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t1_irijbrz wrote

"thxxthr" Did you dropsomething on your keyboard?


t1_irjnfbf wrote

It’s how you pronounce its name.... but be careful for if you say it right the being will be summoned.


t1_irir5to wrote

Is this AI art?


OP t1_irirggg wrote

I've made it using Blender and Affinity Photo. No AI involved


t1_irktpm0 wrote

Having seen skinwalkers, thats pretty intriguing.. needs flaming eyes tho : /


t1_irjpg3i wrote



OP t1_irjqhum wrote


t1_irjrd99 wrote



t1_irl592o wrote

you thought someone can just "quickly" model that? how out of touch are you with actual 3d workflows good lord


t1_irlbp3h wrote



t1_irlc1p6 wrote

so you're accusing this guy of ai generating the image, and being talented enough to actually make this in an hour or so, both at the same time?


t1_irlebdc wrote



t1_irlgai5 wrote

>Yes animators work super hard and you are fucking stupid so shut the fuck up you dont know shit about animating like I do because I stidied animation and i can tell you havent so stfu poser go back to your backyardigans or whatever the fuck you like you filthy swine

life's short, make sure to spend as much time as you can getting angry about random people on the internet


t1_irjri1x wrote



t1_irjth9l wrote

Ok jerk


t1_irjyje8 wrote

The jerks are people passing off AI art as their own. This appears to be his own art but the textures around the mouth do scream "AI generated" to anyone with an eye for it, of course one look at OP's post history would inform that he is indeed a 3d artist who makes really cool, kinda trippy faces using crazy texturing and affect combos.

I like the texture on the skin, OP. And the mouth is crazy. So crazy I almost thought it was AI generated at first. Good work! haha


t1_irkydph wrote

Personally I disagree, I don't think the mouth screams "ai generated" whatsoever. It's hard to put it to words but it's too 'uniform' and 'purposeful' somehow. It's way more reminiscent of 3d model glitches than AI art, at least in my eyes.


t1_irkhbo8 wrote

Learn what a fucking texture is jesus christ


t1_irjwxe7 wrote

Just take the downvotes with grace, you're doing God's work but you ruin it when you come back to complain about downvotes. You know you were asking the real questions who cares about some downvotes, it literally affects nothing.


t1_irj1aff wrote

This is terrifying, the textures around the mouth are super disturbing


t1_irivxbp wrote

Your creations gross me out and fascinate me like a I’m seeing some form of alien gore. I look forward to seeing this in a movie or space game you make in the future


t1_irismn5 wrote

Looks like late-stage Voldemort


t1_irksv5b wrote

Why does this sound like a disease now? 😂


t1_irilf0u wrote

Wow. Should be part of Resident Evil 9. please contact Capcom!


t1_iriu545 wrote

When you try to say something but your brain buffers half way through


t1_irj725d wrote

Is this inspired by bone cancer? That’s the vibe I’m getting.


t1_irksq7g wrote

What type of spell seals an incantations do I need to keep that thing AWAY FROM ME!?!


t1_irj3980 wrote

Reminds me of an ant head


t1_irjd77v wrote

Looks like the poor thing got punched in the jaw.


t1_irjf5uf wrote

I checked out some of your other art. Pretty awesome work. How do you come up with the names of each piece? Very unique. I dig it


OP t1_irjfwl2 wrote

Thank you!
I usually pick something related to the piece in English and then stylize it. I'm not that good at naming things haha


t1_irjjp5u wrote

My face struggles to pronounce some of the names but I really like it. My favourite piece is this one. The less human the more it hits that freaky nerve. Keep up the good work


t1_irjs1st wrote

this the mf i be seeing when close my eyes in the shower


t1_irjtcgp wrote

This is fascinating- what's that strange independent not-quite-backlighting? How'd you do that? (I am referring to in blender)


OP t1_irjw5pt wrote

The face lighting? I've just put an area lamp in his head haha


t1_irkfci2 wrote

Did he lose a fight with a porcupine? Oh wait... or did he win?


t1_irly9pr wrote

Artifacting* always hits on an uncanny feeling for me. No idea why. Fine job.


t1_irmb1h9 wrote

Well, this jump scared the shit out of me


t1_irivyef wrote

oh, hey! how ya been, frank? doing good?

huh? tea? oh, you want some tea? come on in! I've got several kinds!

nah, it's not a bother at all! the wife was about to make lunch, care to join us?


t1_irj45gm wrote

Power Rangers Dino Thunder is that you?


t1_irjkjxk wrote

It looks like a deformed Benedict Cumberbatch


t1_irlmb7f wrote

…. I saw Nigel Thornberry for a second there… welp I gotta sleep, because I am starting to see weird things.


t1_irmcboq wrote

wow, it's crazy how accurate to real-life this picture of Txxthr is. cool