ahead of time to ensure I didn’t have to hit numerous locations (which is exactly how they were caught), probably just not rely on hitting substations in general for exactly this reason (seems far easier to hit the power to the location more directly), and definitely not commit a significantly more serious crime just to enable my intended crime.


apathy-sofa t1_j33ijae wrote

Or they were buying illegal guns. Or in conversation with domestic terrorist groups. Or writing white supremacist rants. Or all of the above. I don't think the FBI will reveal their intelligence gathering specifics.


goldenbug t1_j33j2of wrote

Ah, looks like we a got Alex Jones Jr. on the case. What else you got for us? Got any recommendations for estrogen enhancers?


Hecho_en_Shawano t1_j33lnc8 wrote

If you’ve already set aside your sense of reason to support the GOP you will be able to set aside reason and believe they did this to rob a store. And you’ll probably also believe they did it for ANTIFA, BLM & hunter Biden.


darlantan t1_j33sbeg wrote

> That’s what makes me suspect this was a trial run for something bigger.

Could be that it was a trial run, could be that it was a pair of idiots who got the idea from the news. Hell, it could be both: A couple of idiots given the idea by someone who wanted disposable mooks to do a trial run for them.

Either way, it's shown a lot of folks that it isn't hard to do, and you can bet that the ones you are most worried about are among them.


deputydrool t1_j33t7yf wrote

I wasn’t a conspiracy theorist until the largest mass shooting took place where im from (Vegas). I was listening to the scanners as it was happening and living out here freaking out, everything that came after was a lie. I heard it all. Ever since I question everything. It only takes one thing like this to stop trusting. I have a lot of of thoughts here as well and appreciate you posting this. Don’t stop asking questions.


De_Roche22 t1_j33tn0u wrote

IIRC, the major crime they've been charged with is 'Conspiracy to damage energy facilities" which is still a federal charge and I'm sure will just as thoroughly fuck their lives up as they deserve.


NotUrbanMilkmaid t1_j33zd0j wrote

Dressed in fatigues? Was the store even robbed? Nah. Police and FBI know what's up.


Jive_Papa t1_j349s4b wrote

Probably less of a trial run and more of a proof of concept to other right wing extremists looking to imitate it. I don't think it will lead to some larger attack, but it could definitely lead to more of the same.


Geo-Nerd t1_j34bldd wrote

LOL. Have you bothered to look at the mug shots? Or are you being deliberately duplicitous?

I guarantee that these morons are NOT from the Screeching-Left-BLM_Rioters or the Lola-Granola-Militant-Green crowd.


iamlucky13 t1_j34e7fq wrote

No strong opinions about it. The FBI and DOJ will rap up their investigation before they take these guys to trial, and we'll find out more at trial if anything.

> I don't for one second believe these clowns did all that just to get a little bit of cash.

Short story time:

A few years back, a substation in my area was "attacked." The crew responding to the outage found one of the perpetrators on top of the equipment near his bolt cutters, badly burned, and he later died.

Investigators found out his girlfriend had been with him, whom they arrested. It turned out they were meth addicts, stealing cable. That's all it was. They were so out of their minds that they saw those big fat cables and thought they could walk away with them from a live substation. She left him to die. Didn't even call 911. I don't have a link to this story, because my local paper didn't keep a lot of older stories online after a website update, but there's tons of similar stories to be found from a search for "thief electrocuted."

If thieves like that were smart or sober enough to get money the easy way, they would get a job and show up on time every day. They come up with hair-brained schemes like shutting down substations, but not thinking that maybe there could be security cameras or their phones might be trackable because they're not smart.


iamlucky13 t1_j34enaw wrote

That's because you ARE a mastermind in comparison to these guys.

You should see the guns they were caught with. A few news articles have carried photos of them. The idea that the modifications they did in any way improved them is almost beyond belief.

In fact, the modifications they did specifically made them guilty of federal firearms crimes, for no benefit to themselves at all, so they're already poster boys for the very last point in your post.


Pwillyams1 t1_j34jp74 wrote

And your theory is the FBI is sandbagging this because...?


nikdahl t1_j34k1e5 wrote

The insurrection is part of it, but have you heard of the Oklahoma City Bombing?

Buffalo Shooting?

Highland Park Parade shooting?

Nightclub shooting in Colorado Springs?

Those Boogaloo shootings in CA?

El Paso Walmart shooting?

Pittsburgh Mosque?


Portland Train attack?

Colorado Springs Planned Parenthood?

Overland Park Jewish shootings?

Gabby Giffords shooting?

Wisconsin Sikh Temple shooting?

LAX shooting?

Or the numerous examples of right wing terrorists coming into cities to attack residents?

I mean fuck, even 9/11 was right wing terrorism. Do you really have that poor of a memory?


420_Braze_it OP t1_j34m3ae wrote

Who knows. They've already basically admitted it's a lie.

>The two men were known to authorities, and had been under FBI surveillance for more than a month in late 2021 and early 2022, FBI special agent Mark Tucher said in an affidavit filed in federal court on Tuesday. The agent did not give reasons for that surveillance, but Tucher described himself in the affidavit as an expert in domestic terrorism assigned to the FBI Seattle division's joint terrorism task force.


420_Braze_it OP t1_j34mdfd wrote

Do you still believe it after reading this?

