Submitted by t3_11bnbdu in books

I love to read novels. However, I am not able to read many pages of the novel in one day.

One reason is that I don't have time. Also, I tend to lose focus and not concentrate on what I am reading if I read many pages in a day.

So, I set a target of reading 2 pages of a novel each day. I am able to concentrate on what I am reading and I feel satisfied with achieving an accomplishment every time I complete the 2 pages each day.

Is it a bad habit to read only a few pages of a novel daily?

Because most people tend to read many pages each day and try to complete the novel within a few days.

And it makes me feel if my habit is a bad one.

What are your views about this?



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t1_j9yo7er wrote

It’s not a homework assignment. Do whatever you like and don’t let anyone shame you for it.


t1_j9yx31s wrote

Yeah, I don’t really understand why some treat reading like a homework assignment.


t1_j9zt6tq wrote

Probably because for most peoples early life that's literally all reading is. Homework.


t1_j9zjosf wrote

It’s ridiculous.


t1_j9zk9l5 wrote

Seriously though. I work late a lot so there are days where I only read two pages a day, It also doesn’t help that I’m such a mood reader.

Plus due to school, there were times where I was only able to read at lunch and on the bus for 20 minutes.

It’s fine. No one is gonna throw you in jail for reading at your own pace.


t1_j9yofsb wrote

Read however you want. I'm the opposite and tend to forget what has happened if I read that slowly. Also I risk losing interest and not finishing it at all. So I speed read and listen to audiobooks at double speed. Is that a bad habit? Don't know, don't care.


t1_j9yq7kt wrote

It’s your book. It’s your time. Do whatever the fuck pleases you.

As long as you enjoy it, it’s the right way.


t1_j9yogv8 wrote

Read as many pages as you like! If a couple pages a day is a good goal for you stick with it! I've found trying to force myself to read more than what works for me because I see others reading way more takes the fun out of reading and makes it stressful. Some people love reading hundreds of pages a day, some a chapter and some a few pages a day and I know for myself that changes daily. 😊


t1_j9yokpd wrote

If it makes you happy to do it that way, there's nothing wrong with it. If you're content with how much you're reading, then keep it up as is. A reading habit is a reading habit, it's still a good thing.


t1_j9yqiun wrote

I find myself having thoughts about this about a number of different hobbies. I try to think of myself if I was living in the '70s or '80s. I wouldn't worry about how often I need to be doing something for it to "count". Because I wouldn't be inundated with other people seemingly doing it constantly everyday. I would just know how to enjoy things.

Obviously I'm over simplifying a different time period with rose colored glasses, but I do think there was a simplicity before social media made keeping up with the Joneses explode.


t1_j9yrh8u wrote

Adulting generally sucks, but one of the main things that doesn’t is that nobody’s asking for a book report later. Read what you like, in the manner and style that you like, or however you are best able to.

Personally, I usually have several books going at a time, and it’s rare that one captures my interest enough to read multiple chapters straight through. I also don’t have the leisure time I would if I were retired or wealthy, so I tend to read less than I wish I could, but I’d rather take a couple of months to get through a good book than just… not.


t1_j9yoqa3 wrote

There’s nothing bad about reading. Read as much as you can, or as little as you can.


t1_j9yp25y wrote

Don’t be hard on yourself OP. You don’t need to justify anything; as others in the comments have said, enjoy a few pages every day. I work long shifts and by the time I get home I’m totally spent and don’t have enough attention span left to read as much as I’d like, but I motivate myself by curling up with my record player on, my three cats cuddling me, and a big mug of tea. I only ever get a few pages in before I fall asleep, but progress is progress. Don’t let the booktubers/tiktokkers’ habits make you feel like you should be devouring a book in two days, remember that they have a steady schedule of content to make to keep interactivity and clicks from their fans high, so you just do you.


t1_j9ysmoq wrote

It's not a competition, you know? All these reading competitions and goals we see on the internet can be fun and help with motivation, but they can also create problems where there are none.

You do you.


t1_j9yqqwa wrote

Are you able to remember what you read at the beginning of the book by the time you get to the end? If so, seems fine.

