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shebeogden t1_j29mvbz wrote

I kept getting told that so I read 15 books of the series. It toned down in the way that felt like it was just to stop the whining. But it was still a bunch of women titting boobily into the room. Every female that entered the scene was evaluated by her sexuality and availability to Dresden. Every woman, even in the later novels, wanted to bone him. Nipples through every shirt. Hips suggesting things, even if the owner actively wanted to kill him. I gave up at the beginning of Peace Talks (#16). I really liked the stories but I just couldn’t anymore.


AENocturne t1_j29vitl wrote

Lmao titting boobily


fizzlefist t1_j29wygf wrote

So is it a booby trying to pass itself off as a tit? Or is it three tits in a trenchcoat trying to be a booby? >!Bird Humor!<


Waywoah t1_j2amldn wrote

I get that, I would never fault someone for not reading them due to that stuff as I’m not a fan of it either. I love the books, and I understand that he keeps at least some of it in to maintain the “noir vibe”, but I’m definitely in the camp of thinking they’d be better without them.


ArchmageXin t1_j2amw53 wrote

Dresden's character is a healthy adult male, nothing wrong noting the girl he is meeting is hot or whatever.

But he had relationships with 3 women throughout the series, and technically real relationship with only one of them. Compared to a lot of writers Dresden's life is pretty tame.