>The two men were known to authorities, and had been under FBI surveillance for more than a month in late 2021 and early 2022, FBI special agent Mark Tucher said in an affidavit filed in federal court on Tuesday. The agent did not give reasons for that surveillance, but Tucher described himself in the affidavit as an expert in domestic terrorism assigned to the FBI Seattle division's joint terrorism task force.


420_Braze_it OP t1_j34msr4 wrote

I'm not gonna say I believe it didn't happen or anything like that, obviously it did, but there's always been something really suspicious about that Las Vegas shooting. I'm not someone who ever believes in conspiracies about mass shootings but that one something just doesn't add up.


420_Braze_it OP t1_j34nirs wrote

If it was coordinated at even dozens of places across the country, it would absolutely have grave implications. To be honest, I believe this is connected to the recent swath of fake active shooter calls that have been called in to schools all over the US and even in Washington. I think someone is testing armed police/SWAT response times. Maybe I'm just crazy but I believe there is truly something big going on here below the surface. I suspect it's probably white supremacist terrorists because they're almost always the culprits behind this type of stuff.


Pwillyams1 t1_j34p54t wrote

The dates were almost certainly a typo and they surveilled these two only after the attacks. There's really no reason for the FBI to be in a hurry though I suppose. If it's there they'll probably find it and if they don't find it, it's probably not there


TBizzle123 t1_j34tptz wrote

I agree with the top comment, this was a couple of (edit: I think it was probably a bunch of tweakers) tweakers and political affiliation had nothing to do with it. I'm not going to make assumptions about people with 0 evidence but hey, it must be true because it makes you feel all warm and fuzzy inside to blame it on the orange man. It's almost like you all are judging the book by it's cover, isn't that frowned upon?


BaseballGuy2001 t1_j355a9b wrote

Years later and we don’t know anything about the shooters motives. I check every once in awhile and still cannot understand from reading any motive. What have you heard or guess it was?

What makes you think it is a conspiracy to cover it up or that it was faked or staged in some manner?


deputydrool t1_j356x1q wrote

I heard at least two shooters, and they tried to later say those were echoes. They were definitely not, because the police on the scanner were communicating that they had literally identified a second shooter. People that were there said they were rained down bullets on from all directions. I still don’t know motive but there are a lot of theories about MKuktra, how was this older dude in great enough shape to wield weapons like this for long periods and switch every time he was out? How did he get them into the hotel room with no one seeing? There’s other theories about arms deals going sideways. I’m not sure what I agree with but nothing about it make sense and it fucking made me so sad that my friends and people in Vegas don’t have answers and probably never will. Doesn’t help that so many witnesses have disappeared. It was just swept under the rug so poorly


nikdahl t1_j35cltr wrote

If they have political motivations, it's right wing terrorism, regardless of whether they are part of some larger group. Even if they are "crazy mentally ill" because you don't see "crazy mentally ill" shootings from "left wing terrorism" like you do from the right.

Yes, 9/11, really. It was right wing terrorism, and I only included it due to the severity of the attack since it was over 20 years ago now. But if we want to keep going further, I could. This is no where near an exhaustive list.

You can stick your head in the sand if you want, and pretend that this isn't an issue, and that everything is fake news, but you would be fooling yourself.


Hecho_en_Shawano t1_j35fkgm wrote

I am more than willing to discuss issues with people I differ with if their position is rooted in truth and reality. I will not entertain extended discussions with people holding absurd positions based on what they “heard somewhere “

Edit: you did vote for Culp, didn’t you?


TBizzle123 t1_j35fu6e wrote

You are literally the only person here who has assumed any information lolllll. You assumed I'm republican because of a couple of gun related posts and you assumed these guys were MAGA Trumpers because they were white. Bro, you have got to take a look in the mirror on this one. Go back and read the article haha.


Hecho_en_Shawano t1_j35harz wrote

Ummm…I didn’t even know they were white. MAGA is not a whites only thing. Maybe you haven’t noticed. I guessed they were MAGA based but n their actions…it’s pretty well known that they pulled this same shit in the Carolinas.

Did you vote Culp or not?? And the only reason I ask is that he was such an absurdly horrible candidate that only the most out of touch with reality constituents would vote for him


TBizzle123 t1_j35i91r wrote

You didn't know they were white even though their pictures are plastered all over the articles? Remember earlier when you said you didn't believe me? lollll, stop trying to change the subject. I voted for Homer Simpson, do you believe that?


akingjr5 t1_j35ijjo wrote

With the massive spike in organized retail theft operations, I can definitely believe that story. Mix in tweaker logic and there you go.

FBI staff from of all sorts of departments could be drawn to investigate something, these aren't special ops (or whatever they'd call it) staff. That never means inherently that much, especially given how quick they got caught.

Lastly, I've seen most political zealots get pretty righteous when they're caught.

Idk, not everything has a deep conspiracy behind it. Sure there's a possibility it was a front for a domestic terror op, but I think Occam's razor would likely agree with the official reports.


BourbonBurro t1_j35m9gz wrote

Yes. People have done more for dumber reasons.


WidePlenty4400 t1_j35sk7h wrote

I see a lot of comments about a watch list and I have to say it's pretty easy to get on! I was on one when I was fifteen and didn't do anything crazy.


Zarkxac t1_j37c353 wrote

For some reason people aren't willing to admit domestic terrorism is a real issue.


madbushido t1_j37na34 wrote

Any use of the word “horseshit“ gets an upvote from me yo


Venusian_Type t1_j38x3i9 wrote

No matter what you think about who/whom attacked the four power stations what point are you trying to make here?