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FyeNite t1_jcaor1n wrote

Hey Ry!

Lol, I thought Will would get vaporised. Though not so soon, admittedly. Considering recent events, I really liked how Morris acted here. Pretty much just fed up and unwilling to help anymore. Humanity's dug their grave, and that was that.

And of course, the comedy. I especially liked the shooting down the spaceships bit, haha. But also, hit way too close to home. So a groan may have been mixed into that laugh.

I do have a few bits and bobs for you,

> Well, smaller attacks already have wiped out 20% Earth’s population,

A small thing here. But I think you're missing an "of" after "20%".

> Morris stared ahead blankly.

And this bit snagged me a bit. I think without the added context that there have been previous debates, I assumed that he was under some sort of mind control and that would be the twist. Maybe having him roll his eyes or something could work better?

One final thing: So is Will pro-invasive aliens or against them? Because at first, he seems to be all for them. Calling them "chill" and such. But later on, he says that they had full right to shoot at their ship. So just a bit confused is all. Though, now that I think bout it, that might be the intention, lol. Pro freedom, everything's a hoax, lol.

I hope this helps.

Good Words!