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photoshopper42 t1_iwy9jlr wrote

"Me? A God?" I laugh as he stares at me with that blank expression.

"I know you are. I can see it. I have seen your strength in gym class."

"I just like to work out."

"And how you know all the answers in classes"

"And I'm smart. Listen, I'm sorry I'm talented but that doesn't make me a god. And I doubt that you are a god either."

He grabs me and then goes off running. It happens so fast that I can barely register, but a few seconds later I am in the middle of a desert. I guess he is a god after all.

He tells me I have this power too, that I just have to unlock it. I am still not buying it. I'm just a regular Joe. If I was a god, I would certainly know it. If I was a God, I certainly wouldn't have pissed the bed until I was 13. But he is convinced, so I start training. I start running as fast as I can, but I never get anything near super human speeds. I mean, I'm still pretty fast, but nothing that anybody on the track team can't beat.

He tries making me throw around giant rocks. He demonstrates by lifting one and then throwing it across the desert. I try to copy him but I cannot lift it at all. I can feel my veins jumping out of my neck. My fingertips are so strained as I try to lift it, but nothing. I can see his disappointment. He looked at me so unexpectedly. He tells me he knows that I am capable of so much. That I could be a powerful god with amazing powers. We just need to figure out how to unlock my powers. He has an idea.

We go to the top of a skyscraper. I look over the edge. Yup. Definitely high up. He tells me to fly. Great. A real do or die scenario, just great. I look over the edge again. I can't do it. There's no way. It is way too far down and I am not even convinced that-

I can't even finish my thoughts because he just pushed me off the edge of the building. Now I am just shocked by the feeling of falling. And then by the feeling of splatting. He looks down at the red mess that used to be my body. I guess he was wrong. I wasn't a god after all. Just a regular ol bedwetter.


Careless_Anywhere_23 OP t1_iwyasdo wrote

Great twist that I didn’t expect


Lolurisk t1_ix0rm65 wrote

Is it a twist though? He is still narrating after his own death


Looxond t1_ix1m0sk wrote

this implies he somehow survived the fall for a bit before dying


Looxond t1_iwzvdr5 wrote

I think of a part 2 where the boy instead of an instant death, his soul refuses to die, anger fulling his existance to get revenge against that so called god


SubaruSufferu t1_ix08g61 wrote

I mean, it's not exactly like he stopped thinking - maybe his physical body was holding him back, and by getting rid of it, he can ascend to a higher plane spiritually


GayWritingAlt t1_ix0jrub wrote

I’d like to think that that boy god killed like three-four other supposed gods


Careless_Anywhere_23 OP t1_iwyr56m wrote

Pt 1.

I looked at him, confused. “Gods aren’t real. They’re something of myths.” I thought to myself. This guy seemed crazy. He could see the confusion painted across my face.

“Wait, you seriously don’t know?” He asked, sounding almost as surprised as I were. “You’ve never experienced anything abnormal? Super human strength? Speed? Agility? Intelligence?”

While he was correct about my athleticism, that could be chalked up to good genetics. As far as intelligence, there are many people who are far smarter than others. Though I had never met my parents, I’m sure they weren’t much different from myself. I always pictured my dad as tall and burly, with a thick beard and large hands. But my mother, I imagined her on the smaller side, with brains larger than my father’s arms.

“I know I must sound crazy. Hell, it’s even crazier that your parents haven’t—“

“They’re dead.” I interrupted, shrugging his hand from my shoulder. My parents were always a sore subject. I didn’t like to talk to anyone about them. “They died shortly after I was born.”

“Oh. I’m sorry.” He said with sincerity. “Don’t you get an off feeling when you look at me? Like we’ve met before, though never having seen each other?”

He was right. I hadn’t noticed it before, but now that he had mentioned it, I did feel a pressure in my chest.

He took a small step forward and raised his hand, palm facing upward, looking around to ensure nobody was watching. A flame appeared in his hand. Just as fast as it had ignited, it disappeared. My jaw dropped in disbelief.

“But gods are myths. Stories told to help pass the time.” I said, barely able to get the words out of my mouth.

“That’s where you’re wrong. Gods are real, and you’re one of us. I know this is a lot, but meet me at the fork in the river after school and we’ll talk some more.”


Careless_Anywhere_23 OP t1_iwyu84u wrote

Pt 2.

After school, I rushed to the river. Though I was still skeptical of this new kid, I couldn’t deny what I had seen. He created fire from what seemed like nothing. If it were true and I was a god, I needed to know more.

