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PuebloEsNoBueno t1_j781pd0 wrote

Are you one of those Monster energy chugging cotton candy flavored vape cloud Limp Bizkit bumping Subaru Motorsports-type Subaru drivers?

Or are you one of those Vermont craft IPA Patagonia flannel wearing Fleet Foxes national park sticker Yeti in the back-type Subaru drivers?

I jest :)


Redbeard_BJJ t1_j78natd wrote

Lol! Funny enough if this was in Butcher's Hill I did see this. I was slightly concerned someone was going around breaking into cars on my street at like 7am


NFS_Jacob t1_j78px6b wrote

Once did this when I rented a red Hyundai accent. Completely forgot my neighbor had the same car in literally the exact same spec, and generation. (stick shift, interior and exterior colors, everything). Looked identical enough, I tried to open it multiple times because I was convinced.


Felt very dumb for the rest of the day, Very glad no alarm went off and hopefully no one saw lol


BlarghMachine t1_j78ze6k wrote

That’s why u put stickers on it... but not too many, bc then you’ll look like the one w all the stickers on it


Dylan552 t1_j7904s7 wrote

My fiancé did the same thing with her Subaru, I did the same thing with my car in the grocery store parking lot opened the trunk and thought my stuff was stolen until I realized it wasn’t my car


PokiP t1_j7922zu wrote

Aw damn... I just purchased a silver forester a week ago! 😂


goetzecc t1_j7944wb wrote

Silver Crosstrek here. They are everywhere


addctd2badideas t1_j79czoi wrote

Too many Subarus across the board. I already have the exact same red Forester as one of the other parents at my kid's daycare. Our kids have both confused our cars.


tappedoutalottoday t1_j79e3vq wrote

I jumped into the passenger seat of someone’s red grand am when my sister was supposed to be picking me up in hers. I sat down and looked over before very quickly apologizing and running off


Failure-NotAnOption1 t1_j79p5tq wrote

Haha! Wife did the same many years ago as we were leaving the mall- except it was an Accord and the cars were parked side-by-side. She walks up and gets in while I’m fiddling with the keys. I unlock my car, get in and go to start. I look over to my right and there she is sitting in the car next to me. I almost panicked until the car started. Then I honk the horn and she looks over. The look on her face! Priceless!! gif


HenriettaHiggins t1_j79rz7o wrote

Lol there are multiple black Subarus on my street with the same model. One is mine. One doesn’t lock its doors. I found that out the hard way with a hand full of bags!


oneweirdbear t1_j79sec0 wrote

One night, I went out to my car to grab something and found it unlocked. "Stupid me," I thought as I went into the back seat.

Then I realized that several things were missing--among them being a bag of empty food wrappers and other trash. "Who steals a bag of trash??" I thought.

But it wasn't just that things were missing. No, random stuff has been put there instead. A shoebox with a pair of old Nikes. A packages set of bedsheets. "Who the hell goes into a car, steals garbage, and leaves behind their own stuff????"

And then the penny dropped and I realized I had been rooting around in someone else's black Nissan Versa.

I backed away with my hands up, loudly declaring to the empty alley that "this is not my car, holy shit this is not my car, oh my god I'm an idiot".


Kraqrjack t1_j79x10o wrote

I have been delivering pizzas at night out in Harford County. We're hustling to and from the car, no time to waste, chasing tips. Many car doors are unlocked out here. My previous vehicle was a black SUV and several times I delivered the pizza, bolted off the porch, and straight into the customer's black SUV in the driveway. Always got a laugh instead of buckshot in the ass thankfully.


judeiscariot t1_j7a77fv wrote

Don't worry. It's Baltimore. Nobody likely noticed or cared.


eyesabovewater t1_j7aumqf wrote

Lol..same. granted, i was on a farm, in almost complete darkness. I jumped in, thought...where is my trash?? Lol..then looked around. I was in a very sweet mercedes. You think i'd noticed that one!


MereyB t1_j7be2td wrote

I have done this with my Subaru a couple of times. My husband has done it with a rental car. This is very relatable


addctd2badideas t1_j7bj0a9 wrote

Nah. I was 19 by the time they came onto the scene and thought they were trash, both musically and personally.

The footage I saw from Woodstock '99 pretty much cinched that.

Now if you play Alice in Chains or White Zombie, I'll headbang like mad. Because it's... what's the word... good.


RevRagnarok t1_j7blo74 wrote

Did that at a state park once but it was a Blue Sienna (they're everywhere!) and it was unlocked. So the family is half in the van when all our brains finally clicked with things like "I don't recognize that jacket...?"


anne_hollydaye t1_j7br8b0 wrote

A tip.

Get some Badges Of Ownership. They're free for Subaru owners - the go by your VIN. This'll help you identify yours without wallpapering it with stickers.


RealTimeCock t1_j7c0k4z wrote

this whole problem could have been avoided with a $2 sticker