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Business_Fly_5746 t1_jbeelcy wrote

Depending on the time of day. You definitely dont want to find yourself out there after dark. Theres still a lot of gang activity, and a lot of the Kelley Square drug use is being pushed back towards main south, especially after Polar Park and the lights going up in the green street tunnel. But on the flip side, its a beautiful neighborhood with amazing and kind people and delicious restaurants and great family-owned markets. Its also the best dunkins in worcester, imo.

eta- sorry about the walking at night comment. But it is true, as long as you stay smart and alert, which it sounds you like you are, you should be ok. I work at one of the neighborhood schools and i was really intimidated at first, but now i feel like im part of the community. I take the advice of my students and they all say the same thing- they leave the basketball court when it starts to get dark and go straight home.


Blotofink OP t1_jbehpck wrote

Yeah. Even in safe places I've lived, I don't go out unless I'm in a group in like a downtown area cause of some freaky occurrences. And I'm not known to stay out late anyways (unless like class? but they have a shuttle from what I hear past 4pm).


Wendon t1_jbfii6k wrote

I think you are probably likely to get many biased answers about this because many people who live in Worcester have not lived in a different city, or moved from a more rural locale to Worcester. There is probably more crime than average in the Main South neighborhood, but if you have been in a different city before I would not say it is uniquely worse than any other slightly downtrodden midtown in a different city. On the upside park ave is rapidly developing and you will basically be in restaurant central where you are. If you already have good instincts for city life you will probably be fine.


Sangy101 t1_jbfry0x wrote

You’ll be fine. I won’t lie and say NOTHING sketchy happened while I lived there — a few friends got mugged. On one notable occasion, a woman was abducted from the corner of Clifton/Oberlin as part of, IIRC, some gang initiation. A few friends got jumped, but it turned out they were all picking fights. Some friends had their house broken into not long after they moved in cos it used to be a dealers’ house.

That was, btw, ten years ago, and the area has only gotten safer since. I have a deep and abiding love for Main South and Worcester.

I’m telling you that in full the spirit of full transparency, and to say: just use basic precautions. The area is most “dangerous” in summer when there aren’t a lot of students and high school kids aren’t in classes — all the muggings I knew of took place over summer. The folks who got jumped were picking fights, so like, don’t yell shit at locals? The other two instances were scary, but I think, in context, two scary moments over 6+ years is pretty minimal/par for the course in a University area.

Clark is really involved in the local community, and that breeds a lot of good will. They run two of the local schools, and students from the area can qualify for a full ride to Clark.

One summer night I was being kinda stupid and walking home with one friend at 2:30 AM. A group of high school kids on bikes rolled up, started circling, and were generally causing mischief.Petty crime, tagging stuff, that sort of thing. I started to feel pretty nervous, especially when one kid rolled to a stop in front of me.

He pulled down his hoodie and asked how I was doing. I ran his after school program. We had a nice chat and I walked home safe. Great kid — I saw him at my five year reunion: he was a Junior at Clark.


FIFAFanboy2023 t1_jbflj9e wrote

That being the best Dunkin in Worcester is fake news. The Best Dunks in Worcester is in the Yatco (I think it is anyways) on West Boylston across from Bud's Dispensary.


Business_Fly_5746 t1_jbfm1lr wrote

Good to know. Like I said IN MY OPINION the one on the corner on main South is the best.

The one across the from Buds is great if you're the only one there but its way too congested.

Ive never heard the term 'fake news' used in response to someones personal opinion...


FIFAFanboy2023 t1_jbfnjl0 wrote

I was just being a derp for no reason at all. I like to throw random Trump-isms to get my inbox blowing up to harass people.


BigResponsibility878 t1_jbf02vk wrote

She has no reason to worry if she’s not actively in a gang. They tend to leave the civilians alone.


Business_Fly_5746 t1_jbf1t89 wrote

Yes, gangs are notorious for being non-violent and non-confrontational to unfamiliar people in their territory. /s

And even so, the chance of being a bystander or just having literally anything else happen to a young girl at night in the worst area of a big new city is enough to show concern.

Thats a very naive piece of advice to give...


BigResponsibility878 t1_jbf29ll wrote

so if it’s so dangerous, post the news articles of people being attacked in that area that’s not actively in a gang… Cuz y’all just feeding her bullshit and don’t even go near the area. I’m not telling her to not be smart. I’m telling her it’s not a warzone like some of you weirdos are telling her


Business_Fly_5746 t1_jbf2syc wrote

ok buddy. you sound very educated about this. again /s

not that it matters, but im literally typing this from the area right now. Did you read all the nice things I said about it?

So as long as its not a war zone then its safe? Go away.


BigResponsibility878 t1_jbf37rw wrote

Show me where someone has been attacked? Show her? We’ll wait


Business_Fly_5746 t1_jbf3nd7 wrote

are you... are you serious with this right now? im having a hard time articulating a response to this bc it is so off the wall i almost think you're trolling me.

I guess because i personally dont know anyone or because i cant link the "news story" then an area is totally safe? is this what you're implying? i meannnnn


BigResponsibility878 t1_jbf3tfr wrote

you’re telling her it’s not safe, if that’s true you can prove it right?


Business_Fly_5746 t1_jbf4abp wrote

tell me where i said its not safe. i told her not to go out after dark, as is the same exact advice all me and my neighbors follow. i also told her how nice it is. are you sure youre responding to the right person????


also- why do i have to "prove it". you're being insufferable. get off my comment im just trying to help he rout and youre being a dick.


BigResponsibility878 t1_jbf4j78 wrote

I dunno maybe it wasn’t you, maybe i browsed this thread and just chose yours to respond to because most of these comments are ill informed


BigResponsibility878 t1_jbf3dx1 wrote

and yea i’m pretty educated on this. I started one of the largest gangs in the city in my youth.. now i’m old and reformed. but i still keep my ear to the street.


BigResponsibility878 t1_jbf2pqt wrote

She can listen to y’all who don’t even go near the area and just go off rumor and innuendo, or she can take it from someone who actually goes to the area and knows the gangs in the area. Clark and it’s surrounding areas are safe for people not involved in street/gang activity, and that’s just the facts .


Business_Fly_5746 t1_jbf33dc wrote

nothing is 100% safe and shes asking for tips on how to keep safe in the area. You arent the only person who lives/works there.

Why are you so triggered?


BigResponsibility878 t1_jbf3k1g wrote

when did anyone say anywhere was 100% safe? she should be smart enough to know that. Just play it smart and she’ll be ok. I’m not triggered, y’all just trying to scare this girl with false information.


Business_Fly_5746 t1_jbf4133 wrote

Clark and it’s surrounding areas are safe for people not involved in
street/gang activity, and that’s just the facts .

by your argument the area os completely safe from gang activity if you arent in a gang. so she must be all set then.

you are literally arguing against me, and then using my exact argument to try to prove your self right? this is bizarre.


BigResponsibility878 t1_jbf4biy wrote

no i’m saying are there gangs? yes. should she be afraid of gangs messing with her? no. should she still be smart and aware like one should in any city? yes