As I approached the fork, I seen the new kid standing to the right of a large rock, skipping smaller ones across the river’s surface. Just then had I realized that I didn’t even ask his name earlier

“What’s your name.” I asked quietly, not wanting to startle him.

“Adam is my mortal name. But I’m known as Ethdos among the gods. What about you?”

“Ezekiel. But my friends call me Zeke. How do I know you’re telling the truth, you know, about the god stuff?” I asked. Without saying a word, he turned towards the large rock, bent down, and lifted it as if it were a pebble. Once again my jaw dropped. I had never seen anything like this

“You believe me now?” He asked, almost sounding snarky. “Here, you try.” He tossed the rock at me. Instinctively, I jumped back in fear of being crushed. It landed with a loud bang, shaking the earth under my feet. This guy had lost his mind. No way could I ever lift something so big. “Give it a try.” He said, gesturing toward the rock.

I bent down and tried to find a good grip, though it wasn’t easy given it’s size. Once I felt as if I had a good hold with both hands, I tried lifting it. To my surprise, the rock actually rose off of the ground. It was much harder than Adam had made it look.

“See, you’re a god, just like myself. But don’t worry, you’ll get stronger with time. Now we just have to find out what you’re the god of. I’m the god of beauty, which unfortunately means I don’t have any special attributes other than being able to bed with any man or woman I desire. And all the basics like strength and whatnot.” He explained. He began walking towards me.

“How are we supposed to do that? It’s not like I can ask anyone. And I sure as hell don’t know. I only just now found out that I actually am a—“ he placed his hand on my chest, then everything went black

Let me know if you guys want a part 3. I don’t want to type out another part and nobody care to read it 😅


Entity_of_the_Void t1_iwz4amn wrote

I want a part 3


Careless_Anywhere_23 OP t1_iwz5psi wrote

Pt 3.

Images began flooding my mind. At first, I couldn’t make sense of them. Just blurry masses of color. But quickly, they began to take shape. I began to see what looked like stars. Not how they look from earth. No, how they actually look. Giant balls of chaotic gas burning at thousands of degrees. Then, it was as if time sped up. The stars began aging and growing until they exploded, leaving only nebulae behind.

The nebulae began taking a different shape. Earth. I watched it go from molten rock to an endless ocean. Green lands began sprouting, separating the single sea into many. I watched as the earth was born and died, it’s people along with it. I seen the entire universe play out, start to finish, in a matter of seconds. Suddenly, I was back at the river with Adam, tears streaming down my face.

“Well, what did you see?” He asked curiously. He seemed anxious to know, maybe even excited.

“Stars. I watched them live and die. As well as the earth. It was as if the universe was a movie being fast forwarded.” I said, my voice shaky. All it did was leave me with more questions than answers. Am I the god of stars? Of earth? The universe maybe?

Adam’s face turned a sickly pale, as if he might vomit. “Are you sure that’s what you seen?” He asked, almost sounding demanding. I grew nervous.

“Yes. I’m positive. What does it mean?”

“Bad things. Very bad things.” He proclaimed. He began shaking as if he were scared. “I have to let father know immediately.” Just then, he grabbed my wrist with a grip like I’ve never felt before.

“Bad things? What kind of bad things? What does it mean!? Who is your father and what must you tell him!?” I screamed. I was becoming scared. Why would he grab me all of a sudden? What bad things was he talking about? I just wanted answers. A few hours ago I didn’t even know I was a god. And now I’m being held in place by one.

“It means you’re the god of space and time. My father is Zeus. You’re supposed to be dead. He killed you!” He screamed angrily. Killed me? What is he talking about? “I’m taking you to the high council. You’re far too dangerous to be left to roam as you please.”

“The high council? What are you talking about?! Let me go!” I screamed as I thrashed about in his grip. I could feel a great anger brewing inside me. I didn’t want to go anywhere. I WOULDN’T be going anywhere.

“Let. Me. Go!” I yelled, furious. I lifted my arms. They moved faster than I ever thought possible, lifting Adam, or should I say Ethdos, into the air. I brought by hands down with more force than I had used to snatch them up. I broke free of his grip, slamming him into the ground in the process. He let out a guttural scream that made me wince. I didn’t want this. I didn’t mean to hurt him, I just wanted to be left alone. Without wasting another second I turned and ran as fast as my legs could carry me. Whoever he was gonna take me to wouldn’t be very happy about the events that had just taken place. And I didn’t want to stick around for their reaction.

Let me know if y’all want a part 4!


McModknower t1_ix0holl wrote

Please make more.