If you forget everything by the time you finish, it might be worthwhile to carve out time to read a little more per day.


t1_j9ypa2i wrote

No one can tell you how to enjoy a book, and comparing how you read to others kind of defeats the purpose of reading.


t1_j9ypd75 wrote

Sounds like you are using your time wisely. I used to read a few pages before I fell asleep at night. Great way to get through a book you want to read.


t1_j9ypiot wrote

It's better to read 2 pages and enjoy them than 200 and feel like it's homework. Also, don't compare yourself to the people online who read a book day, they're at the extreme end of reading. Most of us read far less than that.


t1_j9yuy08 wrote

Why would reading a little everyday be a bad habit? In my opinion, it is a good habit to be consistently reading something everyday.


t1_ja09dks wrote

Reading shouldn't be an obligation. Its OK, just go with it! I read a book every day and I don't enjoy it that much (I have a Insta about books so I kind of need to).


t1_j9ypmvd wrote

Many famous writers finished their novels by consistently writing only a particular amount of words everyday (Graham Greene, off the top of my head). So, ig you could say that you're doing quite well


t1_j9ypqa1 wrote

If you're enjoying it, it's not a bad habit. Reading is not a competitive sport.


t1_j9ypx02 wrote

No I don’t think this is bad. Reading of any kind is a good habit. Even if it is only one page a day.

I’m regularly in the habit of reading when I only have a few minutes, which will lead to me only reading a page or 2 at a time.


t1_j9yq8hb wrote

Go at your pace. Read what you like. There are no rules.


t1_j9yr2cs wrote

I also only read 10 or 20 pages a day that's why it takes me a month or so to get through a book


t1_j9ys3vt wrote

the way i see it: you’re still reading!! that’s what matters. keep going!


t1_j9yt10z wrote

Any reading is good reading! You might want to join us on r/readathon. A user there is putting together a readathon where the goal is just 1 page a day (or whatever goal you want to set).


t1_j9yt1uv wrote

Hey, reading is reading. Some days i read 3 pages some days i read 20 read whatever you have time for


t1_j9yu8ya wrote

I’d prefer to read 5 pages every day than 35 pages once a week. Your reading habit will develop naturally. The important part is sticking to it.


t1_j9yujc5 wrote

I've been reading a little at a time for a decade. I read before bed, sometimes I fall asleep after 1 page, other times I get a couple of hours in. There's nothing wrong with that. Read however you are comfortable.


t1_j9yv14k wrote

Two pages are better than no pages. Honestly, the best way to get into reading is not to set any reading goals except that you'll go at your own pace. If two pages work for you, then fantastic! Enjoy yourself and don't mind other people's reading goals and other opinions.


t1_j9yvvwp wrote

Just read when you feel like it, no one's keeping check


t1_j9yx79x wrote

Reading is reading! Unless you're on a strict deadline, like an assignment for school, there shouldn't be any pressure at all to read more or read faster. Do what makes you happy!


t1_j9yxfts wrote

Not at all...Everybody reads at their own pace


t1_j9z114p wrote

Let's not think of our hobby as a job! It can feel weird especially when you see people reading at a greater speed than you but please do it according to what you find comfortable for you


t1_j9z24c3 wrote

In my opinion, it would take too long, and it would ruin the flow.


t1_j9z5zkt wrote

Read at your own pace and remember that it's for you to enjoy. We all have different tastes and processing speeds. Don't put pressure on yourself. A good book is a good book and you should enjoy it any way you want. Happy reading!


t1_j9z9uf8 wrote

I wouldn't say most people read a novel in a couple days. Maybe most people who spend time talking about reading online do. I'd say it's very common for readers to read what they can in a day. That's one of the perks of a book is you can pick up and leave off at a whim.


t1_j9za98s wrote

Do whatever feels right, suits you and your lifestyle...I personally have about a 100 unread books in my bookshelf, and read whenever I have the time and you, I like to focus on what I'm reading, so some days, I'll read 2 pages of each book (currently reading 3, technically 4) some days none, some days 10 or even a result though, it takes me a looooong time to read a book (usually 2 or 3 months)


t1_j9zas1q wrote

It's a good idea but you might find that you can't absorb the plot as easily, or forgetting key details. If you read slowly like this, you might want to also annotate / take notes on what's going on.


t1_j9zcjpd wrote

Not at all!!

