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JustACharacterr t1_ja27je7 wrote

It sounds stupid but last year when Comcast cut off my roommates and I’s internet three days before they were supposed to at the end of the lease because the new renters had somehow activated their account already, I had the same situation you did: suffering through 30-45 minutes of absolutely useless AI chat and robo-voice menus, losing my temper and repeating to the robot “I want to speak with a fucking human being” a couple of times, and suddenly boom 30 seconds later there’s a person on the other end.

Absolutely mental that this is an acceptable model of customer service honestly


EfficiencySuch6361 t1_ja2pk8b wrote

Pretty much every company ever just makes u provide the same info verbally whenever a live rep connects - stop choosing to waste ur time on the pointless robot part


munchnerk t1_ja2wb3r wrote

Oh boy am I glad to not be a comcast customer anymore. If you call in and say “cancel services” you’ll be put on with someone immediately. Just say “I want to cancel because of connectivity issues” or whatever you actually want help with, and that person’s job is to resolve your issue and retain you as a customer. They’ll schedule a technician, give you the current promo price, whatever. I used to do this and play “cancel chicken” every year to keep my rate from doubling.

For what it’s worth we switched to tmobile home internet in 2021 and haven’t looked back. No more cancel chicken. No more connectivity issues. No more rate hikes. We can stream in peace. Godspeed.


Mnopas OP t1_ja2ykur wrote

I stream but I use their internet which went from 39 to 70 faster then I’ve ever reached customer service.


TheSchneid t1_ja30usz wrote

What are your upload speeds like?

I paid Comcast for 800 down but only because that comes with a boost in upload speeds too which I actually need. I've heard some bad stories about 5G internet having really slow uploads and being pretty inconsistent. I host a server our of my house so upload speeds are pretty important to me.

As much as I hate the Comcast Monopoly I actually don't have much of an issue with their service itself at my place (I have some friends that do not feel the same though).


munchnerk t1_ja31z7j wrote

That might be the big difference - comcast in 21211 is an abomination. We would literally get less than 30mbps down and 3-5mbps up (!) on average. We were "paying for" 200mbps and I don't think I ever clocked it over about 70. It was heinous.

I just checked my speed and I'm getting 200 down/40 up, which is a surprise - usually it's ~350down and I think I usually see about 80 up? We're not hosting servers or anything so to me, compared to 30/5, it's all just "holy shit fast". I do understand the quality differs based on how far you are from a 5g transmitter, and we have one at the bottom of our block. Obviously we were dealing with borderline-unusable connectivity so our bar is lower, but the big seller for us has been no outages - our old 30down/5up speeds also came with frequent outages. Not a single one so far with the new service. If 200/40 won't do it for you, cancel chicken is your friend!


JustACharacterr t1_ja34ii4 wrote

Idk if you’ve tried reaching Comcast support recently but they actively try to not have you speak to a human. I think I had to look up their support phone number when I needed it last year because it’s not listed anywhere in the apps or on the help page, and that still tried to trap me in robo-menus. It’s less that OP chose to waste his time and more Comcast made him.


HarmlessHeffalump t1_ja37xsg wrote

This was my experience last month trying to cancel my service. It was absolutely horrible. Even when you call them, they try and push you back to the chatbot. I’m a pretty patient person, but I went the route of yelling at the phone tree for a person after a while.


HarmlessHeffalump t1_ja3895u wrote

I used to do this too, but their phone tree now aggressively pushes you back to the AI chat even if you try all the cancelling tactics. Once you get routed to a person, it’s likely not the right one, at which point the aggressive push toward the chatbot comes back.

It’s awful.


MuffinRat84 t1_ja3iiap wrote

It took about 30 min of not backing down and not accepting any of their explanations for a massive rate increase when my contract ran out....after I went with " Just because you are also ripping off my neighbors doesn't make me feel any better about this" they magically found the package that only raised my rate by $7 a month instead of their proposed $40 hike. Fuck Comcast


FirstTimeWang t1_ja3s10j wrote

Pro tip: if you ever have any issues with Comcast or similar companies, call and tell them you want to cancel your service.

They will most likely forward you to Customer Retention who are the service reps that are allowed to be nice.


imbolcnight t1_ja3tzmv wrote

One thing that drives me wild is how they make you restart the modem eight times before they consider you might not be an idiot who doesn't do that first and they the problem might actually be on their end.


Dylan552 t1_ja49zno wrote

I never have issue getting it touch to an agent by saying something like “connect with agent”


colubridude t1_ja4cqs5 wrote

Guess I'm the only one who pictured OP in a gang bang with the entire corporate office of Comcast... and hating it


Roasted_Butt t1_ja5cd09 wrote

21202 here. On Comcast. Wish I could switch to Verizon FIOS, but they won’t expand here. Tried T-mobile home 5G, but can’t get a strong signal in our rowhome. Stuck with Comcast’s crappy 40mbps down (on average).


Mnopas OP t1_ja5x027 wrote

Me either, however you can say it until you turn blue and will not get anywhere. Don’t you think I tried that?
When I did get an agent he gave me the same exact information I’d been getting from the prompts. Specials this and that and then he answered my question.
It’s not the customer service people I have an issue with, it’s talking to machine who then directs you to type your issue to another. I guess the algorithm says take them to a person if you fuck is I typed in.


dizzy_centrifuge t1_ja68zha wrote

Just call the number and say representative at every prompt and it will after a few tries


Ayla_Leren t1_ja6g0kw wrote

Monopolies really suck. No one will ever convince me that they honestly have satisfaction from the relationship they have with Comcast. It is something they tolerate because their one contending option is more or less the same BS, or nonexistent all together. Us tax payers are the reason they are even capable squeezing us all to death like they are so find of, so screw their profit margins. ISP should be public utility.

Really doesn't help their case that their website and customer service is carefully designed fifth dimensional chess they expect customers be cool with being spoon-fed will being fucked upside down.


shrugsnotdrugs t1_ja7fyyj wrote

It’s so funny that I’ve read advice like this a million times and we recently called aggressively (but politely) threatening to cancel because of price hikes and they just straight up let us cancel rather than offering us a better deal lmao (customer for ~5 years)


old_at_heart t1_jaagz0d wrote

Open the pod bay door, HAL! And by the way, fuck you.