Also please ping everyone who replied here.


therealrubberduckie t1_ix0wwap wrote

Finish the damn story!!! Can't leave us hanging


Careless_Anywhere_23 OP t1_ix1dpce wrote

Pt 4.

As I ran, a storm had began forming above. Could it be Zeus’ doing? After all, I did just leave his son for dead. But if mythology, no, if HISTORY serves correctly, he didn’t care much for his children. But could I even call it history? I ran even harder. Faster than I ever have. I may have been able to free myself from Ethdos, but Zeus would be an entirely different story. I could never face off with the king of the gods. He would rip me in half, never having thought twice about it.

After running for what felt like hours, I finally decided to stop and find shelter. The storm had me paranoid, but it appeared to be just like any other. I found a small overhang protruding from a hill side and decided I could camp there.

As I made my way over, I gave a few looks around, listening, making sure nothing seemed out of the ordinary. Everything appeared normal enough. I sat down and let out a loud sigh. This would be my life now. Running from the gods.

“Damn it! I didn’t ask to be a god!” I yelled towards the heavens, as if Zeus would hear it and forgive me.

I closed my eyes, hoping to get some sleep. As I began to relax and drift off into the realm of dreams, I was pulled back to reality by a bone rattling thud. My eyes flew open just in time to see a fist hurdling towards my face. It was Ethdos.

I quickly ducked off to the left, his fist grazing my face and planting itself in the rock behind me. That punch would’ve surely killed me.

“Please just leave me alone!” I yelled at Ethdos. My pleas fell on deaf ears. He pulled his hand from the rock, turning towards me. He threw a right kick. It was too fast to duck this time. I threw my hands up to try and block it, but it was little help. His kick connected with my arm, slamming it into my head and sending me hurdling into a nearby tree. To my surprise, it didn’t hurt nearly as much as I had imagined. This gave me a boost in my confidence. I couldn’t run. It was clear he could just follow me. I would have to fight.

“I don’t want to fight you Ethdos. We’ve only known each other for a few hours! I’m not the dangerous person you say I am! I just want to be left alone!” I yelled, hoping he would just forget about me and go on with his life.

“I can’t do that Zeke. My father killed you for a reason. You shouldn’t even be here.” He explained.

He threw himself at me, fist drawn back. I stepped to the right. He was moving slower now. Or was it that I was moving faster? As he made contact with the tree, I threw a punch into the left side of his rib cage. I heard a loud crack, and watched as Ethdos was catapulted towards the river.

I was smiling. Why was I smiling? Was it that my newfound strength brought me joy? My lower arms and hands were going numb, ready for the fight.

Ethdos rose from the river, hovering just above its surface. In a split second, he soared towards me, moving even slower this time. As he neared, I jumped forward, grabbing him by his face. I felt a strange pressure build up in the base of my forearm, and then my hand. I relaxed my wrist, causing an explosion to erupt from my palm, which sent Ethdos hurdling back into the river.

“Is he dead?” I thought to myself. How did I know to do that? It was as if my body had years of experience that my mind lacked, instinctively taking over to ensure my protection. For some odd reason, I didn’t care whether or not Ethdos was dead. It almost felt good. Like I wanted to kill him.

I stood there, waiting to see if he would rise from the water a second time. He didn’t. I turned and started towards the north once again. I had made it only three steps before I felt another tremor beneath my feet, followed by a loud crack. As I turned around, I seen a tall man, who was missing an arm, standing before me.

Let me know if y’all want part 5!


juicy_jojo_reference t1_ix2c3de wrote

Part 5 let's go


Careless_Anywhere_23 OP t1_ix2oviu wrote

Pt 5.

“Who are you?” I asked shakily. This man was much taller than any I had seen before. He had a long beard and golden, glowing eyes. His demeanor portrayed his seriousness.

“My name is Tyr, the god of war. Zeus sent me to apprehend you, given that his worthless son could not.” In an instant he was standing directly in front of me. His hand snapped around my throat, lifting me from the ground. “We’re going to the high council.” He snarled, bringing me closer to his face.

I fought to break free, but his grip did not waver. He was much stronger than Ethdos. No matter how hard I kicked about, his arm didn’t so much as budge.

I wrapped my hands around his forearm, attempting to replicate the same explosion I used to end Ethdos. This time, I let the pressure increase far more than previously. Then, with the relaxation of my wrist, my palms detonated like bombs. Though his face was blocked by smoke, I could tell not even his expression had changed. Nor did his grip loosen.

“Fight as much as you’d like, but you’re nothing compared to your former self.” He said, leaving me confused. Former self? What was he talking about?

