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Mxuw OP t1_iz6mf1w wrote

Oh shit that was there? I could have sworn they’ve been on that intersection before July


PotentialScallion7 t1_iz6sp1o wrote

I drive by there frequently and there hasn’t always been a cop there like there is now. Was a cop frequently there-yes. But not like there is now which is basically all times. The day of that shooting before it happened a police officer made an arrest on that street.


greggsbenton t1_iz6n2ya wrote

I’ve seen a cop sitting there for the past year, I don’t think it’s because of the shooting that happened in July. It was probably because ppl tend to run through the lights there


maiios t1_iz6nvf8 wrote

You think cops do traffic enforcement?


greggsbenton t1_iz7e02h wrote

Lmaoooo it’s to help the person who gets hit after💀


billydrivesavic t1_iz96t7k wrote

lol right whenever I see someone pulled over in the city I’m like “what the fuck could that person have done to get pulled over” I see cops treat red lights like stop signs all the time


stephiereffie t1_iz9b76j wrote

>“what the fuck could that person have done to get pulled over”

BPD still does traffic enforcement,but probably not for your race / socio economic status.

Poor black folks in Baltimore get pulled over all the time


jupitaur9 t1_iz710ql wrote

There were squeegees there before the shooting, and there were concerns about squeegee violence and theft before then.

It’s a chokepoint for a large percentage of the traffic coming into the city. Visitors come through there. So it is a good place for police to make themselves known.


archenemy_43 t1_iz7uqkt wrote

I have a friend that’s BCPD; cops in the city are given orders to post up at specific intersections during specific hours for the sole reason to create a presence.

It doesn’t matter if a car flies through that intersection at 130 mph, they’re instructed to stay put.


drimgere t1_iz7tskc wrote

Cops don't ticket people for running reds here.


f11tn88ss t1_izamc3c wrote

uh yeah they do. I got a ticket for turning right on a red with a no turn on red sign. cop made a uturn, hit his lights and sped down on me. he was like wow, right in front of me, you do that. was i wrong? yes. do i see more flagrant traffic violations every day in front of cops in which motorist don't get pulled over? yes. is the cop that pulled me over the same one that lets other motorist do whatever? unknown lol. but yeah it does still happen. this was on the alameda, making a turn right turn onto 33rd.


CaptainObvious110 t1_iz6s8zi wrote

I see the cop car or truck there every single day. It kills me that they are being used to babysit the people who do the squeegees instead of banning the practice and giving those guys jobs with the city.

Those folks get more protection than people who go out here and work honest jobs where they don't have to annoy others to make a living.

It's ridiculous!


Mildred_RatchedRN t1_iz8468y wrote

Those people have zero interest in doing the things that are required by legitimate employers.


Velghast t1_iz99h9h wrote

There's a lot of jobs available by legit employers in Baltimore but honestly after talking with one of the squeegee kids it sounds like they make a lot more money than possible at a 9:00 to 5:00 and with very flexible hours and they can just quit whenever they want to and come back whenever they want.

I was talking to one kid and he said he was pulling at least 150 bucks a day.


snaxfordinner t1_izahtro wrote

Good retirement and pension plan also


Velghast t1_izbkp3j wrote

My company like many cut pensions about 5 years back. Honestly if I could find a decent company to work for that offered a generous retirement package I would take it


CaptainObvious110 t1_izbuj2z wrote

You also have to factor in that they aren't paying any taxes either. Imagine how much more you would be bringing home if you didn't have taxes taken out of your check each pay period.

Then imagine having that money and not having to pay rent, not having to pay for food and not having to pay for medical care either or and no car insurance.

So it doesn't take a rocket scientist to understand WHY they do it.

The problem is that the fact that it's ALLOWED in the first place.

Someone has to be benefiting by pandering to these folks and until that person is properly addressed the status quo will absolutely continue.


CaptainObvious110 t1_iz85yi2 wrote

Oh I agree with you completely but at the very least it couldn't be said that there are no jobs for them available.

Now to be more positive, let's say there are some young men that legitimately want to work to provide for their families? Then, at the very least they would be given the opportunity to do so which I am all for.


RevRagnarok t1_izbeemc wrote

> I see the cop car or truck there every single day. It kills me that they are being used to babysit the people who do the squeegees instead of banning the practice and giving those guys jobs with the city.

"Had us in the first half; not gonna lie."


CaptainObvious110 t1_izc8yif wrote

Yeah it's a real shame. It kind of reminds me of when there would be crime mob that would go to a restaurant or other place of business and extort them for "protection fees".

In this case it's the ENTIRE city. A group of teenagers are able to dictate the policy of an entire city.

Let that sink in for a moment.

Add to that people in this very subreddit who's needle is stuck on them being folks whose brains aren't fully developed so ”they can't really help being armed and dangerous. After all, they are the product of their environment."

Are you serious?

Even the Bible says that "foolishness is bound up in the heart of a child". But it doesn't stop there with that TRUE statement.... It goes on to say....

"But the rod of DISCIPLINE shall drive it far away from him". Proverbs 22:15.

Well what does the word "discipline" mean?

  1. Training expected to produce a specific character or pattern of behavior, especially training that produces moral or mental improvement.

  2. Control obtained by enforcing compliance or order.

Please tell me which one of these is being done both to deal with this current issue and or to solve various problems we have in this city?

No discipline at home, the school system fails them, the politicians fail them, virtually everyone fails them that are in fact ADULTS and whose brains are fully developed. So what's their excuse?

Let's go back to that first definition of discipline. Wouldn't that include holding people accountable for their own actions? Why is it that these kids have such a low set of expectations put upon them?

Tell me that's not messed up!


Mildred_RatchedRN t1_izhw39t wrote

It's been decided by a large segment of the community and political class that criminal enforcement against these people constitutes racism (with the political consequences that follow from that).


CaptainObvious110 t1_izhx9e7 wrote

Yeah, I'm aware of that and it's a real shame that there is such a lack of accountability actively being enabled from within.