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Tarcanus t1_j28mmw3 wrote

Yep, I agree.

It's always hard to have these conversations, though, because of his popularity. The fans will usually be upset at the criticism leveled at him and it's frustrating.

I think it's great his books are so fun and that so many people are reading, now, because of how accessible they are. I just don't think he belongs in the adult fantasy section and I've noticed WAY more fun, fluffy, fantasy in the adult section since Sando got popular that would be more appropriate in the YA section.


zedatkinszed t1_j28yo7h wrote

Yeah, I'm sad that we don't have the next GGK or Gaiman or LeGuin coming through. In fact I suspect it's because publishers _want _ the Sando type (volume over quality, YA over lit) that we aren't.