First of all, doing something you enjoy in a way you enjoy it cannot be a bad habit!

And secondly, I think that’s a lovely commitment- it’s never a bad habit to read every day!

Hope you are having a great weekend ^_^


t1_j9zcxcw wrote

Being able to read at all is a good skill to have, and reading in and of itself is a good habit worth keeping. If only a few pages a day is what makes you happy, then more power to you. Enjoy.


t1_j9zd04i wrote

Read however you want. I mainly read at night before bed. Sometimes I read 80 pages sometimes I'm too tired to read more than 10. It's not a contest. Do what works for you.


t1_j9zdf1y wrote

Of course not! It’s a good habit to read the amount of pages you have time for and can concentrate on. You are doing the perfect amount for you. That’s an accomplishment, not a bad habit.


t1_j9zgy6u wrote

It’s your hobby; do as you wish. I personally would prefer to end at a chapter than mid chapter if possible, just to keep the storyline straight.


t1_j9zjlpj wrote

A bad habit compared to what? Snorting lines of coke? It literally doesn’t matter.


t1_j9zmzjp wrote

My reading experience improved dramatically when I stopped worrying about how much I was reading daily and how fast I was reading it.


t1_j9zn245 wrote

You set your own reading goals, no one can tell you how many pages to read or what to get out of reading except you. Unless you’re like in a class or something and have deadlines, go at your own pace!


t1_j9zosom wrote

why would it be bad to read?

just read


t1_j9zp3iu wrote

This is how I do a lot of my reading. Most days I only have time to read on my lunch break so I usually just read 20-30 pages a day


t1_j9ztfys wrote

I’ll read a few pages of a big book I’m reading every day. Small progress is still progress.


t1_j9zuaoq wrote

You’re reading for you, don’t overthink it, there is no competition. Enjoy the things you like❤️


t1_j9zwrd9 wrote

Read how you want to read. If someone tries to tell you how to read kick them in the appropriate genetaila.


t1_j9zxk1e wrote

You might like audio books! Makes tasks like folding laundry a lot less boring too


t1_ja0w2d9 wrote

Nope. I read The Fountainhead completely on the John reading about 7-10 pages a day. It took forever, but ya know...gotta read something trashy while pooping.


t1_ja15wkz wrote

You can literally read books any way you want to. The book police are not going to show up and arrest you.


t1_ja1jgop wrote

What I'm trying to do is read a chapter or two at a time. Some books make that easier than others; the book I'm reading right now has a ton of short chapters, but something like Ducks, Newburyport might be a little more of an ask.


t1_ja23gr0 wrote

I think it’s great that you made it a habit to try and get through your novel. I like to blast through my books rather than few pages at a time. I just want to finish it but it also means i have breaks between reading.


t1_ja2i6wk wrote

You read what you read. Don’t compare yourself to others. There are people out there with goals to read 52 books a year. I’m on track to finish maybe one book in the next two months. That’s just how life is.

I would recommend one thing - explore other types of books - audiobooks, graphic novels, poetry. You never know what might spark an interest.

Also, if you’re happy with the book you’re on, stay the course. If you’re not, drop it like it’s hot.


t1_ja2sfh6 wrote

at least you are reading, even if it’s a small amount


t1_jad6jwv wrote

The amount of validation seeking and insecurity in this sub is exhausting


t1_ja5cnd9 wrote

so proud of you for reading every day! don’t put these expectations on yourself of ‘i should do this’ or ‘i should be doing this’. you love reading novels! that’s amazing - enjoy your hobby and read as much as you WANT and not how much in comparison you should be! happy reading!


t1_jaejvbu wrote

There is no wrong way to read and enjoy a book. It sounds like you found something that works for you.