Suddenly, we were enveloped by a blue smoke. It swirled around us, making me nauseous. As the smoke cleared, I could see what looked like a city. We were standing on a platform suspended in the air, far above the city’s surface. As Tyr turned around, I realized what they meant by “high council”. 8 gods, all seated side by side, with an empty seat on the far right side. The person sitting in the center couldn’t be mistaken. It was Zeus.

Tyr threw me to the ground. As I tried to stand, chains rose from the ground below, wrapping themselves around my feet and arms. I attempted to move, but it was futile. I wanted to run. To get away from this place. I was scared. I didn’t want to find out what they would do to me.

I began to tremble out of fear. I can’t remember a time that I felt this way. I had always been far stronger and faster than anyone else. I had never lost a fight. And here I stood, shaking like a coward.

I could feel the color drain from my face as Zeus’ eyes met my own. The look plastered across his face was one of pure hatred, maybe disgust even. He stood from his chair, towering over the other 7. I thought Tyr was tall, but even he was short compared to the tree of a man… no… god, standing before me.

“Ezekiel.” His voice boomed. “You have been brought here to face your crimes committed against Olympus. Though we held this trail once before, it seems as if your death was not permanent. Reborn in this pitiful form. Though with this rebirth, it seems you have forgotten your past life, father.”

Let know if y’all want part 6! And I’m open to any and all criticism!


HufflepuffGirl95 t1_ix0h088 wrote

Dude, stop writing parts. And white this as a book!!!!! This is amazing!!!


Careless_Anywhere_23 OP t1_ix1jjto wrote

Idk about that. I may be able to write short stories, but I don’t think I could write a book that would sell 😅


Old-Ad-9246 t1_ix22jec wrote

Write on Royal road you can write by chapters and other people can give you advice before you publish it into a book


HufflepuffGirl95 t1_ix1mw6a wrote

It doesn't have to be a War and Peace size novel. I've read full books that weren't very long. All you need to do is add a bit of details. What do the characters look like? What do the surroundings look like? Little things like that. When you were writing it, you pictured it in your head right? Just add those details.

I fully believe you could do it!


Dismal_Tiger_8409 t1_iwy70hp wrote

I examined the boy in front of me. We were inside a classroom. It was recess and kids were running around everywhere.

It had been a week since he had asked me that question: “Are you a god as well?”

I went home confused as hell. That night I had dreams. Dreams of war. Dreams of blood staining a battlefield. Dreams of Heaven being torn apart.

The next morning I had gone to school. And then that night I had more dreams. This time it was about my previous life. My marriage. My children. My wife.

I went to school for the rest of the week, confused and doing my best to avoid the new kid who’s name I learned to be Gage.

On the Monday of next week I had full knowledge of my previous life. I had grabbed Gage and dragged him to this room.

He then proceeded to say that he was a god. He too had fled the destruction of Heaven.

However, I hadn’t fled the ravage of Heaven. I had stayed there and died there. So that begged the question of how I was here now.

Right then a teacher strolled into the room. Dark energy surrounded him.

“Raleigh!” Gage snarled. And the fight started.


ToxianLeader t1_ix03p91 wrote

I stare at him. "What?" I can't believe my ears. The kid repeats his message exactly, word-for-word. I take a second to register that in my head. "No...?" I respond awkwardly. "Then what's that?" He points to my birthmark.

It's in a perfect spiral. Sure I found it weird at times, but I've heard of weirder birthmarks. What I see next, is that the kid shows an identical birthmark. It's in the right upper arm, just like mine. He holds his next to mine, and both of them start spiraling and moving.

I can only stare as the kid's overall build gets bigger, and his skin gets a soft glow to him. I'm only weirded out even more as I'm experiencing the same change. "What is happening?" I ask him. "You seem to have forgotten who you really are." The other guy explains, "I transformed you this time to help jog your memory."

I'm suddenly sent to a bright place, full of strong-looking men and beautiful women. As I look around my brain gets flooded with new information, and I start to smile a mischievous smile...

"Dion!" a voice bellows to the kid that brought me here, "You should never have returned Shrinal to the land of the gods! He was sent to Earth and stripped of his memories because of all the chaos he has caused!"


AutoModerator t1_iwxyodb wrote

Welcome to the Prompt! All top-level comments must be a story or poem. Reply here for other comments.


>* Stories at least 100 words. Poems, 30 but include "[Poem]" >* Responses don't have to fulfill every detail >* See Reality Fiction and Simple Prompts for stricter titles >* Be civil in any feedback and follow the rules

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